How to Get SMS log from Twilio Webhook -

I am making an app in MVC to send/receive SMS using Twilio API. I am done with sending SMS functionality but I am confused to get(Inbound) SMS log sent to Twilio number from user.
There are few article but not enough for me. Please help me.

Twilio developer evangelist here.
I recommend this guide that was built by the Twilio documentation team on How to Receive and Reply to SMS Messages in C#. It will explain what a webhook is, how to use TwiML and how to use that knowledge together in ASP.NET MVC to receive and respond to SMS messages.


How can I reply to a specific message with Twillio API?

I am developing an integration service with twillio api and i need to have the lability to replay to a specific message, same as sliding the message to the left on the app.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
As far as I can see, the WhatsApp messaging API does not support responding to a particular message. You can check their messaging API reference here. Consequently, the Twilio API for WhatsApp also does not support replying to a specific message.

Integrating FlowXO with twilio

How can one create a bot in Flow.xo that listens to twilio messages? In other words can I write a bot in FlowXO to send and receive SMS messages from my twilio account?
Flow.XO allows one to send SMS messages via their twilio integration function, but it only has two functions:
1> Twilio calls
2> Twilio SMS messages
Both these are outward bound, and we can only send messages (calls, or SMS) via twilio from Flow.xo. Can I receive messages in FlowspellingXO from Twilio too? How is this accomplished?
Thanks in anticipation.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I haven't used Flow.XO before, but a quick look through the documentation suggests that this is the guide for you:
Going through that process will create a URL that you will apply to your Twilio number or messaging service. That URL is the webhook URL that Twilio will use to send details about incoming messages so that your bot can respond to replies from your user.
Let me know if that helps!

When connecting Twillio to my Bot, the Twilio device gets 404 when trying to post received sms

I connected Twilio connector to my registered Bot.
Whenever I send a sms to my Twilio number, I can see in the logs that Twilio service gets 404 when trying to post a message to
The bot itself works well. I can test it with the webchat iframe or through the test console. But it seems that the Twilio integration to the bot framework is broken
Twilio developer evangelist here. I've just been through the process and was able to get my messages sent to & from my bot.
The fact that your unable to do that suggests you missed a step in the configuration, so I will try and describe what I did here to see if it helps you out.
Created a TwiML application here and set its messaging url to
Purchased a phone number and changed the messaging section to use my TwiML app.
Added my twilio credentials and twilio phone number to the SMS config section as follows:
One thing I noticed is that when Twilio makes a request to this URL to send an SMS, the url returns a 502.
But according to a Microsoft employee this is "harmless".
Let me know if this helps you at all, or if you still need any help.

when I receive an SMS from the user, send automated sms

In twilio, I want to send automated sms like “Thanks for contacting us, we will reply to you shortly” to the user when I receive an SMS from the user.
Please let me know how I can do this.
I'm a developer evangelist for Twilio.
Have you checked out the documentation on There is a good tutorial on starting with messaging in the quickstart section on sending and receiving messages with Twilio. There are instructions in PHP, Python, Ruby, Java and C# that should be able to get you going.
Let me know if this helps.

send SMS with rails from Uganda

I have a ruby on rails app that I would like to send and receive SMS from.
It looks like Twilio's service has some support
However I cannot verify my Ugandan phone number.
Any ideas on how to programatically send SMS using Twilio in Uganda?
Twilio Developer Evangelist here,
If I understand correctly, your main issue is verifying your number? Contact and they should be able to help you out with that.
I think all you need is in their blog post about setting up Twilio for Rails. And for the verification of your phone number, you should ask their support.
