Strange UITableView Selection behavior, selection only after long tap - ios

I've run into a strange UITableViewController behavior.
For explanation:
I have a quite simple UITableView. Just 3 Default Cells with a Text.
But it behaves like shown in the GIF below. (The GIF is a little bit slower than reality)
Normal "short" taps are neither highlight or select something.
A longer press highlights the cell until released.
And only after a long long tap the cell is selected.
I have no idea what can cause these issue and I don't know where to search.
Some Code: TableViewController + DataSource
Have anyone a hint where to start debugging ?

You've probably set up a tap gesture recognizer somewhere else in the view hierarchy which is eating your tap gestures.
Since you're presenting a plain vanilla table view, you really don't want to do that.
(apologies in advance to the community -- this should've been a comment but I can't comment because I've got a bad reputation)

I've got it ;)
I've found a TapGestureRecognizer within a self written sub framework.
After commenting this out it works well.
So I have to search the issue within my sub framework.
A lot of thanks to you, without your hint I never thought about it again 🙈


UITableView Partially Blank in Storyboard

When trying to view a larger UITableView inside of a UIViewController in the storyboard, I can only see/edit the top most cells from the table. The moment I scroll further down the cells are all blank. This is purely for storyboard, the code works fine when running, but any cells in the storyboard that are further down a tableview I can no longer edit since they show as blank.
Here's an example to illustrate
As can be seen from the shift right click, I can't even select the cells that are there.
I know and have experienced problems such as not being able to scroll at all before, such as this, but this is different as I can scroll down but cannot see the rest of the cells of my tableview. Has anyone else ran into this problem, and would know a solution? It seems like it may have something to do with Xcode 7, as I recently upgraded to it.
Although not ideal, I've found a few work arounds for this problem. One solution is to make a temporary UIViewController with a UITableView, and then drag cells into the temp UIViewController until the cell you want to edit is visible. Once you've changed it, drag all the cells in the temporary view controller back into their correct controller. This is extremely hacky, but so far is the only way I've found to visibly see the cell.
Another thing that can be done is that the cells are still editable in the document outline, meaning constraints and elements can still be modified from there. However, it is difficult, as I wasn't able to see the cells being edited, they still appear to be blank.
Hopefully someone else finds/knows of a solution to this and can post it, I'll leave these two workarounds up though they're far from ideal.

Use scrollToItemAtIndexPath in UICollectionView with paging

I have an uicollectionview with paging enabled. One cell per page which is full screen basically. The thing is that when I want to use scrollToItemAtIndexPath and move one cell forward/backward along with animation it will do a swipe but it will go back instantly to the cell/page where I called scrollToItemAtIndexPath. There is really nothing special besides stuff I've described. When I omit animation it's working.
For faster debugging I've setup test project on github - ScrollToItem
EDIT: This might be a bug. Bugreport (18864560) submitted. If someone can provide me a workaround or even solve this issue it will be still appreciated.

tap action on UICollectionView's cell

I want a cell in UICollectionView can be tapped(not selected,because selected cell would be add to the [cllectionView indexPathsForSelectedItems]), what means: when I tap a cell I can show a detail view of the cell and it would not be add to [cllectionView indexPathsForSelectedItems].
AFAIK, there is no way to do this at this time -- other than to deselect the item after the selection is made. I spent a lot of time trying to make this happen and it just doesn't work.
The problem is this: You have to get hold of the default gesture recognizer for the collectionView tap to require it to fail, and you can't. Apple gives some instructions, but they don't work as advertised. See page 36 of:
The problem is that the sample code in this article doesn't work. On inspecting the default gesture recognizers, you'll find there isn't one of the class type UITapGesureRecognizer. It may be you can figure out what's going on with it, but I never could (if you figure it out, I'd sure like to know how to do it).
Ultimately, everyone workaround I tried failed, and I ended up having to settle for using a long press. There are some other posts on this subject, but I never could find anything else that actually worked. This was all on iOS 6.0.
Someone had also asked about using a double tap, and I could not get the select to consistently fail on that. At first I thought that was the solution, but found that it would sporadically select the cell that was double-tapped, and with no other workaround had to move to the long press, which seemed to work. In the end I had to scrap that work for other reasons, so I never put it in production.
Hope you can find a solution but my experience was not good.

IOS UITableView Selection Highlight is sometimes very quick and did select is not being called

Have a strange issue where about 15% of the time, when selecting a cell with a UITableView the cell highlight flashes quickly and didSelectRowAtIndexPath is not called. The rest of the time it is working fine.
Tested how it was being selected (fast / slow finger nail, etc), but this does not seem to be the case. Looks semi-random.
Any thoughts one what might be causing this?
IOS 6.x
Thanks for the comments so far.
If while clicking the mouse (simulator) is moving, the problem can be duplicated. Even if the table is set to .scrollEnabled = false it is still happening. Also, the didHighlightRowAtIndexPath does fire and the didSelectRowAtIndexPath does not in the "quick" case.
Same thing happens on IOS 5.x also...
Well, it turns out that the scrolling was turned off for the table and it seems to be even more picky with the "moving tap" Turning the scrolling on actually made the "moving tap" less picky. There were a couple of other postings that I just found that pretty much said the same thing. This is a strange conclusion for a table view that has scrolling disabled and produces a "quick highlight" with no selection. Looks like this is why they added the didHighlight in IOS 6 to try and get around this "issue".
is it possible that a view from with in the cell is absorbing the touch rather than the cell ?
maybe you have a gesture recognizer in the cell, those take priorities over simple touch events
It seems that for some reason your cell is disabled. Try setting cell.enabled = TRUE; right before the cell is displayed and see if it fixes anything.
You're moving your finger up or down slightly, causing the table to scroll. Your item will not be selected, and the highlight will disappear. I've dealt with this before by tracking the row in tableView:didHighlightRowAtIndexPath, and then doing the action in tableView:didUnhighlightRowAtIndexPath: . You might also be able to solve your problem by making the tableView not scrollable if that's an option in your ui.

Customize TableViewCell Moving Grabber

I have a tableView where the cells are movable. In edit mode, that brings up the image on the right that you can grab to move around cells. This works fine. However, I would like to customize it a little bit so that instead of that image you could grab from anywhere on the cell. Is there a way to do this without completely scrapping apples built in moving and building your own? Maybe using a pan gesture recognizer?
Luckily for you, FMMoveTableView was just put up on github. It allows any table to be reordered by simply tapping and holding on a cell.
