Xcode jump from viewcontroller.swift to storyboard - ios

I'm working on a large ios app and I'm also a newb. I'm trying to find the correct scene in a storyboard in a large app. I'm in the .swift file and I need a quick way to figure out which scene is associated with that swift controller file. The only way I know now is to go through each scene and look at the Class property, which will take forever. Is there a shortcut to jump from the swift file to the associated scene?

In Xcode, open "Find in Workspace..." (Command+Shift+F)
Type the name of your ViewController.
In the results panel, check the entries under the .storyboard file. Clicking on them will open that exactly scene in the Interface Builder.
You can also go further and filter the search by filetype. Check this out:
Create a custom Scope:
Super awesome result:


Custom class not automatically showing up - Swift 3 iOS 10.2 Xcode 8

So I have my app set up with two view controllers. The first one is my initiation screen, where the app starts, and the second is one the user can navigate to. I added the second one later on in my development, but when I went to the right column under the identity inspector, my new Cocoa Touch Class file is not populated for me to select. Now if you ask me to just type it in, I've tried that, it does not seem to connect. I've tested it by printing a simple line in the viewDidLoad() of the new second class when it is loaded in the simulator, but nothing is printed. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!
Easy fix is:
Select the activity indicator on storyboard and go to identity inspector and copy the object id. as image: ObjectID_ActivityIndicator
Right click the storyboard file which has the view controller you are working at.
Open as > Source Code
Press command + F to find and look for the id you copied previously
Paste this: customClass="yourclassname" customModule="moduleNAme" customModuleProvider="target"(don't change this target word, you can choose desired module from identity inspector if any).
Command + S to save it and again right click on storyboard file > openAs> Interface builder
Now select activity indicator again and go to identity inspector. You will now see it there. You can also change it as per requirement.
Enjoy. I faced this problem today and found no help online. My class and module field were greyed out. Tried this fix and it worked.
Note: Make sure your custom class is accessible and is in app directory i.e it's not highlighted in red color but gives a normal look.
I have seen a problem like this where the solution was to change the "Module" to a specific value, close the storyboard, reopen it and delete the "Module" setting (assuming it was originally blank or restore it to its original value). This happened in project with many targets and their names may have changed.

how does LaunchScreen.storyboard redirect to Main.storyboard

I'm newbie of iOS developer, and I know that is very simple question but I really can't understand reason.
when I build SingleViewApplication, Xcode auto generate LaunchScreen.storyboard and Main.storyboard,
but I can't find any code like [self.navigationController pushViewController:] which may choose that what view controller enter stack as last one of top-level view,
I only find ViewController.{h,m} as first and see no logic that change view from LaunchScreen.storyboard to Main.storyboard.
could anyone help? thanks..
Main.storyboard file and LaunchScreen is define in your project property.
you can find it by click on project in xcode and then in below target you can find this two name you can choose your own by selecting dropdown given beside label.
and other redirecting to LaunchScreen to Main.storyboard you can refer info.plist file in your project and also AppDelegate.h and AppDelegate.m
Most probably the iOS first looks for LaunchScreen.storyboard file and shows it for some time and when it is done with it, it looks for Main.storyboard.
These names are hardwired in the plist as mentioned by Tejas in his answer and you can change these.
I don't think the the LaunchScreen.storyboard is pushing the Main.storyboard. Everything is managed behind the scenes and you can't change this behavior.
What you can change is the initial View Controller in your Main.storyboard so that it is instantiated immediately after the LaunchScreen.storyboard disappears and the app is fully loaded.

iOS 8: Launch Screen StoryBoard appears black [single XIB file works fine]

So I tried creating a launch storyboard for my iOS 8 app using this tutorial
However, I only get a black screen when I launch my app. A single launch screen.xib file works perfectly, however, when I try to use a storyboard, it doesn't work.
I tried a storyboard with just a single view controller, but it still gives me a black screen, hence I believe the issue is with storyboard files in my setup. Any ideas?
[XCode version 6.4]
EDIT: So I just want to clarify that it is the launch screen that appears black. The main storyboard itself appears correctly when the app has finished loading
Read through the tutorial and tested it, and it doesn't say two things:
1: You'll need to add a UIViewController to your .storyboard file, and then select it as the Initial Controller.
2: If you wish to change more than just the launch screen, you'll have to go to the project settings and set the "Main Interface" to your corresponding .storyboard.
Once that is done, all you need to do is edit the UIButton/Label/etc connections to your ViewController classes.
For clarification, you can set a UIView as the initial controller by selecting it in it's respective storyboard file, then opening the Attributes Inspector. The option for 'Is Initial Controller" is towards the middle.
For people using UIImageView in the launch screen
Make sure that you are using the image name without the extension in the attributes inspector.
So for example, if your image file is named launcher.png, only use launcher as image name.
This will show the image as invalid (?) in the editor but will show correctly when run on device.
(Don't ask me why it works this way. Ask Apple.)
None of the answers have all the steps required, hence this exhaustive solution.
Start by creating the LaunchScreen.storyboard. Xcode > File > New > File... > Storyboard > LaunchScreen.storyboard and add it to all appropriate targets.
In this storyboard, create a single view controller of type UIViewController. Do all the magic your launch screen requires, then follow these steps:
LaunchScreen.storyboard > Show the File inspector > Use as Launch Screen
LaunchScreen.storyboard > View Controller > Show the Attributes inspector > Is Initial View Controller
Project > General > Deployment Info > Main Interface > LaunchScreen
Repeat for [iPhone] and [iPad]
Project > General > App Icons and Launch Images > Launch Screen File > LaunchScreen
If setup properly, your Info.plist should have LaunchScreen .storyboard, without the .storyboard under the UILaunchStoryboardName & UIMainStoryboardFile properties:
This is not incompatible with having legacy images for older devices using Launch Screen File > Assets.
Pay special attention to LaunchScreen.storyboard and Main.storyboard. One is used for launch, the other for your app entry point. They both need to have Is Initial View Controller set.
In the storyboard, which you are using for launching, please make sure that you had selected the option of Is initial view controller for the very single view controller present in it.
I Belive I may have had a similar issue that required something a littel different to the above answers.
I created a new launch screen in a .storyboard file, then after it not appearing I resulted to a new .xib file which still did not appear when the app was launched.
I figured out that some of the images I had on my launch screen had an Outlet Collection to an old .swift file. After removing this from the LaunchScree.xib's the launch screen worked fine.
Notice the litte warning sign in the outlet reference ->
Make sure that you set your entry point and in your general info tap make sure that you have the view set to resize from nib. Also make sure that in your general tab the start up point is set. In the deployment info.
Hope this helps
Spent way too long on this, thanks Apple! I finally discovered that I had to delete the actual UIImageView in my view controller - not just the image - in order to change to a different image. Tried renaming the images, replacing them in all different ways, deleting caches, deleting the app from the device, doing a Clean before building. The original image was gone from everywhere as far as I could see but it would still appear. Finally I added a new UIImageView on top in the view controller and this took a new image. Then I just deleted the old UIImageView and all was fine.
The solution is use the image name without the extension png.
For example, if your image file is named "img.png", only use "img".
This will show the image as invalid (?) in the editor but will show correctly on running.
This happen because the LaunchScreen.storyboard accept only images inside Assets.xcassets and the way to refer the images inside Assets.xcassets is the name of the resource without extension.
I think that use the name without extension is a workaround that work.
I had the black screen instead of my splash after localizing my app. In Localization section of the File inspector of LaunchScreen.storyboard I had only one tick for one localization. So, I added a tick for the second localization and this fixed the issue.
Answers by #SwiftArchitect and others are good, but I kept getting the black launch screen instead of my launch storyboard.
The problem ended up being that my storyboard was losing its connection to my target.
When I created it, I moved it into a different group/directory in the Project navigator, to keep things neat. BIG MISTAKE! That disconnected it from the target... it didn't matter that the group/directory it was now inside of was connected to the target!
You can tell the difference in the dropdown menu located at:
Project > General > App Icons and Launch Images > Launch Screen File
When you open that menu, you should see your storyboard as a choice to click on.
Do not type in your storyboard name manually -- that's a sign that the target membership isn't right.
I am also trying to add a launch screen, and this procedure got it to appear (thank you!), but now the app hangs there, not moving on to Main.storyboard and viewDidLoad. I have this:
Launch screen interface file base name LaunchScreen
Main storyboard file base name LaunchScreen
If I change the second LaunchScreen to Main, I do indeed get to viewDidLoad and the app's main screen, but without LaunchScreen.
Both sim and device do this. What am I missing to get to Main after LaunchScreen?

StoryBoard Assistant Editor stopped showing associated file

Xcode storyboard assistant editor stopped showing related files.
"Automatic" is selected and "Class" is filled in Identity Inspector.
It was working before, but know it has stopped.
"Auto" or "CounterPart" modes are still woking for other files except StoryBoard.
A few days ago, I tried to update from Xcode 5 to 6, but later on gave up.
Would that have something to do with it?
With XCode 11 onwards, you can option(alt) + click on the file that you want to view in assistant editor.
Simple Fix.
Found the solution (at least worked for me), it's the same bug that causes you not to be able to create new outlets. You must delete the [DerivedData] folder:
Close the project you are working on with.
Delete the【DerivedData】folder of you project. (This folder may inside your project's folder, or inside
~/Library/Developer/XCode/DerivedData/(your project)/ ) or somewhere
else that were setup by you.
Restart Xcode.
see here.
In same case this worked for me:
Right click on ViewController file(on left pane) and choose Delete -> Remove Reference.
Right click on folder where this ViewController file was and choose Add files to .. and add this ViewController file which your just deleted.
Deleting the Derived Data didn't work for me nor force quitting Xcode and restarting it.
The only thing that worked was deleting both the class and the storyboard (only the reference to them) and adding them back to the project.
Hope to help someone.
If anyone is wondering how to find Assistant editor in XCode 11 then
please find the steps from the below image. You can show this options
in storyboard or Xib files on upper left corner.
Maybe it's too late but just with the keyboard, you can launch a reset for associated files.
Use the keyboard :
command + option + shift + z
You can find it in the menu Xcode->View->Assistant Editor->Reset Editor.
Click first on the assistant window, then click on 'option'+'alt' and right click on the view controller that you want.
I have Xcode 13.1 and none of these solutions is working for me, but this simple solution works for me every single time. With your Storyboard and (empty) Assistant Editor open, in the upper right of the Editor window click the "Add Editor on Right" icon Editor On Right Icon, and just as promised, it will open a new editor to the right of your Storyboard and (broken) Assistant Editor, only the Assistant in THIS window will be working! Just find the "Close Window" x on your broken editor, close it, and in its place will be your shiny new working Assistant!
Full Editor View of where to click to open the new Editor On Right
Tried all the above methods whereas after simply running the app Command + B fixed this issue and I was able to select the screen under automatic.
This command on terminal fixed my issue:
defaults write com.apple.dt.XCode IDEIndexDisable 0
simply exiting and reopening Xcode worked for me.
For Xcode 8+ versions
Check at top process indicator that if Xcode is "indexing" files... if yes, then, please wait until it finishes. Once it get finished. Your file will automatically appear as counterpart in Automatic section.
If Xcode is not showing "indexing" in process bar, then perform as #Anna Chiara's Answer
I deleted ~/Library/Developer/XCode/DerivedData -> didn't work
Xcode->View->Assistant Editor->Reset Editor is disable
Finally, I figured out that the class name of File's Owner of .xib file is incorrect (the class doesn't exist). I corrected it and Assistant Editor works again.
Hope this helps you
I had the same problem. Finally this is what worked for me.
Changing the name of the ViewController File.
Change the name of the class to the new name via the Refactor tool
Refactor tool
The only thing that ended up working for me was copying over the code from the offending ViewController files and completely deleting them, then creating new ones with the exact same name and pasting in the previous code.
The assistant then linked up to the new ViewController files with no issue.
None of these answers worked for me w/ XCode 13. However, the following worked:
Rename the ViewController class to ViewController2
Update the reference in the storyboard to ViewController2
This made the assistant editor appear.
Change the name of the class back to ViewController. Change the reference in main.storyboard back to ViewController and hit enter (Step 2)
I had same issue and spent almost 2 hours of trying different aproaches finally I found something to solve problem.
I've created two or more VC at the same swift file and I think that's why IDE confused about the files.
So I suggest that you should delete your viewcontroller class and clean than reassign class.
I hope it works for you too.
For what it is worth, this was happening to me for the last couple days on 9.3 . I had just added a new build schema for an alternate debug symbol on testflight. It was not until I removed the new schema and then deleted Derived Data and restarted did it start working again. I have re-added the new schema back in and it continues to work. Not sure what the issue was, but that is what solved it for me.
In case anyone is watching I had a bizarre instance of this (Xcode 11): I deleted a View Controller that I'd done incorrectly; dropped in a new one, created the UIView and associated. BUT I didn't bother to create the outlet from the View Controller on the previous screen. Strange that it let me work for a few minutes, then after I had turned off the assistant editor to do something else, turned it back on and only had the UIResponder.h file. Edit - this happened again. Had to delete the 'wire' to the next screen, then recreate - then option to get to the correct .m and .h files reappeared.
I faced a similar issue and here's what I did
I had a swift file and a xib file with its class connected to the swift file like so inside a group folder, and it doesn't show that they're connected.
But when I take them off the folder the assistant works somehow, so I took them off the folder and made an outlet from a UILabel then put them back inside the folder then they're permenantly connected.
Quite Xcode and reopen it. This is solve my problem.
I had the same problem. But my problem was about having the VC's under "View Controller" folder. When I move VC's to main folder instead of "View Controller" folder, I was able to reach the assistant without problem. If you have the same issue like mine, you can solve by deleting all the VC's and create again under your sub folder.
Just add the Class on right side of your story board which you want to open in assistant

Why does my Xcode 5 doesn't autocomplete nothing?

I'm starting a project but I have another one very similar as base.
I create my new project with storyboard and CoreData, create a new file of NSObject class, and when I start writing in the .h file:
#property (nonanatomic, retain) ns...
nsstring or any type of variable doesn't appear... for example, I start writing ns and it appears:
and the most of code is in black letter, i mean, nothing is coloured as it shoud be normal like purple, blue, etc... the colour that xcode sets... here you can see it:
P.S: I'm using Xcode 5 Preview 3 and OsX Mavericks. I've never had this problem I think.
Possibly your dot-m (the implementation) file is not a member of the target.
When adding a new file to the project on the bottom of the save dialog there is a Target Membership window . Did you check that box?
To view the target membership and/or to add an existing file to your target open the implementation file. Then open the File Inspector using ⌥+⌘ 1 or View, Utilities, Show File Inspector.
In the File Inspector window halfway down there is the Target Membership. Check the box next to your target.
Syntax highlighting will begin after a short moment, wait for Xcode to finish its indexing.
Try out this: In XCode open Preferences, click on the Text Editing Tab and make sure "Use Escape key to show completion suggestions" is checked.
