Bootstrap 3 long modal open fix postion -

I am working on mvc 5 application in that I am using bootstrap modal(pop-up) when click on popup its open at proper position showing image below first time opening of modal
but when I click cancel button on popup it close and while re opening it change its position It causes scroll top of main screen how to avoid this showing in second image. .Second time opening at wrong position
Can anybody please provide me some inputs on this? it will be greatly appreciable.
thanks in advance

$('#YourModal').on('', function () {
Make scrollTop(0) it will work fine


Script to Prevent Google Slides from Opening New Tab When Touched vs. Clicked

I created a digital Pop It in Google Slides with about 120 slides, which is Published to the Web from the File menu. Each slide has a transparent image overlaying it that is linked to Next Slide. When the user clicks with their mouse on the transparent image, it proceeds to the next slide, and works as it is expected to.
However, when the user has a touch screen, and then presses on the screen to advance it to the next slide, it opens up a new tab and stays on the same slide, and does not advance to the next slide.
Does anyone know of a script that can turn this off so that if a user is pressing on the screen to advance the slide, it will actually work? Or is this a bug?
Thanks for your help!
FYI: the slide may take a little while to load.
You can view the slide here.
I tested it out and apparently it might be a bug. I removed the transparent image with the link to the next slide and the issue is the same.
I recommend you to report it on:
And describe the issue.
As a workaround, if you open the Google Slides app, it works as intended.

react native pager view : Seeing a blank screen when I use setPageWithoutAnimation to last page

I am using version 5.1.11 on iOS. I am trying to jump to the last page using ref.current.setPageWithoutAnimation(lastPageIndex)
However, I see a blank screen and if I move my finger a little bit (left-right) on the screen it then shows me the UI. The UI is right there but it's out of focus.
This happens sometimes and sometimes it works correctly.
Can anyone guide me if I am missing something here?
Thank you.

Jquery Mobile div Data role Panel not getting displayed propely
When you run this fiddle
Click on the square box on the right side of the locations (A Panel is getting displayed and its working fine)
The issue is that .
When you click on the Delivery and click on the square box on the right side of the locations (The Panel gets displayed but its not working properly (not getting closed and not aligned properly))
Could you please let me know how to fix this ??
To solve the i tried calling the same above panel that is rightpanel when clicked on the Locations square box on the right side , but this did not solve the issue .
$(document).on('click', 'a[href=#rightpanel_2]', function(event) {
could you please let me kno how to resolve the issue ??
Thanks in advance

Button Highlighting and Scroll Issue in Phonegap

I am New to Phonegap Development, I am Using jQuery mobile to create my UI. I have two Issues here,
Response of button for touch event is very slow. Why..?
I have Created a form with some elements like 2 Inputs text type, 2 Button one after another.
M problem is when I click on input, the keyboard popup makes the page move up, that's OK but when I press the keyboard resign button, the page stay little up.
Can you please help me out..!
and how to Optimize the responsiveness of JQuery mobile UI. I have completely avoided the images.
First, you can follow this link to remove the delay (300ms) from the click event.
And for the second one, i hope you are facing this issue for android. if so, then you need some changes to be done on the AndroidManifest.xml
Use below android property in application tag,
Will look something like
<application android:icon="#drawable/icon" android:label="#string/app_name"
This should resolve your issue.

jQuery Mobile popup that doesn't move when scrolling the page

I am using jQuery Mobile 1.3.0 RC1. I have a popup that I create programmatically at the bottom of my page and close after a few seconds using setTimeout (toast notification). It works very well, however if I happen to scroll the page while the popup is displayed, the popup gets scrolled too. I would like the popup not to move, i.e. stay in its position relative to the screen, not relative to the page. Is there a way to do that ?
I have tried playing with the data-position-to attribute in the HTML element, with the positionTo option of the "open" method, and tried placing the popup element inside a fixed transparent footer, none of these resulted in the desired behavior.
I had a similar problem last week. Finally solved it using modal dialog instead of popups.
For popups, I could find following.
popupbeforeposition: function () {
Which helped me in prevention of closing the dialog while user touched outside of popup. But scrolling issue was still there. So I changed all popups to modal dialogs. Hope it helps someone.
