RTMP video streaming for ios like (wowza media server) - ios

I am working on video playing application which is support to play an video. I am implementing RTMP video streaming for iOS (i.e wowza media server). So please help me how to use this RTMP streaming for playing the video in ios6.


Processing audio channels of streaming video into mono channel (karaoke version) in swift IOS

I am working on an IOS application which can provide karaoke version from video streaming. I used avplayer for streaming videos and I have trouble finding out the way to process audio from studio channels to mono channel. I found MTAudioProcessingTap which can mute channel separately but I saw something about we should not use for realtime audio. Is there any way to process audio data from streaming video to karaoke version in swift?

How to stream video from my App Camera to RTMP server directly?

I want to stream video from iOS Camera to RTMP server directly
For Example: I want to stream live video to facebook from my application camera
I have stream url but how to use it???
Third Party library links are welcome
I want to use it for Facebook live API and youtube live API

Apple HLSCatelog could not download (Offline) live video - Swift

I am trying to save(offline download) the streaming video to device.
For streaming using Wowza Streaming engine I could stream and download offline a vod (video on demand mp4 using m3u8 url).
But, I failed to save the live streaming. I am able to stream the live video but, download not happening.
Here the app code Apple HLS Catalog App could not download live video.
Any help, highly appreciated.

HOW to Play HLS with HTML5

So i'm trying to play HLS streams on HTML5 without using Flash. We've tried many video players but they all relay on a flash player. My question, is it possible to play HLS streams (any) on HTML5 without using Flash?
(I know of the https://github.com/RReverser/mpegts but it doesn't work on mobile and is pretty laggy.)
m3u8 file is for live streaming. so please play your url in AVPlayer

How to play a non-rtmp stream

I have an issue to stream a video conference for many mobile device(Andriod, iPhone etc) and I have troubles with streaming.
RTMP stream uses a flash and didn't work with this devices.
What stream can I use? and how can I convert rtmp to this supported stream?
For mobile devices you would need to convert your video to HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). If it's truly a live stream, you could use something Zencoder live streaming to convert it. If the RTMP stream is just reading from an MP4, you could use Handbrake or Zencoder to transmux it to HLS.
