How should children nodes be passed to a ReactComponent - scalajs-react

I've been using scalajs-react for a couple of weeks and so far I've never used the "children" parameter of ReactComponentC.apply() because my children ReactNodes are usually conditionally defined in c.backend.render().
Am I doing something wrong? I there an advantage with passing the children nodes in ReactComponentC.apply()? I there any way to modify this children list dynamically after ReactComponentC.apply() has been run?
Basically I'm just wondering what's the advantage of passing a child to ReactComponentB versus creating an instance of ReactComponentB within the render method of the father component.
For instance:
class Backend($: BackendScope[Props, State]) { //The backend class of the father
def render(p: Props, s: State) = {
ReactComponentB("Child") //I create the child directly in the render method (I didn't pass it as a Child.Varargs)

I'm not 100% sure what you mean. 1.0.0-RC1 has just been released and children are handled differently now anyway. If you upgrade to it, read the new and changelog you might find that this question has become obsolete...?


Get child node by name in Umbraco 7.8.1

My Content structure is:
-Home (the site root node)
-About Us
-Our Sevice1
-Our Sevice2
-Our Sevice3
I created a macro for Our Services.
In macro, I want Our Sevice1, Our Sevice2, Our Sevice3...
But in the list variable About Us also come but I don't want it
I want only our service name of the child node
var list= CurrentPage.Children();
About Us also come on the list but I don't want it.
The reason that you see the About Us page in the collection is because you use the Children method.
With the Children method you ask for the direct child nodes of a parent node traversing one level down. So in this case you ask for all direct children of the home page so this works like expected.
What you are trying to achieve is a collection of of all Service nodes. To accomplish this you could do something like this.
Make sure that you have a seperated Document Type for your service nodes ( like for example doc type Service Page ).
Then you can do the following:
var servicePages = CurrentPage.ServicePages;
You can view the docs about it here:
But all of this is using dynamic syntax, this will be removed in future versions of Umbraco. So I suggest you go and use the strongly type syntax.
Then this can be changed by:
var servicePages = Model.Content.Children.Where(x => x.DocmentTypeAlias == "servicePage");
What this does is take the IPublishedContent object of the current page you are on, which is the Home Page then you take all children which has a document type alias of type servicePage.
Like #Mivaweb mentioned, it's better to not use dynamics (I think for performance in addition to being removed in the future).
However, I don't think you have to create a separate doc type, although that will work too. The predicate for the Where method should handle other expressions such as:
var servicePages = Model.Content.Children.Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Our Sevice"));

RxSwift - Class property's binding

I have an question about binding:
I have an array of objects of my custom class: Array. Every object can be updated (change his properties value) in bg.
Also I have separated Controller, which take and store one object from list as variable and can update it (object still the same, so in list it will be updated too)
Is there any way to bind all -> UILabels on Controller in way, when property changes automatically call label update?
Of course, there are multiple ways how to do it, but from your description I would use some kind of subject (because u said there will be changes in background so you will probably need hot observable )....For example Variable or PublishSubject. So you can crate
let myArrayStream: Variable<[MyObject]> = Variable([])
you can pass this variable as dependency to wherever you want, on one side you can subscribe to it, on the other side you can update it's value.

Why is this a ReadOnly record?

So I am building an associated object through a main object like so:{name: "Machine", color: "Grey"})
and then in another method calling However I am getting an ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord error. I read in the docs that
Records loaded through joins with piggy-back attributes will be marked as read only since they cannot be saved.
so I think that is what is happening here. But
I dont't know why that is happening. I have called save on an object with a new associated record before and had no problems.
What do the docs mean when they say "piggy-back attributes"?
Is there a way to make the save happen by doing something like item.associated_items.readonly(false).build(attributes). I tried that and it didnt work, but I'm hoping there is another way.
edit: I just tried
new_associated_item ={attributes})
item.associated_items << new_associated_item
and the later method calls
and the read only exception still happens.
edit2: MurifoX asked me about how Item is being loaded. The above code is happening in a couple of service objects. The process is
owner = Owner.includes(:medallions).references(:medallions).find_by_id(params[:id])
creator =
def initialize #effectively
medallion_notice_creators = []
owner.medallions.some_medallion_scope.each do |medallion|
medallion_notice_creator =
medallion_notice_creators << medallion_notice_creator
later after looping through the medallion notice creators
def prepare
medallion_notice_creators.each do |medallion_notice_creator|
Apologies if the code seems convoluted. There is a bunch of stuff going on and I'm trying to condense the code and anonymize it.
Objects created with joins or includes, which is your case, are marked read-only because you are making a giant query with joins and stuff and preloading nested objects within your main one. (ActiveRecord can become confused with so many attributes and don't know how to build the main object, so it marks readonly on it.)
As you have noticed, this won't happen if you create you object with a simple find, as the only attributes received from the query are from the object itself.
I don't know why you are eager loading all of this associations, maybe it is from some rule in your code, but you should try to create a simple owner object using Owner.find(params[:id]), and lazy loading the associations when needed, so this way you can build nested associations on the simple object and save them.

Grails: Is it possible to prevent a domain class instance from being persisted?

I want to create an (one) instance of a Domain class (which, as expected, has a GORM interface to my database) and only use it as a container to pass data around, like a Map object. I want to make absolutely sure that my instance is never going to get persisted in the database. I'm afraid that GORM, with all its cleverness, will somehow manage to save it in the database behind the scene even without an explicit call to save(). Is there a way to specify a "do not persist this" clause when instantiating my object? I know how to prevent persistence on a domain class, what I want is to prevent persistence on a particular instance of the class only.
The solution I have now is to create a class in groovy/src/ that carries the same properties and methods, and use it as my data container, and do type casts as required. It feels wrong, fails DRY, and hacky.
Of course you may also tell me that I should stop being so paranoid and that Grails is never going to persist an domain class instance without an explicit save.
Assume that, you already know how to prevent persistence(table creation) on a domain class. Furthermore, you also know that w/o explicit .save() object won't be persisted.
So, what do you want actually? Is it like.. even if someone accidentally call, it will never persist.
Although that doesn't make any sense, but according to your query ,
Is there a way to specify a "do not persist this" clause when
instantiating my object?
Yes, there is a way :
class MyFishyDomain {
String pwd
// properties
// constraints
def beforeInsert() {
if (!this.pwd.equals("drago")) return false
def beforeUpdate () {
if (!this.pwd.equals("drago")) return false
new MyFishyDomain(pwd:"drago").save() // success
new MyFishyDomain(pwd:"rambo").save() // fail
By the way, if you want to permanently disable Create+Update+Delete But at the same time want to issue query against domain then solution is:
static mapping = {
cache usage: "read-only"
def beforeInsert() {
return false
Grails will not save an instance of your domain class without an explicit call to save() on the instance. You can create an instance and pass it around, and it will not be persisted.

Extending entities on a per view basis with breeze.js in SPA

Trying to figure out how to extend entities that I query from breeze.js on a per-view basis in a single page application. Right now breeze is acting as the gate-keeper when it comes to extending (a.k.a materializing) them and I’m wondering what other options are available to allow me to do this. I initially started with knockout’s mapping plugin but found that it refused to handle child collections for some reason so I moved to using breeze’s constructor function and initializer methodology. The problem with this is that you can only define one custom "model" for an entity. I am looking for approaches that would allow a custom "model" of an entity on a per-view basis. I’ve already ruled out multiple managers. Querying meta-data multiple times is a huge unnecessary hit just to get this working.
This diagram visualizes what I’m trying to achieve. Both View 1 and View 2 ultimately query Entity B and both views require their own specific customization of the "model" of Entity B. Since View 1 loads first it’s custom "model" of Entity B "wins" and View 2 doesn’t have the opportunity to customize it. When View 2 eventually runs it’s query, any entities of type B that were already loaded by View 1 will have the custom "model" that View 1 defined which will make View 2 explode during binding. Any entities not already loaded by View 1 will now have View 2's custom "model" which would eventually crash View 1 if it could even get that far down the road. See this post.
My thought was to manually create my own custom "model" for each view that has an Entity observable and I could then iterate over every entity returned from a breeze query and new up this custom "model" and pass in the current item, assigning it to the Entity property. I don't really want to do this because I now have I'll have tons of iteration code everywhere and I'd much rather use knockout's mapping plugin. Pseudo code:
function view1EntityBModel(entity) {
var self = this;
self.Entity = ko.observable(entity);
self.myCustomProperty = ko.observable();
function view2EntityBModel(entity) {
var self = this;
self.Entity = ko.observable(entity);
self.isExpanded = ko.observable(false);
I was wondering if there are any other solutions available to achieve this same goal?
Or even better does anyone know how to make the knockout mapping plugin working on child collections?
I think the problem here is that by the time the mapping plugin gets a-hold of the breeze data the Children collection has already been converted into an observable array and the mapping plugin doesn't know that it needs to "call" the Children() property in order to get back a list.
var categoryMapper = {
create: function (options) {
return new categoryModel(;
Children: { // this doesn't fire for the children
create: function (options) {
return new categoryModel(;
function categoryModel(data) {
var self = this;
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, self);
Guessing that you've moved on by now, but thought I'd offer a recommendation for others in a similar position.
Our solution to a similar situation borrows from the breeze.js TempHire sample solution which implements a client side repository/uow pattern. The solution uses an EntityMananagerProvider to manage multiple EntityManagers. The EntityMananagerProvider makes a single call for metadata, which is then used to create new child EntityManagers - satisfying your concern regarding multiple metadata calls. You can then use custom models/uow/repositories to extend the child manager for specific views.
