How can I remove the rotation of the screen? - ios

I am developing an ios application, which should stay always vertical and I should disable the functions, users to rotate their screens. Would you advise me how to do it?

In Info.plist expand "Supported interface orientations" and remove Landscape items to make your application only run in portrait mode.
Taken here.

Remove 2 check marks in Deployment info landscape left and landscape right in your project.


How to make iOS app orientation portrait only?

How do I make my iOS app Portrait Only? It looks like it's already in portrait mode currently but when I flip my device it rotates still. I am using tableViews and collectionViews within my app, I'm not sure if they would affect these settings or not.
To fix this problem I had to add "Supported interface orientations (iPhone)" and set the item to "Portrait (bottom home button)" in my info.plist file

Keep Screen From Turning to Landscape Mode While App Is Running - Swift

I created an app with Swift and tested it out on my iPod touch. The problem is, sometimes I accidentally rotate the screen a little while playing, which throws off everything entirely. Is there a way in Swift to make it so even if the player rotates the device sideways it never turns to landscape mode?
You will want to
Click on the top-left corner (Show the Project Navigator)
Select the name of your project
See what is under General->Deployment Info->Device Orientation.
Adjust the tickboxes accordingly.
Screenshot of Device Orientation in General settings
If you click on your project in top left corner and on the Info tab you can un-tick some of the orientation tick boxes to only allow Portrait.
It's simple.It's not on Swift though.Just swipe up on your ipod and a little tab should come up. Once there,a button with an unlocked lock with an arrow around it.Click it and it should become locked.Now,it won't turn into landscape mode when you turn it! :)

Locking a project into portrait in Xcode?

I have just begun creating a new Xcode project, and noticed that how I normally remove the function to have the app in landscape; a tick box under device orientation within the general tab of the project; has disappeared.
Has this orientation setting moved elsewhere, or must I now code it to lock it into portrait only?
Also, I am working in objective-c.
Click on your project on the left menu, next uncheck Landscape mode in Device Orientation:

Splash screen requirement iOS app - Portrait

I am developing an iPhone app in Xcode 7 which will only open in portrait mode. My question is do I need to provide the launch/splash/default screen also for landscape mode or providing it in the various portrait mode sizes will be sufficient?
I think adding only the portrait ones should work for you. Hope you are using xcassets for managing splash screens. There, You can select the orientations and devices which you want to support. Here is a screenshot.
NOTE: This is from Xcode 6.4. Hope it's something similar in Xcode 7.
Design the LaunchScreen.xib file to look as your desired splash screen. Set proper constraints to your design elements/views. And thats it! It will appear as expected on any orientation.
For example:
If you want your app logo to appear in the center on app launch as splash screen, set your logo in a image view at center, give constraints for horizontally centering, vertically centering and height and width constraints. Now run the app by keeping simulator in various orientations and your launch screen will appear same in all orientations.

How to add support for Landscape mode in existing app

I have implemented an iOS application for both iPhone & iPad, supports only in Portrait mode with OS iOS 7 & above. Now I need to add support for Landscape as well, and I do not have much knowledge on Auto layout and Size Class. Do I need to create separate xib's for Landscape mode? Please share your best suggestions and thoughts.
Please have a look into attached screenshot for how to use SizeClass for design view in Portrait and Landscape Mode.
Have a look into this image for more clarification.
Follow the steps below to add support for navigation
1) In project navigator tab, select your project
2)then select general tab and in Deployment info select checkboxes for device orientation (landscape left and landscape right.)
If you dnt wanna use size classes you can go with Autolayout.
