How do you change orientation in iOS - ios

I have made an iOS project but don't know how to lock the orientation. How do i do that?
EDIT: i tried adding it programmatically but didn't work

You can go to the project settings and below you have 4 options remove or add checkmarks to change orientations.

If you go to your Xcode project in the navigator (should be the very top file) then go to the General tab for your main target, there will be 4 check boxes under the title Device Orientation. Select those based on the orientations that you would like to allow


How to make LaunchScreen.storyboard keep portiait on ipad

Set root VC and info.plist only support portrait work fine with iPhone, but iPad not. Please gave me the same information. Thank you very much.
Please use the below settings in you project.
Go to Project-> Select Target-> Select General Tab -> scroll to down to deployment info and use the settings as in below image -
You will always get a Portrait mode for both iPhone and iPad.

Testing multitasking iOS 9 feature in simulator

I am using XCode 7 (Beta) to test multitasking, but I could not get a way to test with it.
I just want to make sure is there anyone like me, who facing the same issue.
You can test it.
Just run ios simulator iPad Air 2 (ios 9)( because only this device supports Split View) and swipe from right to left near of middle edge of the screen
To adopt Multi-Tasking in your app, just make sure all below points followed:
Require XCode 7 (Beta 4) and later for having look in to the simulator through choosing iPad Air 2 because only this device supports Split View.
Provide a LaunchScreen.storyboard file ( instead of a .png image file as we did in iOS 7 and earlier).
In your project’s Info.plist file, in the “Supported interface orientations (iPad)” array, declare support for all four device orientations.
If you must opt out of Slide Over and Split View, do so explicitly by adding the UIRequiresFullScreen key to your Xcode project’s Info.plist file and apply the Boolean value YES. You can do this in the property list editor or in the General > Deployment Info area in the target editor.
Select storyboard, click the File Inspector icon in the right side bar. check the box next to Use Size Classes.
Reference Link
To adopt Multi-Tasking in your app. apply the following points:
Support all orientation from the target's General section in settings.
In the General section too. remove the check next to Requires full screen if any.
Select storyboard, click the File Inspector icon in the right side bar. check the box next to Use Size Classes. Check out tutorials how to use size class to adjust your views according to the screen size assigned to your app.
Then, run the simulator. Do a small drag from the right. An arrow will
appear. do a strong drag from it towards the centre.

How to make an ipad app only portrait?

I am making an ipad app, and i set the the app to only portrait, but it still works in landscape? Why is this happening only on an ipad? How do i fix this?
Note: if the answer is in code, please write it in swift.
In xcode select your project. Go to Targets -> General, scroll down and you can select the Orientation as portrait only.
You can also make change to info.plist file to select proper orientations for Supported interface orientations (iPad)
In deployment Info section you can select your app orientation to support.

Where to change orientation restrcitions in Interface Builder

For an iOS 7 app, I have a storyboard with a simple UINavigateController and a ViewController. I remember having limited the navigation and/or view controller to Landscape, and now I can't find anymore where I had changed this. I am not talking about the appearance of the controller on the Interface Builder screen, but the supported orientations. I tried to override it in the code, but it doesn't help.
Any clue where to find this again ? Thanks.
If you want to restrict the orientation on iPhone you can easily click the project on the navigator and when you click, go on the general page. Below you can uncheck the orientations you don't want.
Just keep in mind, you cant lock orientations for an iPad app. An iPad app should support all the orientations. (based on the apple Human Interface Guidelines)
To change/restrict the types of orientations of your app from your Interface Builder, Try these steps.
Open up your project navigator and click on your project.
You will see a screen like this.
Under the general tab, See the Deployment Info Options. There you check/uncheck the types of orientations you want to keep or not.
Hope this helps.

Disable Orientation in iphone app. iOS 7 - Xcode 5

I created iphone and ipad app using Xcode 5, iOS 7.
My app contains UIViewControllers and UITableViewControllers. I want to stop landscape orientation in the whole app.
How could I do this?
Thanks in advance.
Check this image, it shows in the bottom where you can specify which interface orientation your target app will have. You just have to select Portrait and upside down.
Click on your projects name, under the "General" tab in the "Deployment Info" section, there's an option called "Device Orientation". Simply check portrait, and uncheck everything else.
