How to make LaunchScreen.storyboard keep portiait on ipad - ios

Set root VC and info.plist only support portrait work fine with iPhone, but iPad not. Please gave me the same information. Thank you very much.

Please use the below settings in you project.
Go to Project-> Select Target-> Select General Tab -> scroll to down to deployment info and use the settings as in below image -
You will always get a Portrait mode for both iPhone and iPad.


How can I force landscape for all views in Xcode

I tried to set the device orientation to landscape only (left & right) in the General tab of the target and also in the Info tab for iPad and iPhone, but portrait mode is still supported/enabled. Is this a Xcode bug or does anyone know why portrait mode is still supported even though I disabled it in both places? Preferably I would like to achieve it without setting it in code. I am using Xcode 13.
After playing around for a while I saw, that the portrait mode is still set in the Build Settings tab even though I disabled it in the General and Info tab. Just click on your Target -> Build Settings -> search for 'Orientation' and remove the portrait one if there is any.

How do you change orientation in iOS

I have made an iOS project but don't know how to lock the orientation. How do i do that?
EDIT: i tried adding it programmatically but didn't work
You can go to the project settings and below you have 4 options remove or add checkmarks to change orientations.
If you go to your Xcode project in the navigator (should be the very top file) then go to the General tab for your main target, there will be 4 check boxes under the title Device Orientation. Select those based on the orientations that you would like to allow

How to make an ipad app only portrait?

I am making an ipad app, and i set the the app to only portrait, but it still works in landscape? Why is this happening only on an ipad? How do i fix this?
Note: if the answer is in code, please write it in swift.
In xcode select your project. Go to Targets -> General, scroll down and you can select the Orientation as portrait only.
You can also make change to info.plist file to select proper orientations for Supported interface orientations (iPad)
In deployment Info section you can select your app orientation to support.

Xcode can't run iPad Storyboard

I have a Main_iPhone.storyboard which works great. Now I build a Main_iPad.storyboard. Now when I want to test the iPad App with the iPad Simulator. The Simulator Displays me the Main_iPhone.storyboard and not the iPad Storyboard. It's a Universal App but it does not work. The Main Interface for the iPad is the Main_iPad.storyboard. So I don't know where the mistake is :(
Anyone an idea?
i got it... my if/elseif doesn't work anymore so it picked always the Main_iPhone in the AppDelegate...
If you set up the app iPhone only when you created the project, and then added the storyboard for iPad, you need click on the root (blue icon) in the Project Navigator, then under General -> Deployment Info, make sure Devices is set to Universal. You will also see there 2 buttons iPhone and iPad. Select iPad and set main interface to Main_iPad. This should work.

Disable Orientation in iphone app. iOS 7 - Xcode 5

I created iphone and ipad app using Xcode 5, iOS 7.
My app contains UIViewControllers and UITableViewControllers. I want to stop landscape orientation in the whole app.
How could I do this?
Thanks in advance.
Check this image, it shows in the bottom where you can specify which interface orientation your target app will have. You just have to select Portrait and upside down.
Click on your projects name, under the "General" tab in the "Deployment Info" section, there's an option called "Device Orientation". Simply check portrait, and uncheck everything else.
