Simulator become very slow [duplicate] - ios

This question already has answers here:
iPhone Simulator suddenly started running very slow
(14 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I don't know why, the simulator become very slow no matter switch the interface or animate, but type in textField, it is normal, without slow.
Attempt -1
I restart Xcode and Simulator, but there is no effect.
Attemp -2
I clean the project, did not work too.
Attempt -3
I set the simulator's Graphics Quality Override to Low Quality, also do not work.

Check, if Debug->Slow Animations option is enabled


Xcode 10.1 Simulator suddenly responding very very slowly [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
All Animation are executing slowly
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have been working on core Animation App (swift), until yesterday Simulator was responding perfectly. All of a sudden every animation in Simulator started showing extremely Slow. It made me very difficult to test my changes on simulator.
- Xcode 10.1
- Simulator iPhone 8 Plus 12.1
Please help to solve this problem
It is because you have activated Slow-Motion—This shortcut should do it:
Command ⌘ + T

IOS App starts with iPhone 4s layout on greater devices [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
iOS 9 Xcode 7 - Application appears with black bars on top and bottom
(17 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I just wanted to ask why my app is starting with a too small size on devices other than iPhone 4s on my simulator? Is there something wrong related to the constraints I set or general project difficulties?
You must set your launch images. At least set them for iphone 6 and you should solve the issue

Blank text magnifier in iOS 7 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
In iOS7 Text Magnifier isn't working app wide
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm working on an iOS 6 app that's needs to be compatible with iOS 7. For some strange reason whenever I deploy the app on an iOS 7 device, if I try to magnify text, the magnifier is blank.
Here's a screenshot of the issue
Thanks in advance!
This happens when there are multiple UIWindows in the .xib. At least that was the problem for me. I was using a UIWindow for VGA output. As soon as I deleted the window from the .xib my cursor worked. I then recreated the UIWindow in code.

Configuring an app to run only on specific devices [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to configure iOS app to work on specific devices?
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
How can I set up my iOS project to run only on iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, and all iPads except the iPad 1? I am committing to iOS 6 only.
I wanted to answer this in a comment but I cannot still comment everwhere. :D
Take a loook at this : How to configure iOS app to work on specific devices?
By setting Deployment Target to iOS 6, you exclude iPad 1 and any iPhone older than 3GS. Not sure about iPods, but you didn't mention them.
Since iOS 6 runs on iPhone 3GS and you don't want to support it, you need to have reason. Tell us and there may be solution.
Edit: So if the main reason is non-retina display, you can't do much. You are not alone, who would prefer all devices to be retina-capable, but unfortunately… But hey, all retina graphics just works on these devices without a problem, so just leave it like that. Users of those devices know they have poor display.

snapshot of OpenGL ES view iOs 6.0 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Why is glReadPixels() failing in this code in iOS 6.0?
We're trying to take a snapshot of OpenGL ES view and to save the result in a UIImage.
For iOS 5.x our function works well.
For iOS 6 our function works only on the simulator and not on the device. We receive a blank (white) image on the device.
We referred to the technical report at
and our function is almost identical to the function presented by apple in this technical report
Enclosed below is our function (in the Additional Details window).
We would be grateful to receive an assistance and we hope to have a reply as soon as possible since our app is currently online with this critical bug.
(BTW, we use only opengl es and not cocos2d)
In case you didn't get an answer on this: As documented in some other posts, I found that this only affected devices and not the emulator running my app. I set CAEAGLLayer drawableProperties when initializing with kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking set true. Haven't noticed a huge hit in speed and my captures are working again.
