Is it possible to trim existing videos on my YouTube channel and save them as new videos? I've googled the question and found questions without the correct answers, example here: Trim video using YouTube Data API
Whether it possible to create podcast RSS from YouTube channel?
Does YouTube have some API for this?
Also whether it possible to get audio from specific YouTube video?
I dont believe so, but Google does have documentation for the Youtube API.
I did not find much in the docs about just interacting with the audio, but here's the docs commmon use cases:
I would like to extract playlist data from Youtube Music, as well as metadata related to the songs in the said playlist. Is this possible with the Youtube Data V3 API, or YouTube Analytics API?
If so, where can I find documentation about calls and available metadata; I am not finding what I need on the YouTube Data API page. I am currently referencing PlaylistItems and Playlists in the reference Docs, but it seems that is geared to videos. Is that by design because you can toggle between video and audio in YT Music?
If possible is there an official Rust Crate?
Thank you in advance for the help.
Indeed, this feature is missing from YouTube Data API and quite a few other API users expressed the same need as yours.
The official Google staff account says the following:
This type of information is not available in the API. We have already raised a feature request for this but I can't guarantee that this feature will be implemented.
That is it: they may well implement this feature at some point, but, unfortunately, cannot tell when that'll happen.
I have a question related to capturing VEVO videos on artist channels.
When I make a request to the API via the playlist, these VEVO videos don't appear in the channel's video list
Another playlist id where this occurs {UC4WvVh0AwJ6K9w1JLepce7A}
I tried to use videoSyndicated and videoEmbeddable a few times, but none of them proved effective in the case.
Can you help with any suggestions to work around this problem?
Thankful (:
this is my question a few days ago.
I searched for one week of sample iPhone application that achieved that goal. DragonTape
DragonTape can stream some partial youtube video stream with like below URL..
but i cannot find any youtube DATA API for creating above URL. that is just generated by JavaScript/iFrame/Flash Youtube Player API. but cannot by youtube data API.
i think that is hacked a little.
best regards.
Please see my answer on How to do post-processing on YouTube videos for simple video effects?
This kind of URL is violating Youtube TOS and gets blocked.
I'm looking to get the title and duration of a YouTube video and display it within my app. I want to do this dynamically since there will be several videos and they will change. I've looked for a URL that provides this information, but I've had no luck. Does anyone know a way to do this?
You need to use the Youtube API, details on how to do this for a single video are here:
Here's the URL to get the API data for Friday: