Share Point authentication in iOS - ios

I have searched for "Share Point authentication in iOS" and I have gone through the results but I am unable to properly understand about
What is Share Point Authentication?
What make it different from other authentication methods like oAuth?
How to implement Share Point Authentication in iOS?
Thank you in advance.

After a long search and concern to my seniors I found two links using ether way I found my solution. The links are:
1) Using UIWebView
Here I only need to pass an URL to UIWebView. If the URL is openable then Office 365 login view will open on your UIWebView, where you can enter your login credentials. You can find full description with related code at here.
An other solution is
2) Creating your own UI for login
Here you have to design your own UI and full manual code to authenticate. You can find all the required help related to code, I can say full code from here..
If anyone find my question and/or answer useful then please up vote both or ether of the post. Thank you in advance.


Is it possible to log into an existing website with Swift in Xcode?

I am making an app for a website and was wondering if it is possible to make a login page without showing the actual website. So basically, can i make a login page with a TextField for an email and a TextField for the password, send the data to the website to login and access the website from a custom built Interface to browse the website (not a UIWebView). I would assume i need access to admin the website itself but it would be better if i can do it in another way. I hope i was clear enough, it is kind of hard to explain. If you need any additional information, please feel free to ask me.
Also, i am 14 years old and semi new to Swift and Xcode so a in depth answer would be great. I am also new to Stack Overflow so if i did something wrong, please tell me.

restrict login attempts in objective C

I've done some looking into this topic but haven't found much that seemed to answer the question. I'm looking to implement code that restricts the number of failed login attempts for an iOS application. Is this something that can be functionally handled by the SDK, i.e. in the URL Loading System? Thanks for any input. It is appreciated.

Any twitter api or complete solutions for monodroid?

Looking for good solution for Twitter login and posting something... but there is no idea for now. How to do it in xamarine( IOS mono has complete solution, but monodroid...) help me please, if somebody knows how to do it.
If you just want to post something then you can easily do this by sending an Intent for use by an external app - e.g. see
If you need a more complete solution then libraries like Tweetsharp have had MonoDroid ports/branches at various times, but I don't know the current status of any of these.
You might also want to take a look at Xamarin.Social. This component will let you tweet from your Xamarin.Android application.

Posting a comment on a page through native iOS UI

Ok so I've scoured the docs and stackoverflow for an answer, but maybe I'm asking the wrong questions or looking in the wrong places. I'm working on an native iOS app and I want to give the user a way to post a comment to a page, but through native UI and not through a UIWebView with the comments plugin embedded. I can make a comment on a comment on the page, but I can't seem to make a comment from an authenticated user on the page itself. Is this even possible?
Apple's URL Loading System provides you with the ability to set credentials for basic HTTP authentication, but it sounds like you're talking about logging in to some kind of forum system. The way those generally work is that you send your credentials to the site, and get an authentication cookie back. You then need to provide that cookie to the system when you interact with the site.
Here's a blog post with an example of how to do that.

Some questions about dotnetopenauth

I have a couple outstanding questions mainly reguarding twitter and facebook
In the FacebookGraph class there are properties such as Id,name,etc. I am wondering how do I add to this list? Like what happens if I want a users hometown? I tried to add a property called hometown but it always is null.
What should I store their id(1418) or the whole url( for lookup later in my db to grab their data and to see if they have an account with my site?
Is it actually good to use this id as it seems like it is common knowledge. Can't someone just find the profile id or whatever and do a fake request on my site?
how do you setup dotnetopenauth to deal with the case when a user goes to facebook and deletes access to my website. I know you can send a deauthorization code to your site and then delete their account but I don't know how to do that through dotnetopenauth
Is it possible to do number 4 with twitter?
Is it possible to make the openid stuff ajax? I don't see a sample anywhere in the dotnetopenauth samples.
I'm no pro at Facebook. But the FacebookGraph class is in the ApplicationBlock, which ships as source and is fully intended for you to customize or extend within your own application. Hopefully people more familiar with Facebook in particular, or the Facebook docs, can help you with those questions.
Since Facebook is not OpenID, what you store whether ID # or the whole URL, is less critical. People should not be able to just craft requests to log in as others because your site should be verifying signatures, etc. If you're using DotNetOpenAuth appropriately this is probably being done automatically for you. But without seeing your code it can't be said for sure.
Assume the id is common knowledge. It certainly isn't a long random number so anyone can guess it. The ID must be accompanied by a signature that verifies that Facebook sent the ID, just now, for you.
I suspect the deauthorization code isn't going to be relevant to DotNetOpenAuth -- that's probably just some URL that you respond to. But again, I haven't read the FB docs on this.
Here's the real answer I can give you. Yes, OpenID works with AJAX reasonably well. You can see some samples of this at or a sample of a blog post comment system. The most complete AJAX demonstration for standard login may be in the web forms or MVC project templates available on the Visual Studio Gallery.
