Adding marks to seek on Youtube scrubber/progress bar - youtube

How can i add marks on the scrubber to highlight like it does when a advertisement is gonna pop up(yellow mark).
Is it something we can create using youtube's API ?
Here is an example image. The red marks are what i want to add on the scrubber

This is not currently supported by the API. Ads appear randomly and there's no way you can add such markers in the existing Youtube bar.


Implement Alphabet bar for scroll support in Ionic

I have a long list of items organized in an ion-list . To support the user to scroll to a specific item I would like to add an alphabet bar (not sure what is is officially called) similar to what Apple's music app has for instance.
How can this be done? Does a native plugin for this exist already? Not sure what to search for here.

Swift : How to implement Recording Bar Timer

Im trying to implement a recording progress bar similar to Vine and instagram. You'll typically see them at the very top of the screen, and when the user holds down(long press) the bar increases width. Then when the user lets go, it stops.
They also apply a function where you can delete the last scene of the video recorded(not important). So when the delete last scene button is selected, the area of the bar that was last recorded lights up a different color and if selected again will delete.
So basically my question is does anyone know of any tutorials that could help me with this? Anything on Github? Ive been looking everywhere but can't find anything. I have a basic understanding of how I'll do this, but theres some holes, so I want to see how others have implemented this Recording Bar.

How to hide / remove youtube play button from youtube embed player

I am using YouTube embed player. I want to hide /remove YouTube's default play button so that I can show my own custom play button. Please help me with this.
At least when using the iFrame method (according to this docs entry), there is the controls option, which lets you choose whether to show player controls or not.
I am not sure if it works with HTML5, though.
#jlmcdonald: Please correct me if I'm wrong, but if it's officially supported and documented, why would it violate the terms of service?

Adding iOS Dictation (microphone) Button to Keyboard

I am currently making my UISearchBar first responder and the following keyboard is produced (sorry, my rep isn't high enough to post images):
I plan on using a third-party API to implement speech-to-text. In order to make the user experience as friendly and familiar as possible, I'd like to add the microphone/diction button on the keyboard just to the left of the space bar, and use some sort of delegate methods to watch for the pressing of the button to make the API calls.
Here's the keyboard I want:
How would I go about doing this, if it is even possible?

UIWebView showing Google Maps cuts off zooming controls

As you can see in the image below, there is a problem showing Google Maps in a UIWebView on iPhone having a tab bar and navigation bar.
I searched for parameter to hide the zoomcontrols and only found a javascript api. But I dont know how to use it. Any ideas?
First of all, your app will be rejected as the Google logo is hidden breaking the Google license agreement.
If that's a simple webView (not MKMapView), set it's frame not to be overlaid with a tab-bar.
Regarding the question you asked, the java-script is applied to the webView with stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString
