Cannot load module 'UIKit' as 'UIKit' - ios

Currently trying to open an app created in Swift 3, Xcode 8.1. I have done tonnes of research, deleting derived data and cleaning the entire project over and over. I have updated Xcode to its newest version, as well as syntax. MapKit may be interfering but I doubt it. It's a really small project with only 2 VC's. I directly downloaded the project from a website ( and after installing the pods required I still get the error. I am also opening the workspace, not just the project itself. If there is any more information you require, let me know and I will provide it.

Perhaps it was spelled incorrectly?
I wrote UIkit instead of UIKit and got this error:


Cannot build kurento toolbox in swift , Receiving syntax issues?

Hello Everyone I'm trying to inject kurento client in my swift app through cocoapods
pod 'KurentoToolbox'
successfully installed and after disabling bitcode for target project and kurento framework the build got successful, but whenever i try to import KurentoToolbox following error shows up
Then I try to Kurento Framowork in Linked Framework and Libraries as well as embedded libraries, but still facing the error Kindly see the attached the screenshots.screen shot after adding the framework , now after compiling the project it throws the following the error.receiving this error
Kindly Check these screen shot which may help to better answer this question.
Add KurentoToolbox into your embedded libraries. Usually this solves the problem but still if it doesn't, then try to add both of them in Linked Framework and Libraries as well as embedded libraries.
Also quit your xcode and go to your derived data folder and deletes derived data files(also empty your trash).

UIFocus.h file not found/Could not build Objective-C Module 'UIKit'

Currently I am trying to implement OpenCV into a Swift 3 project. To do so I have created a bridging header and Objective-C wrappers. However, when I go to run the code that I have, the project can't build the UIKit module because it can't find the UIFocus.h file. (My version of Xcode 8.2.1)
I have tried deleting derived data and making sure that I have the proper frameworks linked.
How do I get Xcode to find the UIFocus.h file? Or is there any other way I could get the UIKit module to build?
Any help would be appreciated.
Turns out I accidentally edited the UIKit file. I gave it the proper path and now it works.

Can't use realm framework in Swift 2 application

I'm running the latest beta of El Capitan along with the latest Xcode 7 Beta.
I'm trying to import the Realm framework to use in my iOS application. I've followed the specific instructions for the Swift 2 installation and imported the Realm and RealmSwift frameworks into the embedded binaries.
I copied the files over and my Framework Search Paths is set to $(SRCROOT) - recursive.
On trying to build I'm getting "No such module 'Realm'" and it starts giving build errors on getting JSON values
I've tried importing RealmSwift instead and I receive this error
I've done all the recommended steps, cleaning, deleting derivedData, even moved my source code to a new project all with the same error.
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to solve this issue?

Xcode 5 upgrade - Now nsobject.h has errors duplicate interface definition for class 'NSObject'

I upgraded to X-Code 5 last night. Now when I've gone to continue development on one of my iOS apps (which compiled fine on the previous Xcode version) I've hit an error I don't seem to be able to solve.
When I build the app I get a compile error:
duplicate interface definition for class 'NSObject'
This appears to actually occur in nsobject.h in both Foundation.Framework and UIKit.Framework.
I'm not sure why this is happening. I've removed and re-added both frameworks, performed several cleans, tried building it under several SDK's etc. None of which worked.
Any tips/Ideas would be much appreciated.
verify that you do not have any old frameworks referenced in you Framework Search Paths under Build Settings. Remove those being old and update outdated locations.
Added a screenie for help.

Xcode imports RestKit.h correctly in two files, but not into another file in the same bundle

I am having trouble making sense of what is going on here. I have a project using the Restkit Framework Library. The project was setup using Pods to install the framework and generate a workspace file.
I have three classes that are using RestKit.h, two of them (my app delegate, and my ViewController) import correctly, while a new file (a new ViewController) gives a red error on the import statement saying RestKit/RestKit.h file not found. Then when I try to use RestKit, I do not get code completion from xcode. However, the project builds and runs correctly after inserting RestKit Code.
Furthermore if I click "Jump To Definition" on the drop down menu when right-clicking a RestKit method in xcode, it takes me to RestKit source, implying that Xcode actually does know about the RestKit library.
Xcode version is 4.5.2
Any advice on where to look would be much appreciated.
