Heat map with Google map iOS SDK - ios

I want to add my project Heat map using GoogleMap on iOS. I found the heat map not supports google map for iOS. And i also found one demo but is in Apple(native) map.
So any one know how to add heat map using google map. Please help me.


How to find two anchor points in iOS8 for indoor map?

Hello every one i am trying to implement IOS8 new function indoor map from this link : Introduction
but unable to find right way to implement correct anchor points on map.
Is there any other steps which we have to follow for integration in the demo code or maybe someone know how to integrate indoor map function.

Skobbler add custom POIs to heatmap

I'm looking for a way to add POIs to SKMapView heat map which are generated from my app. In the example provided with SDK there's only a way to show categories from internal data source.
I looked at category from SKMaps SDK and there're only two methods:
#interface SKMapView (HeatMaps)
- (void)showHeatMapWithPOIType:(NSArray *)poiTypes;
- (void)clearHeatMap;
Also I have another question: how to set minimal and maximal zoom level for heat maps?
As an alternative I'm looking for a way to add custom overlay like in Apple Maps:
[self.mapView addOverlay:self.heatMap];
Currently heat maps work only with OSM POI types - generating heat maps from a custom POI data set is on the roadmap in the second part of 2015

Cluster markers on Google Maps for iOS

I'm trying to implement some method to create clusters of points in a map. Does any one have some working solution for this?

Does Google Maps SDK for iOS display 3D maps?

I have integrated Google Maps SDK to an iOS application and I would like to display 3D Satellite maps. According to the documentation this should work just directly. I can tilt the view, but the displayed map remains flat (i.e. mountains do not show up in 3D as they do in Google Earth).
I have been searching extensively for this, but found no reference or mentioning whether it actually works or does not. Does anybody know whether the 3D maps (google SDK) do work on iOS and I am just hitting some limitation/wrong switch or whether they do not work?
As of SDK v1.8, tilted layers do appear to have some 3D elevation effects, but it's more subtle than Google Earth typically is.

Google Maps SDK for iOS camera boundaries

Is there a way to set boundaries on the camera, so the zoom is automatically set like in the Android API?
There is a similar question here:
How to setRegion with google maps sdk for iOS?
There is also a feature request to add this to the SDK here:
