HOW to Play HLS with HTML5 - ios

So i'm trying to play HLS streams on HTML5 without using Flash. We've tried many video players but they all relay on a flash player. My question, is it possible to play HLS streams (any) on HTML5 without using Flash?
(I know of the but it doesn't work on mobile and is pretty laggy.)

m3u8 file is for live streaming. so please play your url in AVPlayer


Extract CMSampleBuffer from HLS video stream on iOS

How can I save what AVPlayer is currently playing (both video and audio) from Live HLS stream?
I know how to load and play m3u8 video file using AVPlayer.
Please note that the HLS stream is live and not Video on demand so cannot use AVAggregateAssetDownloadTask In the perfect scenario will get CMSampleBuffer objects which can save to file easily. Also AVPlayerItemOutput is not entirely an option because I am unable to see how will get the audio channel.
Seems not possible with the current SDK. I've implemented it using ffmpeg

How to play a non-rtmp stream

I have an issue to stream a video conference for many mobile device(Andriod, iPhone etc) and I have troubles with streaming.
RTMP stream uses a flash and didn't work with this devices.
What stream can I use? and how can I convert rtmp to this supported stream?
For mobile devices you would need to convert your video to HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). If it's truly a live stream, you could use something Zencoder live streaming to convert it. If the RTMP stream is just reading from an MP4, you could use Handbrake or Zencoder to transmux it to HLS.

How to play just the audio of YouTube Video?

In my app I have played a youtube video by embedding it, but how can i only play the audio of the video? I tried using AVAudioPlayer and use the videos url as the file path but it didnt work, any help?
No it is not possible, only one workaround is just to use a hidden UIWebView and play in that.
Youtube forbids playing audio only! here is the message from youtube
Your API Client will not, and You will not encourage or create functionality for Your users or other third parties to: "separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content made available through the YouTube API"
-Kuan Yong, YouTube API Team

Is there a way MPMovieplayerViewController can detect if video is a stream?

I'm making an iOS video player application that gets a whole bunch of URLs of videos from a web service and plays them in an MPMoviePlayerViewController.
Most of the videos are just .mp4 or .mov files, but some of them are live HTTP streams. The only thing I have is a URL and those don't indicate whether it's a file or stream.
Since I'm using MPMovieControlStyleNone and my own video controls, I need to be able to detect whether or not a video is a file or a live stream in order to change my controls.
Is there any way I can detect that?
Use an HTTP HEAD request. If the Content-Type is application/, then it's an http live streaming stream.

RTMP video streaming for ios like (wowza media server)

I am working on video playing application which is support to play an video. I am implementing RTMP video streaming for iOS (i.e wowza media server). So please help me how to use this RTMP streaming for playing the video in ios6.
