SpriteKit on AppleWatch - How to present a scene? - ios

I made a game for iOS using SpriteKit.
Now I wanna make also the version for watchOS.
I added a new target and then these files appear to me:
If I delete the sks file and then try to present a swift scene as I did for the iOS game the scene appears empty... So the only thing i could do is leave the scene.sks file as it was.
Can someone kindly explain to me how can to present a new scene.swift file in the interfaceController.swift without using the sks file?
Here is the InterfaceController.swift file that presents the sks scene, but I wanna present my own swift scene.
Best Regards.

exchange the GameScene(filenamed:) with `YourScene(size:).
Your scenes are a subclass of SKView which have their primary initializers... here is the link to the one I showed:
So (filenamed:) is one initializer (for .sks) and (size:) is another initializer, for not having .sks. These initializers are the exact same kind of initializers you use for all of your own classes.
This just isn't readily apparent, because when you make your own GameScene: SKScene you don't specify initializers (because they are inherited from SKScene that you just subclassed from)
the video below also covers most of the necessary things for SK on AW.. it's timestamped to explain more of what you're doing:
the info in the above video is virtually nowhere else that I could find, so I highly recommend you watch it from begin to end.
(last I checked)
Your vanilla SKScenes won't work on the watch, because they lack certain functions (like touchesBegan) because you are no longer using an SKView to present your scene. So, you must use gesture recognizers..
Here explains how to get around that stuff:
TouchEvents in watchOS 3 SpriteKit?


How to set preferredRenderingAPI for ARSCNView in Xcode IB

In my ARKit application ARSCNView is initialized and attached to ViewController internally based on storyboard file structure. So in function viewDidLoad I have already initialized view.
But the problem is it uses default rendering API metal. But I would like to change it to OpenGL ES2. In Apple documentation I read that preferredRenderingAPI can be somehow changed in IB inspector. But I don't understand how. There are no any examples of how to do this?
Or maybe I still change it from the code, even though the view is initialized from IB?
Just open your Main.storyboard (or whatever you have) in Xcode and navigate to the node Scene View of type SCNView in there. The Attributes inspector should allow you to change the renderer (Rendering API).
I've just tested it but it looked like my project didn't work the same as with metal.

Inspect SpriteKit Scene at Runtime

I am generating my levels in SpriteKit via code (in Swift), and its not working out entirely how I'd like. Is there a way to inspect the scene of the simulator at run time. E.g. So I can view how things are being placed outside the visible screen.
Believe me, level editor via code rarely is a good idea. There are exceptions but if you need static levels then you should find another way to defined it.
How can you see your entire scene?
AFAIK you con't with Xcode 7, however you can change how the scene is resize in order to show the full scene inside the view. Depending by the size of your level you can judge whether this is solutions fits your case.
Just open GameViewController.swift and change this
scene.scaleMode = AspectFill
into this
scene.scaleMode = .AspectFit
Now your scene will be compressed to fit the size of the screen. Of course don't forget to restore the original value once you are done.

Xcode jump from viewcontroller.swift to storyboard

I'm working on a large ios app and I'm also a newb. I'm trying to find the correct scene in a storyboard in a large app. I'm in the .swift file and I need a quick way to figure out which scene is associated with that swift controller file. The only way I know now is to go through each scene and look at the Class property, which will take forever. Is there a shortcut to jump from the swift file to the associated scene?
In Xcode, open "Find in Workspace..." (Command+Shift+F)
Type the name of your ViewController.
In the results panel, check the entries under the .storyboard file. Clicking on them will open that exactly scene in the Interface Builder.
You can also go further and filter the search by filetype. Check this out:
Create a custom Scope:
Super awesome result:

Storyboards in Xcode 6

I have recently started to learn iOS with obj-c from "iOS Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide 4th Edition". This edition was released in 2014 and is written with Xcode 5.
I am trying to make a simple app with two buttons and two labels. The labels are connected to two arrays and when a button is pressed an object from the corresponding array is shown in the corresponding text label (it's the Quiz app in chapter 1).
I created the project as a Single View app in Xcode 6, and put all my objects in the view controller class. I have two labels two buttons two arrays and an int to keep track of the object that has to be displayed from the array.
In the book it says that I should initialize the arrays in the initWithNibName method. I tried that but for some reason it never gets called. So I changed the initialization of the arrays to the init method. They initialize fine but when they are called from another method they are nil. Do you have any idea why this is happening?
The second issue I'm having is that I can't manage to get the contents of the storyboard on screen. It says that I'm supposed to make an instance of the ViewController inside the AppDelegate and make it the root window controller but all I get is a white window (or black in case I don't set the color).
UPDATE: I changed the intialization of the arrays from the init method to the viewDidLoad method and now they seem to be working fine. Nothing on the screen though.
It sounds like you're initializing your UIViewController from the app delegate AND a storyboard. If you create a new project in XCode, a "Single view application", you won't have to touch the app delegate at all in order to get something on the screen.
I believe both your problems are related to this, since it sounds like you're seeing an empty UIViewController on the screen (the one you create in the app delegate)
As for the initialization of your array, viewDidLoad is a popular place to do this.
If you are using storyboards, the method initWithNibNameOrNil will not be called. In the BNR book, it teaches you to use XIB files, which do use this method. If you are trying to follow the tutorials, I would suggest using XIB files.
For use of a book, I would suggest downloading whatever version of Xcode is being used for that book -- otherwise you will be running into a lot of confusing problems while learning.
If you would like to download previous version of Xcode, refer to this post:
How to download Xcode DMG or XIP file?

Xcode - SKSceneKit Level Editor - How do you connect to variables in .h

In Xcode how do you connect your items in the level editor to the variables in the .h file? I Can't seem to find documentation anywhere.
Are you talking about SpriteKit (the 2D game engine, with an Xcode editor for SKScene objects archived as .sks files) or SceneKit (the 3D game engine, with an editor for assets imported from .dae or .abc files)?
In either case, you don't hook up objects to code directly like you do in Interface Builder (storyboards or xib/nib files). (Though that would be an awesome feature request!) Instead, you set names (identifiers) for the entities in the scene editor; then, in code, you can look up entities by their names.
In SpriteKit, use the childNodeWithName: method on an SKScene object to find a named node. See Searching the Node Tree for advanced searching options (such as recursively searching for descendant nodes).
In Scene Kit, use the method on an SCNScene object's rootNode to find a named node.
