UIActivityViewController inside iMessage app/extension - ios

I am trying to show UIActivityViewController inside iMessage app. In both modes (compact/expanded) it is not shown properly/fully. See attached images. Is there any way to correct this?


How to include Facebook Messenger and Instagram in the default share dialog?

I am using an activity view controller for sharing in my app. All the apps are visible in share but Facebook Messenger and Instagram are not there. I also tapped on the more button but these two apps are not there.
You cannot provide code for including third-party apps in the default UIActivityViewController share dialog. If the app is downloaded on the device, the option will appear.

iOS iMessage App Extension - Replicate iMessage Sticker App Behavior

Is there a way to add "real" stickers that behave like Sticker App stickers to your custom iMessage app extension? The only examples I've been able to find use use MSMessageTemplateLayout, which as far as I can tell always shows the app icon and doesn't let you peel the stickers and stick them onto other messages.
"Pealing" is a feature of MSStickerView. In other words, all MSStickerViews can be pealed.
A nice walk-through iMessage Extensions is this Apple Sample code - IceCreamBuilder

how do i present or push a view controller from app action extension to the my app in ios?

I have added an app action extension (name: Example Extension) and i am accessing that in photos,
So when i click on share, this screen will be appearing:
From that i am selecting my action extension, Example Extension, then i would be getting my screen like this:
So, when i click on Add item, then i must push or present my custom app Extension with the image that we are seeing, i can save the image, that is not a problem, but the main thing is, i need to push or present my app from this app extension, how it can be done, please share the code with neat explanation, thanks in advance.

if i can share content of other app to my app

using uiactivity ,i can share content of my app to Facebook,twitter,email.
UIActivityViewController *activityController = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:activityItems
so i want to add my custom uiactivity,when user using UIActivityViewController at other app,my app can appear on the UIActivityViewController like Facebook,so it can share content to my app?
if apple allow me to do this,if yes,how to do?can you give some advice
edit: i think this is not repeat question。my question: i want to my app like Facebook,twitter can show at other developer app,if it used UIActivityViewController. if you cannot understand my question,you can ask me,i can give detail describe.sorry for my english

Is it possible to add my app to the photo album's 'share via' button?

I've worked on an Android application that enable to send pics directly via the album photo. Just have to add a link to my app in the share via button.
Now I'm doing the same app for iPhone. That's why I want to know if that is possible to put my app to the list of propositions in that share via button.
