Twilio number to another twilio number call - twilio

I am developing contact center using twilio where my application get request from server to call contact center, so my application initiate a request to call contact center (Twilio enabled number) and contact center is twilio soft phone once the contact center accept a call my application initiate another request to call user so contact center person and user will be in conference. In my application From number is also a twilio enabled number. so my question is can I call one twilio enabled number to another twilio enabled number using java?

Twilio developer evangelist here.
I'm not 100% clear on what you're trying to achieve, but it is certainly possible to connect two Twilio numbers in a call. Those numbers will need to either dial onto a Twilio soft phone or a phone number connected to a real phone in order to connect two people.
I'd recommend taking a look at this Java click to call tutorial which should give you an idea of how to connect to one number, then generate the call to another number and give you a start in this.
Let me know if this helps at all.


Show Caller id on calls from Mobile

How do I get my twilio Virtual landline number to show as caller id when I call my customer from my cellphone? Both my cell phone and twilio virtual landline numbers are "verified" with twilio.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
To make your Twilio number appear, you would need to generate the outbound call to the customer from Twilio. There are a couple of ways you can do this. The easiest is likely triggering a call to your phone first with the REST API then connecting you to the customer using <Dial> and setting the callerId to your Twilio number. If you wanted to do the entire thing starting from an outbound call on your phone, you could build an app that let you dial a Twilio number, then use <Gather> to take the number you want to dial, and then connect the call out to that number. And the hardest way is building yourself an application using the Twilio Voice SDK so you can open the app and dial your customer.

Can I configure a twilio long number to opt a number back in

If a customer sends STOP to my app's twilio number, twilio will block me sending to that number until the customer texts START. Is there any way around this so that if the customer gave me consent verbally, for example, I can turn the number back on? Or can I configure a long code so that I handle the consent in my app?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
There is no way around this other than having the customer send an SMS saying START, YES or UNSTOP to your number.
Note, when a user opts out of getting messages from one of your Twilio numbers, so you could contact them on a different Twilio number if you had different reason to believe that the user wanted to opt in again without sending one of the above messages.
Let me know if that helps at all.

get the closest local number programmatically using Twiml

I would like to use the right Twilio phone number I own to make outgoing calls, once I know the destination phone number I need to choose programmatically the local number which can make the call the cheapest possible.
Is there a way to achieve using Twiml and without storing the Twilio Phone numbers in a DB and do checking from my side.
Thanks in advance.
Twilio evangelist here.
You can use the REST API to ask Twilio to give you a list of all of the phone numbers you own, select the right phone number from that list, then generate the TwiML dynanmically.
Hope that helps.

Using Twilio with existing phone handset

I have a question and I need to know if this Twilio integration is possible.
My client needs to keep the same business phone number (as it is marketed and printed in all advertisement).
She has a landline phone handset which is connected to ATT&T with the business phone number, but we have a different number for tech support.
I want to be able to integrate Twilio so that it works like this:
1.Client calls studio phone number
2. Twilio receives the call and presents a (press 1 to speak with the front desk, press 2 to speak with tech support prompt)
3. They press 1 and the studio phone handset rings and the front desk rep is able to take the call.
3a. They press 2 and they are connected to our tech support number.
Please help. If you need any more clarification, please let me know. Thank you.
Twilio evangelist here.
It sounds like the best approach here is to port the business phone number into Twilio. This would let Twilio answer the incoming phone calls and execute your IVR for the callers, which solves steps 1 and 2 in your workflow.
For step 3, if you port the business phone number to Twilio then you'll need to find some other way to make the landline phone in the business ring since it won't have a phone number any more. There are a few ways to do this:
You could get a new phone number from AT&T that rings her landline.
You could go VoIP and build a Twilio Client application hosted either in web browser or a native iPhone or Android app.
With either of these options, from when the user selects option 1 in your IVR, you would just use the <Dial> verb to have Twilio make an outbound connection (either to the new landline number or to the Client instance name) and Twilio will bridge the incoming customers call with that outbound call.
Hope that helps.

Using Twilio as call center backend how to reduce double cost for calls

I am using Twilio in a custom made app using the "Click to Call" feature where the agent will click a button in the web browser and their phone will ring and once they pick up a client from the list X is then called.
My only concern is that although the app is working great and Twilio is working like a charm I noticed that I am been charged twice in my seudo call center. So, my question is:
What am I doing wrong? (or is this the way it works?)
Twilio evangelist here.
Can you give a bit more detail on what you are seeing?
The way Twilio charges is per call "leg", with different prices for "inbound" (eg someone calls your Twilio number") or "outbound" (eg you have Twilio call someone) legs. In your scenario it sounds like you have two outbound legs, one from Twilio to the agent and one from Twilio to the client.
Hope that helps.
