JQL to Identify Time Logged by Individual - jira

Good morning! I've come across a few answers but maybe there's an update. Is there a way to query the time logged by a specific user in Jira? I've tried
worklogauthor() = {user}
but the resulting Time Spent field brings back all the time logged, not just the time logged by the specific user entered.
Any ideas? I know there are add-ons with this information but if there's a way to get the same information through JQL and a dashboard gadget, that would be the preference - thanks!

Please try following JQL
issuefunction in workLogged("by username")
It can be filtered additionally by adding after date:
issuefunction in workLogged("by username after 2021/12/01")
or even narrowing it to specific period (before date)
issuefunction in workLogged("by username after 2021/12/01 before 2022/01/01")


Jira JQL operator and + and + and

please I want to create a filter of custom statuses, but somehow when I press search I will get no results. When I search only for one status all is fine, but I want to merge that somehow into one filter. Or is there any way to get a exact number of tasks in any kind of status, assigned to the user? Im using the pie chart and want to see the number of all tasks assigned for any guy in the team, no matter the status. And I want to have it in a gadget. Thanks
Code Im using is:
project = "XYZ" AND status = "To Do" AND status = "Awaiting Approval"
AND status = "In Progress"
Have you looked at the 'in' operator?
...AND status IN ('To Do','Awaiting Approval','In Progress')
A Jira ticket cannot have more than one status at the time. I would do something like this
project = "XYZ" AND status IN ("To Do", "Awaiting Approval", "In Progress")
The other answers are definitely the correct way to write the JQL you were aiming to write, however I believe there is a better solution to your actual aim.
From what I understand, you want to see any Jira issue which is not closed and is assigned to a particular user. In this case I think the best solution would not to find all issues in the specific "open" statuses, but instead to find all which are not closed.
The best way to do this is by filtering by the status-category, as this will ensure the JQL works for all workflows, regardless of what their done/closed statuses are called.
statuscategory != done AND assignee=<user>
Replace <user> with the user you want to filter for, or currentUser() to automatically get the user who is running the query.
Documentation (only mentioned briefly): https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/advanced-search-reference-jql-fields/#Advancedsearchingfieldsreference-ResolutionResolution

Is there any way to find the logged hours in particular day by you in JIRA?

Is there any way to check how many our you have logged today in JIRA?
I don't have admin or super user access in JIRA, I am a programmer and am assigned sprint tasks, so my permissions could be limited. I don't find any option to check how many total hours I logged today in different tasks.
One way I guess could be to go to the tasks and check the history, but that is useless because the main problem is that only that I want to know the tasks on which I logged hours.
Is there any way?
Assuming you have the most recent versions of Jira, the following should work for you...
Go on navbar -> Issues -> Search for Issue -> Advance Search
worklogDate = endOfDay() and worklogAuthor = currentUser
Specific date:
worklogDate = "2015/07/10" and worklogAuthor = currentUser
This would filter all issue to only issues that you logged your work on.
Also you may save the issue search for later reference.
Note: Valid formats include: 'YYYY/MM/DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD', or a period format e.g. '-5d', '4w 2d'.
Hope this helps
Please find the below navigation
Go in your project -> Left Menu select the Reports -> In All Reports -> Go into the Time Reports -> select the start date and end date
Now, you find out the logged by you.
Also, there is direct link but you need to change based on your jira domain and project
Please let me know if still anything else you need.

JQL : show last updated tickets but not by me

In JIRA I would like to show the last updated tickets (ORDER BY updated DESC) that were updated by someone that isn't me (filter).
Is there a way to do it?
Thanks in advance.
There no way to do this with JQL. Only update date is stored.
The closest you can get is using "was" which can be used with status changes or resolution, for example to query something like: status was closed by bob
If you use scriptrunner you also get a similar function for comments: issueFunction in commented("after -4w by jbloggs")
And for work logged: issueFunction in workLogged(on "2015/07/28" by admin)
But probably this would be the closest to what you are looking for:
lastUpdated (by / inRole / inGroup) Finds issues by the user who last
updated them. Example, find all issues that were last updated by
members of the Developers role:
issueFunction in lastUpdated('inRole Administrators')
Hope it helps you

JIRA jql to get all users who have touched a ticket

I had been trying to get the list of all issues who had been assigned to some one else at some time and changed at present
I had tried this piece of code
assignee was "UserA" and assignee != "UserA"
It would return all issues that this user had previously been assigned.But how can i get all issues from all users.Something similar to this
assignee was "AllUsers" and assignee != "AllUsers"
To get all the issues where the assignee has changed then you could do:
assignee changed
However I don't believe there is a way that you can do a JQL to search for all issues where a user was assigned to it but no longer is short of creating your on JIRA plugin that adds a JQL function.

How do I query Jira to search for all issues in a project for which no user has logged work in last week?

I need a way to get all the issues (which are not resolved or closed) of a particular project for which no user has logged work in last week.
For example, let's say I have a project = 'abc' with five issues 'i1', 'i2', 'i3', 'i4' and 'i5' and there are two users 'u1' and 'u2' who can log work in these issues.
Last week - 'u1' logged work in issues 'i2' and 'u2' logged work in issues 'i2' and 'i3'.
So the desired result is - 'i1' and 'i4'.
Something like
project = ABC and status not in (Resolved, Closed) and worklogDate > startOfDay(-7)
should work.
You can do this by installing the Script Runner plugin and using JQL to query for workLogged information:
project=ABC and status not in (Resolved, Closed) and issuefunction not in worklogged("after -7d")
If you need to do fancier queries based on the attributes of the users and so forth, see the commented() documentation for reference.
