Xcode Archive doesn't recognize my developer account - ios

I am trying to publish my first app. So I need to archive and then verify and Upload my app.
But Xcode doesn't let me do that. After I archive the app, all the buttons are grayed out and it tells me to enroll in the Developer program BUT I am enrolled in the developer program. And I am in the last step of submitting my app.
Here's a picture.
enter image description here
What do I need to do to be recognized by archiver. Or is there any other way?

Be sure you bundle id, distribution profile and certificate is right.Then add you account in xcode like deanware said

Try going to Xcode->Preferences->Accounts and adding your developer credentials to a new account. Here is an aritcle detailing this process: How to Add Account to Xcode
Also check your project settings for the team and signing distribution. Here is more information on that: Setting the Team for Signing and Distribution


Multiple developers on same individual iTunes account

I have an Apples Individual Developer account.
Now I have one more developer to assist me.
I have added him as my Team admin from iTunes Connect.
When he pulled the Xcode project, there is an error saying "No matching provisioning profiles found" in General > Identity.
Why cant he compile the project even though I have added him as a team admin?
Also can he submit the build to iTunes connect?
Image below clearly states that team admin can Create Apps and Submit Version
I have referred to couple of answers on SO, but most of them are outdated(for iOS 3 and above), so I was wondering if Apple has revised the policy in recent days.
I use Xcode 7.3 on OS X 10.11
On iTunesConnect manipulations only with app publishing.
What you might want, is to add him into your Team at developer.apple.com/membercenter.
Then developer via that site generates the Developer Certificate(s) and then creates Provision Profile via Xcode.
You might be getting this error due to missing provisioning profiles in your system. You can download the profiles linked to your account by doing the following steps:
Open XCode
Go to Preferences
Select your Apple ID. If not signed in, sign in to your individual Apple Developer Account
Select your Team from the right pane
Click View Details
Click Download All
Once all the profiles are downloaded, go to Build Settings -> Code Signing and choose the appropriate profiles for each.
In case you get an error again while building, do the following steps:
From your main machine (where you have been using your Developer account before), open Keychain Access
From the left pane, select login
Export the following to any location. It will be saved as a .p12 file. Give a password for them:
iPhone Developer Certificate
iPhone Distribution Certificate
Install these p12 files in your teammate's system.
You should be good to go now!

Export .ipa in XCode 7.2 with external .p12 and .mobileprivision

Basically, I want to do exactly what is already stated in this question – just in XCode 7.2.
The setup: I am developing an iOS app (using Ionic) for a client and they want to publish it to app store in their name under their account. They however don't want to give me their account login and details. I have received a distribution certificate and a provisioning profile in stead.
I have installed the .p12 distribution certificate and have received a .mobileprovision profile for App Store Distribution using this certificate. I am however completely unable to select this provisioning profile anywhere.
My only choice in the export of the archive happens when XCode asks me which developer account I want to archive with. And here I can only choose my own account (of course). That's obviously not what I want though.
"Once" (in XCode 5, according the linked question) I should have been able to select the external provisioning profile under "Code Signing", but this doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Can this be done without getting their account details? I know that I don't need to know their password, they can just export it to me. Right?
I don't think you can do exactly what you are saying without code signing it with their account (which you don't have access to). I see two possible solutions for you to achieve your goal:
Send them the Xcode project and explain to them how to sign in to Xcode, archive the app and send it up to the store
Upload the app to your personal store account and then transfer it to their account. See this link for details on how to do that: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/TransferringAndDeletingApps.html

Certificates and Provisioning Profiles for Push Notifications

I'm having trouble with the process. I have got push notifications working for Development. I have read multiple guides and questions, and for some reason - either their guides are deprecated in iOS 8 or my Xcode is bugged - I am having issues with provisioning profiles.
For the purposes of this question, I have generalized most of the terms for privacy concerns.
I'm currently greeted with the bug - Failed to code sign "App". There is a Fix Issue button, but I made sure I did not click that; I'm afraid it'll only complicate my problems.
I've followed the Parse iOS Notifications Guide and configured my app according to the guide. I've done the following:
Requested a certificateSigningRequest from Keychain Access
Created a new App ID in iTunes Connect, with a new bundle identifier. I made sure I went into my info.plist in my app to change and match the new App ID created in iTunes Connect.
Using the new App ID in iTunes Connect, I created the Production SSL Certificate.
Installed it to my KeyChain Access, and exported it to upload to Parse.
Next, I deal with the Provision profile. Once again, I went in iTunes Connect, created a new provisioning profile, made sure to link the correct bundle ID with it, and downloaded it.
Here comes the part that may have fudged up the process. In the Parse Notifications Guide, they instructed users to double click the downloaded file - in my case, it was called "AdHocDistribution.mobileprovisioning", which will install itself into Xcode.
Download the generated provisioning profile from the next screen by selecting the "Download" button.
Install the profile by double-clicking on the downloaded file.
This should open Xcode's Organizer in the Devices pane. Your new provisioning profile should appear in the Provisioning Profiles section of your Library. Make sure that the status for this profile is "Valid profile". If the profile is invalid, make sure that your developer certificate is installed in your Keychain.
Double clicking the mobileprovisioning file did not lead to any discernable feedback telling me that it was installed.
Finally, I modified the code signing fields in my project and target's build settings to match the one I downloaded.
Finally, I try running the app, and the error popped up. Please help!
Create a provisioning profile of the application using ADHOC from dev account.Download and control drag it to Xcode, Under provisioning profile in your screenshot select that.
Do the same for Target and project and you will be good to go!
P.S. also select the Team as your dev account
Please follow the following steps..
Check all your targets's Code signing Section. Like Project and Test Target.
Check the project "identifier" in all your .Plist file.
Add the account in Xcode Account section, by choose from :
XCode-> Preference - > Account -> click on +sign and add your apple developer account.
Hope it will help you.

Error while refreshing profile in XCode preference

I tried to upload my app in itunesconnect, i am doing the following steps,
i set correct bundle-id
code signing identity - iOS Developer
provisioning profile - Automatic
in Xcode preference, while clicking on the iOS distribution under + button, i got the following error.
"Your account already has a valid iOS Distribution certificate"
"If you have your signing identity on another Mac, you can import a developer profile. You can also revoke the current certificate and request one again."
Try the following:
Download all your certificates and profiles from the Apple Member Center and save then somewhere you can access them.
Double klick all of them, that should bring up Keychain as well as Xcode
In Xcode, open your project's build settings and set the Code Signing Identity under Developer to your developer certificate and the corresponding certificates to Distribution.
that should be it, check Xcode's preferences for the certificates and profiles to make sure they're correct and it works.
Hope that helps :)
Apple has good and complete documentation:
Step-by-step guidance for enrolling in an Apple Developer Program and building, testing, and submitting your app.
You need to be an admin or agent to make a distributable build.

Let other user to debug my iOS app

What is the easiest option to let someone debug my app's source code on his macbook?
Must he be registered as a developer in my Apple portal, or only registering his device UDID is enough?
Can I send him only the developer provisioning profile that contains his device or should I export my certificate from the Keychain (.p12) and send him?
Just send him the source code. He will be able to open it and run it like the other programs.. If you want to go for something more controlled use eg Github for sharing your code.
Create the Team Provisioning Profile
Xcode saves you time by performing multiple steps on your behalf to create the team provisioning profile. For example, Xcode automatically registers your device and requests your development certificate, both of which are needed to create a team provisioning profile. Xcode performs these steps when you click the Fix Issue button below the Team pop-up menu. Xcode may also perform these steps when you assigned a team to your project or refresh provisioning profiles in the Accounts preferences. If no warning message and Fix Issue button appear below the Team pop-up menu, Xcode already created your team provisioning profile and you can skip this section.
