Dynamic Currency Conversion in Google Sheets - google-sheets

I'm using Google Sheets to organize data from my global royalty statements. Currently I'm querying several tabs (one for each country) to produce a single table with results from all countries. As you can imagine, I don't want 125 Japanese Yen showing up in my charts and graphs as $125 USD (125 Y is equivalent to about $1.09 USD).
Since I receive my royalty statements in their respective currencies, I'd like to apply average conversion rates either during the query operation or after the fact. Since the table is being generated dynamically, the values won't always be the same, so I need some way to apply the conversion by searching the list of currencies on the fly. I've got a separate table on the same tab containing all the average conversion rates for each currency. Here's a sample of how this is set up:
So basically I just don't know how to say, in coding terms, "If this line item comes from the UK, divide the royalty amount by the UK exchange rate. If it comes from Canada, divide by the Canadian rate, etc."
Anyone have any insight as to how I might pull this off (or whether it's possible)? The actual table includes over 500 line items from a dozen different countries, so doing this by hand is something I'd like to avoid.

I believe you are looking for the GoogleFinance() function. You may want to set the Country to a pick list of the valid country entries so you could create the string for the conversion. I have not looked at many, but this will take a value in CA & and apply the exchange rate to convert it to the US $ Equivalent. The exchange rate in this case is an average of, I believe, the past 30 days.
=C2 * GoogleFinance("CURRENCY:CADUSD" , "average")
For your use, you can get the country code from row M if you change it to match what the formula is after, such as CAD for Canadian Dollars."
=C2 * GoogleFinance("CURRENCY:" & M2 & "USD" , "average")
Another option would be to create a lookup table and use VLOOKUP or some other function, depending on how you set up your table.


How to generate a distribution based bar chart on row_numbers

I have a SQL query that acts as a data source in my tableau desktop:
row_number() over (order by sales) as rn,
SUM(sold_items) as si,
SUM(sales) as sales
FROM data.sales
WHERE sales.order_date between '2021-01-01' and '2021-12-31'
On tableau I dragged rn to column and sales to row to generate a bar chart. The following is the output:
I want to convert this into a 0-100% distribution chart so that I can get the following result:
How can I achieve this? Also, I want the user to filter by country level so even if the # of records increase or decrease, the distribution should always be consistent with the filtered data.
You can do this with nested table calcs.
For example, the following uses the Superstore sample data set, and then first computes a running total of SUM(Sales) per day, then converts that to a percent of total. Notice the edit table calc dialog box - applying two back to back calculations in this case.
The x-axis in this example is Order-Date, and in your question, the the x-axis is a percentage somehow - so its not exactly what you requested but still shows that table calcs are an easy way to do these types of operations.
Also, realize you can just connect to the sales table directly, the custom sql isn’t adding any value, and in fact can defeat query optimizations that Tableau normally makes.
The tableau help docs explains table calculations. Pay attention to the discussion on partitioning and addressing.

Google sheets beginners question to average unit price formula

I am doing a test for a data analytics bootcamp. i have to use google sheets and i am an absolute beginner.
We have a dataset called products that we have to extract on a google spreadsheet first. I will upload the link to my google spreadsheet here:
the question is to use a formula to say what the average unit price of all products listed is.
My formula was to write under colum F(unit price) the formula: =AVERAGE(F2:F78). but the number i get is 44702 which cant be correct, if you look at the table.
also i dont know if i have to consider Column E, where the quantityperunit is stated to answer the question.
Could someone please help me?
I feel like I answered this for you in another post recently. But I can add more details.
You are working with a spreadsheet that seems to have been created in the United States, yet you've set the locale to Germany. This is creating a conflict, because the decimal separator in Germany is a comma while the decimal separator in the US is a period.
In addition, your Col-F values are all strings, not numbers — except for the one entry in F66. So you have mixed data types, and math functions can't act on that mix.
This leaves the only valid number being 21.05. However, as I said, in Germany, this is not a valid number. It's a date: May 21. And the data of May 21 (2022) is 44702 days since the Google Sheets origin date of December 30, 1899 (which is how Sheets stores all dates). So that is why you are getting that result.
If you change your locale to "United States," this will solve some of your issues. But no matter what your locale, it won't change those strings in Col F to real numbers. So you'll need to convert them in place, or your formula is going to need to account for them.
Seeing as this is an assignment, it's unclear whether the instructor intended for you to have to address these problems, or whether the additional problems are an unintentional result of spreadsheet conversions that happened somewhere.
In addition to all of that, you interpreted the original question in your post rather than sharing the actual exact wording of the question; and wording matters.
First, I would ask the instructor if the numbers in Col F were all supposed to be real numbers, or if most of them being strings is part of the assignment.
In any case, given exactly what you have right now, this should produce the average unit price (regardless of quantity in stock, as we don't know the actual wording of that question):
It's a lot longer than it would have needed to be if not for the multiple factors I described above. That is, given the locale setting of Germany and the fact that you have mixed data types, all of the Col-F values had to be converted to strings, then all of the periods had to be SUBSTITUTEd with commas, then they all had to be converted to numbers with VALUE before AVERAGE could be applied.

Google Sheets: API To Get Crypto Prices and History?

As GOOGLEFINANCE() seems very limited in the cryptocurrencies it supports, are there any (free?) APIs that I can use to get data from?
Although I use GF() for ETH and BTC, I'm specifically looking for Price and Historical Closing Prices on ADA (Cardano).
I've searched the forum for suggestions, there aren't many and most are old. Binance's API seemed OK, but it gives prices in USDT instead of USD.
If anyone is interested, I found an API that offers a free key, although limited in the number of daily calls you can make: CoinAPI.
It seems very powerful, with quotes available in most currencies. So far, I've managed to get a current price:
Formulas shown in brown.
(1) shows the raw data returned, a two rows delimited by semi-colons.
(2) wraps a QUERY() around IMPORTDATA(), using offset 1 plus param 0, to not return the header row, then wraps all that in SPLIT() to separate the delimited text into columns.
(3) wraps (2) with INDEX() so I can get just the Price in the 4th col.
As this value will not automatically update like GOOGLEFINANCE(), I think I'll need to set a Trigger to do that.
I've also retrieved historical data, but I've yet to figure out how to split multiple rows of delimited text from the IMPORTDATA() function.
[Edit] See the solution to splitting multiple rows by #player0 at https://stackoverflow.com/a/69055990/190925.

GOOGLEFINANCE Formulas in arrays for Google Sheets

I have a product with In-App Purchases in several markets in which transactions happen in their local currency. Created a Google Sheet for the purpose of reporting revenues in our base currency (USD). I tried several things to create the most effective method to automatically read the currency pair for each transaction, but the formula isn't working.
I am attempting to accomplish 3 things here:
Create an array that will automatically convert different currencies to USD by using the GOOGLEFINANCE formula (see "G1" on the embedded spreadsheet).
Eliminating error when conversion finds a value having the same ISO codes (see "F12" on the embedded spreadsheet).
Calculating the transaction using the exchange rate of the day of the transaction instead of TODAY's exchange rate (no clue on how to do this without breaking the GOOGLEFINANCE formula).
Here is the formula I am using on Col "G" is:
The problem with this approach is that it replicates the value of cell "D2" down the whole array, instead of consecutive values from D2,3,4, etc, accordingly. Removing the "&" from the array breaks the formula.
While the formula used on Col "F" =E2*GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:"&D2) works, the problem here is that it has to be placed manually, row by row, and this is inefficient when dealing with thousands of records. Also, you will notice on cel F12, I get an invalid value because GoogleFinance cannot convert from dollars to dollars. The formula outputs an error. Is there a way to make the formula understand that when trying to convert a value with the same currency ISO's, the value stays the same?
Even while I get the correct calculation on approach #2, the data calculated is based on TODAY's exchange rate, however, I need that calculation based on the exchange rate of the same date of the transaction. Is this even possible?
The referred spreadsheet example is here: Google Finances Conversion Formula
if your D2:D range is small you can do:

How to go from individual date/time log to "timeline" graph?

I have essentially a log file in a Google Sheets. Columns are "Date/time", "user", "asset accessed", and there will be multiple entries for the same date, though usually not time.
I'd like to use the timeline graph to show user activity, but the graph requires an aggregate view with one date (no time) per row, with a numeric count in second col. Is there a way using functions within Google Sheets to generate an aggregate "view" of this data and pass this to the timeline graph?
Well, I guess you'll have to create an auxiliary sheet, or just some columns with the summarized values for you chart.
From your description, I'll assume you're using 3 columns (ABC). Let's use columns D, E and F with the following formulas:
Since date values are actually a number (qtt of days since the epoch), and hours are decimals, the Trunc formula gets rid of the "time" part and leaves only the date. Just format the cells (apparently numbers) as dates and you'll see. Then Unique and CountIf do the summarizing.
There's surely different ways of doing this, perhaps more "elegantly", in a single formula. But I think that in this way it's more easy to understand and learn from. Also, you'll probably need to adapt the ranges to your actual columns positions (I hope that's not a problem).
