Automate Reading the SMS Pin with Twitter Digits IOS - ios

I already know how to do it for Android :
I am looking fot the same thing for IOS. Any idea?

You can't. Text messages in iOS cannot be accessed by other applications.


Read OTP SMS from IOS device and send in API in background

[ otptextField.textContentType = .oneTimeCode ]
I tried this code which is in swift language but that is not what I want.
I want a background service for my iPhone to read my own SMS to another device, or a google chart sheet.
And also, is it possible to do it in any other languages like flutter or python?
Only just I want to read SMS from an ios device by any programming language without jailbreak.
No, you can't read the whole content of SMS messages since this will violate the user's privacy.
Due to security issues, Apps on iOS can't read sms text messages. I wasted a lot of my time trying to figure that out. IOS keyboard will always recognise OTP and keep the OTP in their clipboard so its easy to paste it in otp field, that's all you can do for now.

Is it possible to stream voice to directline API from native app on iOS using Swift or Objective-c

I have a bot that leverages all the cool tech that comes with botframework, e.g. LUIS, QnA maker, adaptivecards, etc. The bot works well and I can use WebChat to connect to and ask questions and get responses. However, I now need native iOS (and eventually Android) app that can perform much like webchat does but I do not want to embed webchat in a web control in native app. I plan to have voice always on leveraging something like snowboy or picovoice for hotword to wake app and send commands to bot - users would ask things like "hey bot what is weather in Boston" and get presented with result message or adaptivecard.
Is voice steaming to directline API from Swift on iOS possible (I know most things are possible so any pointers would be greatly appreciated)? Or am I approaching from wrong angle and perhaps there is better/easier way to achieve my goal?

How to get sms text from incoming sms in iOS

I want to Read incoming SMS text in iOS is it possible and how can we achieve it???,
It's already done in babel application at appstore. i am try to googling but, unable to find any piece of code how to do that? if you already known about that can you please share your knowledge.
No way Not Possible. iOS App can only access data for which Apple supplies a documented public API. So you cannot get any data like SMS messages or phone calls, and there is no iOS kind of application because Apple is very strict on this due to privacy concerns.
Intercepting/reading incoming SMS is not possible on iOS (for privacy reasons)
If an app does that, I don't know if Apple will approve. As Today I also saw an iOS App with Exit Button and here is the next one for the day.
As per your detail for Bebal iOS app I just downloaded it and reviewed it. Here are the steps:
Enter Phone Number, No Verification message found. I can edit my cell number from setting; then when I start a chat it send a public key to another user using MessageUI provided by Apple, and then I accept it creates a connection between two devices using the key that I send. So after that, I can communicate with other through the Bebal app server.
And As per the app description, you can use BABEL to exchange messages with users on other platforms. Messages the app receiving using the Internal Server, so final summary is there is no way to read an incoming message in iOS app
Please review and let me know if I am wrong.
Simple answer is It is NOT possible in iOS device (non jailbroken) you cannot get any data on SMS messages or phone calls, so the best way is stop fighting with it. Not sure but it may achieve by jailbroken device.
Apple said - In iPhone OS 4.0 and later, you can send text messages from within your application. This feature is strictly for sending messages. Incoming SMS messages go to the built-in Messages app.
you need to jailbreak and install from cydia like this app

Automatically answering incoming phone calls

Currently i'm developing a mobile app, the app should work on Android, IOS and Windows Mobile. I would like to implement a feature to automatically accept incoming calls from pre defined numbers. In Android this seems to be doable but i can't find any good information about if it can be done in IOS and Windows Mobile.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
(Ps. Its not possible to jail break or root the phone, its for a client.)
Thanks in advance!
Simply It is not possible. Apple is more concerned about the security than any other providers. Receiving an incoming call is an OS feature that you can't access. You can only access things that will lies within your app.

Integrate Google Talk, voice & transalation in iOS app

I want to integrate Google Talk, voice & transalation in my iOS app. I tried this link
I just show me my contact list. How can I start chatting or voice call from this ?
If any one have idea or any other solution to integrate above services in my iOS app ?
For chat, use XEP-0045
For voice, Google Talk uses libjingle which is a C++ implementation of XEP-0166/XEP-0167
For translation, you may need to find an implementation of XEP-0171
