iOS iMessage App Extension - Replicate iMessage Sticker App Behavior - ios

Is there a way to add "real" stickers that behave like Sticker App stickers to your custom iMessage app extension? The only examples I've been able to find use use MSMessageTemplateLayout, which as far as I can tell always shows the app icon and doesn't let you peel the stickers and stick them onto other messages.

"Pealing" is a feature of MSStickerView. In other words, all MSStickerViews can be pealed.
A nice walk-through iMessage Extensions is this Apple Sample code - IceCreamBuilder


How to trigger app clip from website manually via custom url

I want App Clip to be launched from my website.
Currently App Clip is working perfectly fine because When I open my website on iPhone safari, it automatically shows a banner on top with a button that says: Open App
What I need is that I want to develop my custom banner with a button on my website from where I can trigger App Clip manually because sometimes that banner from App Clip appears a bit late, so I don't want to be dependent on that.
Any idea regarding this? I just need a direction or reference to some documentation that's all.
I've faced the same issue previously and as I understand you can launch the App Clip only from smart banner, you can't use universal link as a trigger for opening the App Clip

Open the manage tab on the iMessage App Store from a button in an iOS App?

The title pretty much says it all. I need to explain to the user how to add my iMessage App to their phone, is there a way to simply link them straight to it?

Is it possible to display progress on App icon

Is there a way to display progress on Ios App icon on the launcher/ main screen like they have default when installing or downloading an app from App store?
I have content that is being downloaded/uploaded in the background. I want to display continuous progress on app icon.
A circular progress bar is not important. I am just looking if there is any provision for such situations.
This is not possible.
Apple does expose any API methods for adding a layer to the app icon on the springboard.
Also changing your apps icon to include the progress will not work, since the app icon is in your apps main bundle which is readonly.
i don't know if it is still possible to use these red numbers like for whatsapp when you receive a message.
Maybe that would be an idea. You could Show the "%" of the upload/download that way.

WatchKit: Handoff from static interface of Long Look?

Our app has implemented the handoff functionality between push notification on the Apple Watch (in our WKUserNotificationInterfaceController subclass) and the main iPhone app. It works with dynamic interface of the notification long look.
However, when I open a notification from the notification center on the Apple Watch (thus resulting in a static long look), handoff is not working with iPhone. The handoff icon is not shown at all on the iPhone lock screen.
I also noticed that handoff does work from static long looks of:
Apps without custom long look implementations (the ones with roundrect icons in notification center)
Messages app on the Watch, and maybe more from Apple
Anyone noticed this problem too? Are there any workarounds that make handoff work from a static long look?
Since there's no way to call the call the appropriate Handoff methods for a static notification - owing to the inability to use a custom class - there's no way to accomplish what you're looking for at this time.

Show big icons in notification center

Is it possible for third party apps to show big icons and interactive content in notification center? Something like weather or stocks app.
App Store apps? Nope. Jailbreak? Maybe.
Apple will reject any apps that use the notification centre for anything but notifications.
