Xcode Archive upload failed with errors - ios

I am trying to upload a new build to iTunesConnect from xCode, but every time I encounter this issue:
What is the problem? and how can I fix this?

Recently I started facing issues during upload progress and Xcode used to get stuck a lot and would eventually fail with the second error which you are seeing. Having fed up for a while, I switched to use Application Loader in XCode.
Way to use would be, first archive your app, once that is finished, you can spot Export option on the right hand side panel just below Upload to App Store option. After you select Export You will see different options. Select Save for iOS App Deployment. This will create a .ipa file and save it in your desired location.
Now, go to XCode -> Developer Tools -> Application Loader -> Deliver Your App -> Select the .ipa file where you had saved before.
This method has been helping me a lot and failed not even once for quite sometime. Hope it helps you as well.

This happens due to Apple server is not working correctly for now, try to upload it later or 1 day after, it will be uploaded successfully, it happens due to Apple's app server internal problem.
Also you can try to upload it through App Loader. but if apple's server is in trouble then uploaded binary may not shown in iTunesconnect.

It would only work if I used Application Loader, like this:
First, export the application Archive from Xcode's Organizer window (it saves this into a directory on the Desktop).
Then, from Xcode:
Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader


-23690 code when trying to upload to Apple App Store?

Screencap of error window.
I'm trying to upload an archive to the app store in Xcode, and this is what's spit back at me. I'm not having any luck finding out what it's supposed to mean. Every other error I've encountered had at least some detail to go off of, but this time it just displays the error code number.
I believe I had a similar problem to this and solved it by uploading using the Application Loader opposed to the Organizer.
First export your archive.
Then open application loader in Xcode >
Open Developer Tools > Application Loader
Then click "Deliver Your App" and add your exported archive.
Have you tried -
Increasing the build number
Adding the relevant permissions to you Info.plist (camera permissions,
location etc)
Added the correct assets for app icons
Check your provisioning profile settings and make sure they are correct.
I've had more luck using Application Loader for submission so you might want to try that.
Hope this helps.

iOS - App not getting uploaded to Apple server

I have been trying to submit a Swift 3 app to Apple from Xcode 8.2 , App passes through all phases but gets stuck at authentication forever and then ends with an error. But then I export app for Appstore submission and then upload the same using Application Loader, tried with two different accounts but no avail. Have referred to this thread as well This action could not be completed. Try Again (-22421)
Most upvoted answer says apple servers may be misbehaving but I wonder how many days ? Is this something specific to Swift app ? I havent tried submitting any ObjC app recently so not sure, can anyone provide a solution ?
I stopped using Xcode uploader after 2 hours of failed uploading attempts. Then I took Application Loader instead and it told me the exact reason of fails. In my case it was too fat watch extension.
Hope this will help.
It's ongoing issue with Apple App uploader server, since couple of days, so you don't have a way, rather than waiting.
You can try following solutions:
Use Application Loader to upload your app, as Xcode organizer can't upload file (rejects IPA) sometimes, without genuine reason and it's frequently occurring issue, with Xcode Organizer, that apple could not resolve permanently.
Solution for error code: 22421
Apple app upload server is not working properly (not in
connection or lost connection during file upload). Just wait and try
again later (may be after a day).
Fluctuation in your network
connection, during file upload.
You may not have added privacy
statements in your info.plist file.
Cocoa Keys: Here, is list of keys that you should consider to add in your info.plist file, if you have used that service in your application.
Nowadays, you may also face, this error code: 90186 (with app loader)
Outdated application loader can be reason of this error. Use latest Xcode tool and use application loader from Xcode Tool.
Incorrect/invalid provisioning profile, associated with your build. Ensure, your have used correct provisioning profile (A provisioning
profile with Distribution/Production mode is require. A Development mode provisioning profile won't allow your to upload app on store.)
You can find latest Application Loader Tool from latest Xcode Tool: Xcode ▶ Open Developer Tool ▶ Application Loader

I keep getting the error "This action could not be completed. Try again. (-22421)" on upload

Like I said in the title, I keep getting the error "This Action Could Not Be Completed. Try Again. (-22421)" when trying to upload my app to iTunes connect. I did it a few weeks ago and it worked fine. Since then I only made a few small text changes, nothing major, and not it won't work.
I looked around and people were saying it could be an issue with Apples servers but its been 4 days now since I've been trying.
I've also noticed when I archive my app I get the error "section "__const_coal" is deprecated" in Xcode 8.2.1. This doesn't show up when I build or run on my phone, but only when I archive. I tried this on stack overflow and tried it but it didn't work and other than that I've found no solutions.
I really need to push this update but I'm completely lost on what to try next.
If anyone can help me fix this I will be forever grateful!
I had the same issue a couple of days ago.
You need to manually update the iTMSTransporter.
To do it just open a terminal and run the following code:
cd ~
mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/
"/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application Loader.app/Contents/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter"
It should show something like:
<main> INFO: Transporter is searching for updated software components.
It took about 10 minutes to finish in my case, but I was on a really slow connection.
Tell me if it worked for you too!
You can try following solutions:
Use Application Loader to upload your app, as Xcode organizer can't upload file (rejects IPA) sometimes, without genuine reason and it's frequently occurring issue, with Xcode Organizer, that apple could not resolve permanently.
Solution for error code: 22421
Apple app upload server is not working properly (not in
connection or lost connection during file upload). Just wait and try
again later (may be after a day).
Fluctuation in your network
connection, during file upload.
You may not have added privacy
statements in your info.plist file.
Cocoa Keys: Here, is list of keys (with privacy statements) that you should consider to add in your info.plist file, if you have used that service in your application.
Nowadays, you may also face, this error code: 90186 (with app loader)
Outdated application loader can be reason of this error. Use latest Xcode tool and use application loader from Xcode Tool.
Incorrect/invalid provisioning profile, associated with your build. Ensure, your have used correct provisioning profile (A provisioning
profile with Distribution/Production mode is require. A Development mode provisioning profile won't allow your to upload app on store.)
You can find latest Application Loader Tool from latest Xcode Tool: Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader

Cannot verify client 3000

I am using xcode 7.1 and trying to upload my app to the app store directly through xcode. While uploading I am getting a weird error:-
cannot verify client 3000
Note:- I recently made changes in the accounts (xcode preference section). Is this related to my error?
I also restart the xcode but issue still there?
I already checked this question on SO, but they say restart your xcode. But this does not solve my problem.
For my case,I got this error after selecting "Generic iOS Device" when archiving, however i plugged in my iPhone and selected it, then archived, I got no errors this time.(I also cleaned both Shift+cmd+k and Shift+alt+cmd+k before archiving)
I encountered the same issue the first time I tried to submit to app store with the target on my device.
What worked for me:
I retried a couple of minutes later without changing a thing and everything went smooth.
This is temporary apple server bug. Try it again OR Retry after some time it will fix the problem.
There is no need to reinstall Xcode. Just wait a few minutes and try again and it will work.
I tried :
waiting days,
deleting the developer account in
submitting archives from a connected device,
archives from a iOS generic device.
Nothing worked.
I needed to:
create an archive (it was from a connected device),
in the organiser window select the export button (on the right hand side underneath the "Upload to App Store" button.
Select that the export is for app store distribution.
Take a note of the location the .ipa file is saved to.
Go back to Xcode, then select the menu item Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader.
Select Deliver Your App, and select choose.
Navigate to your .ipa file noted above.
Select next, wait, next, check for any error message, send.
Hope this helps someone.
I got this error while uploading my distribution archive to App Store with selecting Distribution provisioning profile scheme -> Product -> Archive -> Upload to App Store. The error is based on I chose my real iphone device in Xcode by mistake. You need to choose "Generic iOS Device" and repeat same steps as I mentioned before.
You have to plug in your iPhone to your Mac and try to upload to AppStore again.
For some reason, validating the archive before uploading fixed the issue for me.
With Xcode 7.1, I could only make a successful build without bitcode. Try it out if everything else fails.
I resolved this by exporting ("export" in xcode archive organizer -> "to iOS App Store") and using the Application Loader instead of xcode to submit.
It is recurring. Seems to me like an internal error with apples identification service or so.
My definite solution:
Get yourself a cup of tea and try it again.
You can, of course, do some voodoo or change the target device or something, but re-trying after a while will do.
I have the same issue.
I did the below steps:
Step 1: Select Code Signing Identity for "Release"
Step 2 : Select Distribution profile
I tried to use Application Loader instead and it worked well. Maybe that helps
I've been having this problem since Xcode 7.1 (for more than a month). I did everything I could trying to solve this: restart Xcode, clean project, clean build folder, build with a device connected, reinstall Xcode multiple times, even formatting the whole disk and starting from scratch. None of this worked.
During this time my colleague was always able to upload the very same builds to App Store without any problem.
Curiously, what solved this problem for me was disconnecting my non-Apple wireless mouse.
I found this out when I tried to submit an app from my home computer and got the same error. I disconnected the mouse dongle, tried again and it went through.
I've verified this three times both on my home (MacBook Pro 2013) and work computer (Mac Mini 2014).
This leads me to believe that during the app submission process Apple may check if your environment is purely made by Apple or not, and may block your submission based on that. This would explain the "Cannot verify client" message.
This one worked for me:
Delete the Archive that failed during upload.
Clean the solution.
Rebuild the solution.
Archive the it.
Go to Xcode's Organizer, then Validate (this should be 'Successful').
Upload the build.

Cannot Verify Client error 3000 with API problems [duplicate]

I am using xcode 7.1 and trying to upload my app to the app store directly through xcode. While uploading I am getting a weird error:-
cannot verify client 3000
Note:- I recently made changes in the accounts (xcode preference section). Is this related to my error?
I also restart the xcode but issue still there?
I already checked this question on SO, but they say restart your xcode. But this does not solve my problem.
For my case,I got this error after selecting "Generic iOS Device" when archiving, however i plugged in my iPhone and selected it, then archived, I got no errors this time.(I also cleaned both Shift+cmd+k and Shift+alt+cmd+k before archiving)
I encountered the same issue the first time I tried to submit to app store with the target on my device.
What worked for me:
I retried a couple of minutes later without changing a thing and everything went smooth.
This is temporary apple server bug. Try it again OR Retry after some time it will fix the problem.
There is no need to reinstall Xcode. Just wait a few minutes and try again and it will work.
I tried :
waiting days,
deleting the developer account in
submitting archives from a connected device,
archives from a iOS generic device.
Nothing worked.
I needed to:
create an archive (it was from a connected device),
in the organiser window select the export button (on the right hand side underneath the "Upload to App Store" button.
Select that the export is for app store distribution.
Take a note of the location the .ipa file is saved to.
Go back to Xcode, then select the menu item Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader.
Select Deliver Your App, and select choose.
Navigate to your .ipa file noted above.
Select next, wait, next, check for any error message, send.
Hope this helps someone.
I got this error while uploading my distribution archive to App Store with selecting Distribution provisioning profile scheme -> Product -> Archive -> Upload to App Store. The error is based on I chose my real iphone device in Xcode by mistake. You need to choose "Generic iOS Device" and repeat same steps as I mentioned before.
You have to plug in your iPhone to your Mac and try to upload to AppStore again.
For some reason, validating the archive before uploading fixed the issue for me.
With Xcode 7.1, I could only make a successful build without bitcode. Try it out if everything else fails.
I resolved this by exporting ("export" in xcode archive organizer -> "to iOS App Store") and using the Application Loader instead of xcode to submit.
It is recurring. Seems to me like an internal error with apples identification service or so.
My definite solution:
Get yourself a cup of tea and try it again.
You can, of course, do some voodoo or change the target device or something, but re-trying after a while will do.
I have the same issue.
I did the below steps:
Step 1: Select Code Signing Identity for "Release"
Step 2 : Select Distribution profile
I tried to use Application Loader instead and it worked well. Maybe that helps
I've been having this problem since Xcode 7.1 (for more than a month). I did everything I could trying to solve this: restart Xcode, clean project, clean build folder, build with a device connected, reinstall Xcode multiple times, even formatting the whole disk and starting from scratch. None of this worked.
During this time my colleague was always able to upload the very same builds to App Store without any problem.
Curiously, what solved this problem for me was disconnecting my non-Apple wireless mouse.
I found this out when I tried to submit an app from my home computer and got the same error. I disconnected the mouse dongle, tried again and it went through.
I've verified this three times both on my home (MacBook Pro 2013) and work computer (Mac Mini 2014).
This leads me to believe that during the app submission process Apple may check if your environment is purely made by Apple or not, and may block your submission based on that. This would explain the "Cannot verify client" message.
This one worked for me:
Delete the Archive that failed during upload.
Clean the solution.
Rebuild the solution.
Archive the it.
Go to Xcode's Organizer, then Validate (this should be 'Successful').
Upload the build.
