Custom background image with CallKit, And Twillio programmable voice - ios

I am looking for a way of having a custom background for an incoming call using CallKit.
My app is a Voip app using Twillio.
If the user had already received a call from a Twilio in the past, he is able to save this number (From call history), and the next time the contact will call, a custom background image will be displayed.
But when saving the contact, the only information there is, is "social profile", no number.
What is actually been saved?
Is there a way of programmatically saving a contact from Twilio received with CallKit?

Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you receive calls from another App using the Twilio Programmable Voice SDK you won't receive a phone number along with the call.
When calls are made app to app, you only need the identity of the other user that you are calling. No phone numbers are required to make this call.
Then, the TVOCall attributes from and to will be set to client:FROM_IDENTITY and client:TO_IDENTITY (where the identities are those from the users of your app).
If a call did come from a phone to the app, then the phone number would be included as the from attribute and you'd be able to save the contact with a phone number.
I'm not sure how to turn the information you do get with an app to app call into a proper contact though. Sorry.


Spoof calling SDK for native iOS

Hello is there any API or SDK available for spoof call function in iOS ? As I need functionality where dialer add his own number and receiver number. The receiver will receive call from those number which added by the dialer (spoof number/ any number).
Please help if someone knows.
On iOS it's impossible to set the caller ID of a mobile call.
The only way to make a phone call from code is to open a tel://<number-you-want-to-call> URL. iOS will then take over and will open the native Phone app. Of course the SIM card's caller ID will be shown to the callee; there's no way to influence that (apart from hiding it, if your operator allows that).
If you wish to set another caller ID, you need to create a VoIP app and you need a VoIP backend that terminates the call on the telephone network.

Sending Group SMS iOS Swift - How to go beyond carrier's restriction of 9 - 20 messages per send attempt

I am designing an iOS app that receives multiple contact numbers from a server and sends messages to those numbers. I have made this service with an external API called Twilio, but Twilio costs(quite a lot actually if all my users are to send bulk messages). I want to make this App free for use and to make the user pay for the number of text messages they send, which will be charged by their carrier.
I found an app called 'Group SMS 4!' by Cedars and this app does exactly what I wanted. I'm sharing you the link for the app on the appstore
Group SMS 4!
I've used the app, and I know it doens't use an external SMS gateway but MFMessageComposeViewController. But I though sending programmatically through iPhone restricted the number of texts sent to be less than 9 ~ 20 (depending on the carrier).
So my conjecture on how this problem was solved was,
Divide the contacts in a group of 5~9 somehow and send them separately, and sequentially when send button is pressed
Was my guess correct? If not, What would be a way to achieve this? I just need the user to be able to send up to 100 people automatically and without hassle. Thank you in advance.

How to make Incoming SMS via Twilio Appear and Generate Notifications in Bitrix

Hi I've integrated Twilio with Bitrix and am able to send outgoing sms that do reach the receiving number, but the incoming reply texts do not appear on the contact profile or generate notifications. To summarize, I need help making incoming sms appear in contact profiles and generate notifications for all/most employees.
I heard one method was to use Bitrix24 webhook for authorization and API REST for data. If this method works then I need a step-by-step on how to do it.
I have limited coding experience.
I've tried generating a Bitrix webhook and setting that as the incoming URL for the text messages in Twilio but the replies still did not appear.

Using Twilio Chat on iOS, is it possible to send a small amount of custom non-message data between users?

We have an app built with Twilio Chat for iOS and everything is working very well. However, we now have a requirement to invite the other chat participant to join a video room, and we would like to send the invite signal through the Twilio Chat channel that is already established (similar in functionality to the Typing signal.)
I know Push Notifications are supported by Twilio Chat, but that seems like overkill for this use case, where a simple signal is all that's needed.
What is the easiest way to send a very small amount of non-message data between Twilio Chat channel participants?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you send a message with Twilio Chat you can also set an Attributes field which can contain JSON. You can then use this to signal that the message is not for printing on the page, but a service message or invite. You will then need to updated your UI to read the attributes of a message and decide whether to display it or use it to create the Video chat.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Twilio number to another twilio number call

I am developing contact center using twilio where my application get request from server to call contact center, so my application initiate a request to call contact center (Twilio enabled number) and contact center is twilio soft phone once the contact center accept a call my application initiate another request to call user so contact center person and user will be in conference. In my application From number is also a twilio enabled number. so my question is can I call one twilio enabled number to another twilio enabled number using java?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I'm not 100% clear on what you're trying to achieve, but it is certainly possible to connect two Twilio numbers in a call. Those numbers will need to either dial onto a Twilio soft phone or a phone number connected to a real phone in order to connect two people.
I'd recommend taking a look at this Java click to call tutorial which should give you an idea of how to connect to one number, then generate the call to another number and give you a start in this.
Let me know if this helps at all.
