libuv and intel-iot-devkit/mraa for Beaglebone Black IO control - beagleboneblack

Does someone use libuv and the the intel-iot-devkit/mraa together doing some not so fast IO work. I do need any framework in C for doing some measurement and control stuff on a BBB. Or is there any better library or framework someone can recommend.
many thanks

GitHub . com/intel-iot-devkit/upm
Try this page on GitHub...
P.S. They have plenty of examples and software to try out for different modules.

the library I found from a person on shows to be promising for C but not with upm as the basis for modules.
Try here with the C language in mind:
I think it only works with the BBB and related boards.


lua curses example using luaposix

As I understood curses are integrated into the luaposix project.
Since I am using a OpenWRT which is very limited linux environment,and it runs ash for shell, I would like to develop some curses text-based menus, or better to say a textbased user interface that runs on OpenWRT.
I have found that luaposix 35.1.1 is available as an opkg (already compiled) for the OpenWRT device.
The OpenWRT system does run LUA v5.1.5.
My questions is where can I found a curses example that utilizes luaposix for making a simple text based menu?
I have googled and found nothing to start with.
In order to learn and code the curses finding a relevant tutorial or a guide is really handy.
Please note I do not want to use other libraries, or solutions other than luaposix.
As I understood curses are integrated into the luaposix project.
lcurses is not integrated into luaposix anymore:
For a while, luaposix contained support for curses functionality too, but now it has its own lcurses repository again, where it is being maintained separately.
An example is given on the documentation site.

Is it possible to use coffee file system (as a library) in my project without the Contiki OS?

So, for an embedded project with external NOR flash and existing commercial RTOS.
Can I use the coffee filesystem in a form of a library, i.e. to compile it in? From what I've seen it seems possible, only the dependencies go quite deep in to Contiki. I'll surely dig in, but may be someone have done something of the kind already?
This does look very doable.
From a quick grep in core/cfs/ it looks like there are no Contiki-specific abstractions used in the implementation of CFS. And another very quick search on GitHub shows that swift-nav/piksi_firmware contains and uses CFS without Contiki.

Ean13, 5 - digit add-on, where can i find instruction how to generate addon?

I cannot find the information in the internet, how to draw 5 digit add-on.
I have already had ean 13 algorithm, but cannot find add-on?
Has anyone of you come across it somewhere?
There is a rather old barcode library from Andreas Schmidt called Barcode Component. It can be found at Torry's (direct download). It comes with source and can generate the 5-digit addon (and many more).
To actually make it compile you have to fix 2 Unicode-related issues, but then it works. The barcode type you have to look for in Barcode.pas is bcCodeUPC_Supp5 - that's the addon (or supplement).
So this is one source you can pull knowledge from. Kudos if you understand the source, though ;)

CMake module for gettext support?

Is there a good, open-source, documented CMake module for gettext support?
I mean:
Extracting messages from sources
Merging messages to existing translations
Compilation of mo-files
Installation of mo-files.
Because plain macros that CMake provides are quite... useless for real l10n support.
Edit: I created my own cmake rules for my own project but I don't think that
it is long term solution especially when you have multiple projects.
So it would be really helpful if someone directed me to such module.
I needed to write a gettext module for another project. So I made it user friendly and uploaded it to git hub.
Wesnoth has their own solution.
See the code:
And for reference:
I’m not too sure this is really ”good” solution, but it works.
So late 2011 I started work on a CMake module:
It fulfils everything you require.

How to print Smalltalk code from Pharo/Squeak?

What is the best way to print - syntax colored and well formatted - code from Pharo/Squeak on paper?
1) Is there a way to print directly from within Pharo/Squeak? (i use it on macosx)
2) Is there a way to export syntax colored, well formatted code from Pharo/Squak?
3) Are there external tools to color and format a filed out piece of code?
For the appendix in my master thesis I used the Pier CMS-to-LaTeX converter in the Pier-Documentation package. However, this plugin only takes class comments and method comments into consideration, it does not print the source code. Pier also provides a package ShoutPier for syntax highlighting of Smalltalk code, so I guess it would require little work to bring the two together. You can find the mentioned extension packages in
Pharo browsers seem to use syntax highlighting.
What difficulty are you having reading Smalltalk code using the browsers and senders/implementors ?
Edit: Would something that produces UML give the overview you're looking for? The Dandelion website only shows downloads for old Squeak versions - I don't know if they would work with Pharo.
And perhaps this GSoC project "Generate UML diagrams from Smalltalk code for Pharo" suggests not.
Here's how I did it on my Mac, I think this should work on other platforms too.
Save your categories to a Monticello local folder on your disk -- see the Pharo manual on how to do this:
Browse to this folder, and unzip the .mcz file
You'll see all your code in snapshot/ file
You'll need to edit this a bit, to remove the ! characters for e.g., there might be a tool to do this?
There is webdoc project, which allows you navigating code in web browser:
(and of course you can print code from your favorite web browser)..
1) Install shout from
2) I don't know. May be you can customize shout.
3) In gnu-smalltalk you have a smalltalk mode for emacs. But I am not pretty sure to understand what you are looking for.
