please i have an question about update the app in app store and i need help from you ,
it's possible to submit update app to the app store without creating new version ?
for example sometimes i need to update the some links for some site it's not good every week i send the update to the user and every week the version is increasing ,it's good to create the new version if i make some changes on my app .
but if i need to change some links it's good to update the app to the app store without creating new version , is any way can i do this?
thanks advance
That's why you almost always see 3-part version numbers, such as 2.4.32
MajorVersionChange . MinorVersionChange . Update
So, no, you cannot submit an update without a version change, but you can just change that last piece.
As a side note, for what you're describing, it's common to build in "on-the-fly" data updating... For example, each time the user starts your app, have your app check a remote server for "new links." When there are new links, save them to local storage and use them until there are newer ones on the remote server.
I am creating a weather app and want to give local warnings to people through an app. I want to be able to give up to date warnings, but I am wondering: does updating information in Xcode get automatically pushed to the devices or will it need an update every time I put new information in?
If I understand your question correctly - you have an app, which warns people about some unexpected weather conditions?
You basically have two options:
Do a code push to your app every time you do a change. This is not supported by default in Swift and Xcode, and can only be done via some third-party integration or framework (e.g. React Native), and is generally a hard thing to implement.
Setup a back-end server and link it with your app, so the new information is downloaded from this back-end server dynamically.
The only suitable and easy thing to do for your use case seems to be option 2.
i have an ionic android mobile app which connects to a ruby on rails api server
and this app uses postgresql as database server.
whenever i create a new feature i deploy both, the api and the new app to the app store and bump the respective versions of api and the app, which have their own version numbering sequence.
The api is deployed to the server but app's on users devices are not frequently updated so below 2 cases arise for me
Case 1 : New columns additions
Issue happens for a release when for e.g i have few new columns added to certain tables in db to capture additional info for which respective text fields have also been added to the app's UI.
Here users of the newer version of app will work as expected (send those 2 info to columns) but the older versions will not be sending those 2 field values
Case 2: Columns deleted
for instance i am re-architecting the app in a major way and have to normalized the database as it was inefficient earlier which even leads to breaking of tables etc or deletion of a couple of columns.
Here the older versions of app would simply crash or fail to work.
i feel every business app i build will have this same scenario to manage and it should be common issue to all
I am in the process of writing some custom logic where the app would check when connected to api server for a "update flag" and if the app's version is set to
be force updated to make it work with api version then the app would be redirected to play/ app store.
i would like to know how everyone handle this problem and am i doing the right way.
Is there any rails plugin or library which already takes care of this particular problem
or helps in doing so.
i know there are lot of versioning gems available but they dont take care of this issue [force updating app]
Please guide
I've worked on a project where an API for configuration was called on the Android App Startup. This API would provide 2 fields: major_version and minor_version. If the major_version from the configuration API did not match the one on the App, there would be a popup asking you to force update the App. This would be on the Start-up Screen, so you won't be able to access the actual contents of the App unless you force update your app. If you do not want a force update between 2 app versions or 2 API versions, you have the option of tweaking the minor_version.
this is my first ios app. am working on a version 1 that i'm planning on giving to few of my customers. customers will get it from app store. in future, if i have new version that i'd like to notify current users, is there anything that I have to put in version 1?
Yes, you will need to put something in version 1 in order to do this if you want some kind of notification in the app itself. You can go about it a few different routes depending on how complex you want it to be:
You could add push notifications to your app, so that you can send a push notification to your users letting them know an upgrade is available. You would probably only want to do this if you used the push notifications for other purposes as well, as users probably wouldn't want to allow push notifications for an app to only inform them of app updates.
You could have your app check with your server upon app launch to see if there's an update available. You could simply have a file on your server that the app checks which can contain the version number of the most up to date app you have available. If the server reports a newer version than the version reported by the app, it can display a message, which could also be contained on your server to be configurable. This would be pretty simple to implement, and could possibly contain other configuration information for your app. You could also choose when to show the prompt, in case you don't want to bug users for some updates but do for others. This would be good to do if you might release an update that requires users upgrade in order to continue to have it work with a backend server.
You can also get your app to check directly with Apple to see if a newer version of the app is available on the app store. You should be able to find a resource that will instruct you how to do this. Going this route, as soon as an update is available it will start bugging users to upgrade, so you may not want to do this if you only want to push some updates on your users but not others.
You can do nothing. On iOS 7 by default app updates get automatically installed, and even if they have that disabled, the user can see what app updates are available in their app store app. This is what most apps do, aka they don't bug the user every time an update is available. And if somebody isn't updating their apps anyway, your prompt won't necessarily encourage them to do it either.
It's similar to the message appearing in Chrome when a new version is available - something like "Chrome has just got better".
Presuming that you have a server side counterpart, my approach would be the following:
store the latest version number of your app somewhere on the server (database, configuration file, etc)
implement an API at server side that, upon an app version provided as parameter, returns true if an update is available
in your app, read the current app version (see this SO answer)
call the remote API mentioned in (2), and act accordingly if the return value is true
Note however that appstore notifies the user when an update is available - but that doesn't happen in-app
Incrementing the app version is enough for App Store notification as explained in
iPhone app Update Vs new version
In iOS7 my application is automatically updated... Is there any way I can release an update of my app and make the plist or something so that the app will NOT be auto-updated by the device, but instead users will only get the update if the manually go to the AppStore and update it?
This is not possible. You need to find a way to notify your users their app has been updated. For example, alert your users the first time their open the app that it has been updated.
Clash of Clans app prompts an alert telling that there is a new update available. The caveat is that this is a online game so the user needs to have internet access to play it. If the user expects to use your application offline and you previously stored an information that the app needs an update and you don't allow the user use it can be frustrating.
If i am making an client/server ios App, and i release a new version of that app on App store + other stores on internet. Then, how to manage to tell user to update the app ???
I searched on this...and i got two ways
1. To have web service tht returns current version of app and inform user to update it.
2. To check the URL of app on itunes and it returns info from which we cn get version (doubtful on this)
Because, if there is such an URL, we will have to write the URL address in code before uploading...Pls guide on this.
Don't reinvent the wheel! What you are looking for is iVersion by nicklockwood.