YQL Returning Bad Results on Email Age Search - yql

For the last few weeks our team has been unable to return email age results from YQL.
I'm hoping someone here has a workaround or answer for us.
We've been using the following string:
select * from social.profile where guid in (select guid from yahoo.identity where yid='email#Yahoo.com')
Previously, it would return profile results including date of creation. Now the results for every email we attempt looks as if the email doesn't exist.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!


JQL to Identify Time Logged by Individual

Good morning! I've come across a few answers but maybe there's an update. Is there a way to query the time logged by a specific user in Jira? I've tried
worklogauthor() = {user}
but the resulting Time Spent field brings back all the time logged, not just the time logged by the specific user entered.
Any ideas? I know there are add-ons with this information but if there's a way to get the same information through JQL and a dashboard gadget, that would be the preference - thanks!
Please try following JQL
issuefunction in workLogged("by username")
It can be filtered additionally by adding after date:
issuefunction in workLogged("by username after 2021/12/01")
or even narrowing it to specific period (before date)
issuefunction in workLogged("by username after 2021/12/01 before 2022/01/01")

Extract gmail data (day of last contact) to google sheet

I m trying to collect on a google spreadsheet the dates of the latest activity related to one specific email adresse.
So ideally, I'd like to input a list of email adresses and get on the next column the date of the latest interaction (incoming or outcoming email)
I've been looking for an add-on, but no luck for now.
Anyone can help ?
Many thanks,
This can easily be achieved using Apps Script. In the Spreadsheet with your email addresses go to Tools->Script Editor and use the code below by running the script (Run->Run function -> myFunction).
This is the piece of code that performs what you were trying to achieve with comments explaining how it works:
function myFunction() {
// Get the value in the cell A1 (which will have the email to check the latest interaction)
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1').getRange('A1').getValue();
// Search the date of the last message of the search from the email in cell A1 and log it
var latestEmail = GmailApp.search('from:"'+ss+'"')[0].getLastMessageDate();
// Print the date on the cell to the right
I hope this has helped you. Let me know if you need anything else or if you did not understood something. :)

JQL : show last updated tickets but not by me

In JIRA I would like to show the last updated tickets (ORDER BY updated DESC) that were updated by someone that isn't me (filter).
Is there a way to do it?
Thanks in advance.
There no way to do this with JQL. Only update date is stored.
The closest you can get is using "was" which can be used with status changes or resolution, for example to query something like: status was closed by bob
If you use scriptrunner you also get a similar function for comments: issueFunction in commented("after -4w by jbloggs")
And for work logged: issueFunction in workLogged(on "2015/07/28" by admin)
But probably this would be the closest to what you are looking for:
lastUpdated (by / inRole / inGroup) Finds issues by the user who last
updated them. Example, find all issues that were last updated by
members of the Developers role:
issueFunction in lastUpdated('inRole Administrators')
Hope it helps you

OAuth Console Not Returning all fields for Honors and Awards

I'm new here, so please bear with me if I am posting to the wrong place.
When using the OAuth console, I am not able to retrieve all the fields under 'Honors & Awards' (URL: http://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~/honor-awards). It appears I am only able to retrieve the id, name and issuer attributes.
<honors-awards total="2">
<name>Test Honors</name>
<name>Test Honors2</name>
Also, under the profile fields documentations, certifications appears to have 6 attributes in total, but when returning the XML when using http://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~/certifications as the URL in the OAuth console, it only returns the following:
<certifications total="1">
<name>Test Certification</name>
Might there be something wrong that I am doing? Any comment would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I had the same problem. For some reason you have to specify fields for all the children of some collections. See examples of getting the syntax here:
How to Retrieve all possible information about a LinkedIn Account
If you use the JS API, it will be specified in the .fields such as:
.fields(["id", "firstName", "lastName", "certifications:(id,name,authority:(name),number,start-date,end-date)"])

not getting any address id from Quickbooks Online when I query customers

When I query for customers I get back a customer object with all the info. one of the properties is the Address. this contains the billing and shipping addresses for the customer. however, the id field for each address is always null. I am wondering how I push an update back to QBO without the id? how does QBO know which address I am changing without a key of some kind? my goal is to be able to query QBO and get all the customers and address that have changed since a specified date. I have all this working for the customer but need to do the same for addresses. I am going by the assumption that when an address is changed in QBO that is sets the modified timestamp for that customer record. can anyone tell me how I manage the addresses for a customer and be able to push updates back to QBO?
Try using tag(Billing/Shipping) attribute while updating the address. I've tested the same and it is working fine.
You mentioned earlier that you were getting the id field of address as null. It is becuase, the devkit works with both - QBO and QBD. QBD returns valid element id but QBO doesn't. So for QBO, Devkit shows null in place of element id(in your case - address's id).
You can test all these using api explorer(http://developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer).
Hope it will solve your porb.
'the id field for each address is always null' - this line is not very clear to me. Did you mean the id of the customer entity ? Plz explain.
You can check the QBO-Customer object's documentation and sample update request xml, from the following Link - https://ipp.developer.intuit.com/0010_Intuit_Partner_Platform/0050_Data_Services/0400_QuickBooks_Online/Customer .
For testing you can use the api-explorer. Link - developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer
