Cluster markers on Google Maps for iOS - ios

I'm trying to implement some method to create clusters of points in a map. Does any one have some working solution for this?


How do you cluster annotations with v10 of the MapBox iOS SDK?

How is clustering done with v10 of the Mapbox iOS SDK? And can I use ViewAnnotations to show custom views for clusters?
In short, I am trying to cluster annotations on a Mapbox MapView, and show a custom UIView at each cluster. Something like the example shown here in the Mapbox documentation for v6.x.
After looking through the iOS SDK guides and the documentation, it's unclear how to do this. There's even a section called "Migrate to v10", which seems to cover all the differences between v6.x and v10, except for how to cluster data. Before v10 of Mapbox (with v6.x), it seems you would use MGLPointFeatureCluster, but I can't find anything covering clustering with v10.
Thanks in advance!
Apparently, this feature is now built-in. I added a variety of annotations in different locations and it automatically grouped them into clusters when zooming in/out. No custom code is needed :)

Heat map with Google map iOS SDK

I want to add my project Heat map using GoogleMap on iOS. I found the heat map not supports google map for iOS. And i also found one demo but is in Apple(native) map.
So any one know how to add heat map using google map. Please help me.

iOS Google Maps: Draw images along a polyline?

Using the Google Maps SDK for iOS (latest version), I'm trying to figure out some way to display images along a polyline on the map. I don't want the images to zoom in/out with the map, but I do want them to rotate with it -- the images are of various types of arrows, which need to be pointing in the direction of the route.
Is this something anyone knows how to do fairly straightforwardly?

How to find two anchor points in iOS8 for indoor map?

Hello every one i am trying to implement IOS8 new function indoor map from this link : Introduction
but unable to find right way to implement correct anchor points on map.
Is there any other steps which we have to follow for integration in the demo code or maybe someone know how to integrate indoor map function.

Custom Directions with Mapkit

I was wondering if it is possible to create custom directions with mapkit. For example I want to create a map for my university which has roads but also has walking paths that apple doesn't have in there maps is it possible for me to create custom directions using mapkit? I know that I can do a tileoverlay so that it shows the walking path but is it possible for me to use the paths I create for directions?
No, this functionality isn't available in MapKit. You might look into a platform like Mapbox for being able to combine custom data in the map with custom data in the routing so that the two are 1) separate from the data that MapKit makes available) and 2) able to use custom data.
