PJSIP: Error file not found - ios

I working on Project a project to make an iOS App to work like Viber/Skype using VoIP Protocol. For this I am using pjsip SDK but I get some Error :(
File not found,
unknown type name, etc
Please help.
Thanks in Advance.

Based upon your screenshot,you have renamed the sample files in pjsipapp.but you have not configured the header paths and libarary paths.
In your target click build settings and in search paths add your library paths.Hope it helps


Google Speech To Text Api using Objective C

I am using GoogleSpeechRecongnization api within my project for Speech To Text.
I have copied all required files and installed pod from sample of Google for Speech To Text Api. Also copied these 2 files AudioController, SpeechRecognitionService from the Sample Code to implement the feature.
Now when I compiled my code, I received errors as in attached image.
While same steps and files are working perfectly in demo app with the custom interface, created by me.
Please help me to fix these in my main project. Thanks
The SpeechRecognitionService require google service to be linked which lies in the google folder of the sample Project, please add that too in your project, it should be working..
See where is google folder here
Check demo project supported architectures in build settings...
I think you need to add missing architecture in your build settings
Maybe it's in your project and maybe it's in the Pods project

Cocoapod path reference error

I have newly added cocoapods into my application, now getting “parser error” while compiling the code in client machine, But the same source code working fine in my system (without any changes).
Please find below error along with screen shot.
And also i have added this tag ($(inherited) - > non-recursive) into below paths in Target -> Build settings.
Header Search Path,
Framework Search path,
Library Search Path.
i hope this is cocoapods path reference issue, Please any one help me out of this issue.
Note: Have sent file to client as a .zip.
Finally i came up with answer, I have sent source file to client end(other systems) as a .tar.gz format instead of .zip file.
This is solved my issue.Hope it will help for some one in the future.....

facebooksdk.h file not found error in xcode 7

I just added FacebookSDK.Framework. but in my app delegate i am importing #import. But i got error like this “Facebook/Facebook.h” file not found. But i just drag and drop the facebooksdk framework. But still getting same error. I am also fixing in Build settings (Framework Search Path). still getting same error. I am giving Frameworksearch path like this “/Users/xxx/Desktop/xxxx/FacebookDemo”. Actually i am following the tutorial.”How to make Xcode find file FacebookSDK.h?” But still i got same error. SO Please guide me any body.. i am using xcode7.
Just check where it is downloaded in Downloads or Documents.
click on project->targets->framework search path add
$(PROJECT_DIR)/your project name
also add this
FacebookSDK-this should be your downloaded SDK name

Xcode 6 can't find framework header files when project name contains spaces

I'm using the Parse and PubNub SDK in my project called My Sample App and since I updated my Xcode to 6.3.1 I can't run the project because Xcode doesn't find the header files. I had the same issue with the previous version, but then I just needed to delete and add them again to make it work, unfortunately it doesn't work now. I also tried to delete the Library Search Path and Framework Search Path without any success. Is there any trick that fixes this issue?
This is the exact error:
'PNImports.h' file not found
Add $(PROJECT_DIR) to your Library Search Path in project settings AND select recursive option
Surround Library Search Path with single quotes

import <IOKit/IOMessage.h> gives error

I'm using theos on iDevice. Installed it with installtheos3 command. If I got it right, it installed SDK too.
Now I have a project that has
import < IOKit/IOMessage.h >
Also I added IOKit to theos' makefile _FRAMEWORK section. Also I tried to add it to PRIVATE_FRAMEWORKS section.
When I'm trying to 'make' i got this error:
error: IOKit/IOMessage.h: No such file or directory
there is no errors with other frameworks, only with this.
Thank you!
I never use theos, but this kind of error generally come from the Header Search Path option inside Build Settings inside your project settings.
When I ran into similar issue, I had just downloaded files from Github as part of my project and proceed forward.
Problem is, these header files are for C type of library(not really obj C). So I doubt, you would be able to include by changing path or config settings.
For some reasons IOKit framework installed with 'installtheos3' doesn't have Headers directory at all. Copying it solved problem
