LinkedIn iOS SDK is not working properly in iOS 8 - ios

I am implementing LinkedIn integration in my current iOS app and found that it suddenly stops working and found that SDK makes some changes. Please check this link:
What is the solution to this?


How to trigger native login behavior with react-native-fbsdk Facebook Login on iOS

Facebook has come down on our apps because we're (apparently) not implementing the iOS native Facebook Login. They cite policy 8.2 -
We use react native and Facebook's react-native-fbsdk for Facebook Login. Login works great on both iOS and Android. On Android, it actually appears to use the native component. But I cannot trigger the native component on iOS. I expect it to use web when the Facebook app is not installed, but with the Facebook app installed, I cannot get the native component to be used.
I've tried several approaches found on the web. This SO issue is the same I'm experiencing, but without resolution (iOS fails on 'native_only' and 'native', 'browser','system_account' and 'web' do not trigger the native component) - How do I set LoginBehaviour when using react-native-fbsdk LoginManager?
This is a great walkthrough, but again, doesn't solve the problem (in my attempts, at least) -
it is not supported in iOS newer version anymore..

iOS Crash on twitter Oauth

I am using social.js and alloy/social for Twitter Oauth login in Titanium Appcelerator.
The implementation was working fine but recently it has stopped working on iOS.
It's crashing while twitter authorising, whether running on simulator or device.
Can anyone able to tell me why its crashing and is there any solution available for this problem?

ios 9 facebook. Is this possible to continue to use 3.20 Facebook SDK, and continue to compile with iOS SDK 8?

Facebook features in our app stops work correctly on device running iOS 9.
We are using Facebook Unity SDK v6.2.2 (thus native Facebook SDK 3.20), and we compile with iOS SDK 8.
We already read Facebook's article about preparing for iOS 9.
But we do not understand some moments.
Ideally, we want to continue to use 6.2.2/3.20 Facebook SDK, and continue to compile with iOS SDK 8. Is tihs possible?
Are there any legal ways for our app to continue working with Facebook on iOS 9 WITHOUT upgrading to latest Facebook SDK?
it is possible. We did that, and all is ok for now.

iOS Google App Indexing not working

I am currently working on adding Google App Indexing to iOS app.
But it works only on one device - iPhone 4 (iOS 7).
On other devices [GSDDeepLink handleDeepLink:url] do nothing for the same url.
What can be wrong? And what is the difference between iOS 7 and iOS 8 for GSDDeepLink?
Please don't forget it's still "Limited Release", not everything is documented well probably. In "Introduction to App Indexing" page there is "Technical requirements" section, and they wrote :
Developed on apps with a minsdkVersion no higher than 17.
Available on searches using the Google app version 2.8+, and Chrome for Android 4.1+.
Available for signed-in users.
Developed using a base SDK of iOS8. // Answer of your question maybe?
Available on searches using the Google app version 5.3+, and Chrome for iOS.
Available for signed-in users.
That means won't work in iOS7.

Webview orientation/rotation issue with Facebook Unity SDK

The Facebook Unity SDK webview login is stuck in portrait mode, even though my game is in landscape.
All the code is in a native library and I don't have access to change it.
The issue seems to be fixed in the Facebook iOS SDK v3.18 but not yet in the Unity SDK v6.1 Beta
Any help would be greatly appreciated, or maybe a fix in the next version, if anyone at Facebook is reading this? Thank you
Also the Facebook App Login doesn't work on iOS and it always defaults to webview.
However it seems to be working perfectly on Android.
This issue has been fixed in 6.2 beta SDK
