How to add support for Landscape mode in existing app - ios

I have implemented an iOS application for both iPhone & iPad, supports only in Portrait mode with OS iOS 7 & above. Now I need to add support for Landscape as well, and I do not have much knowledge on Auto layout and Size Class. Do I need to create separate xib's for Landscape mode? Please share your best suggestions and thoughts.

Please have a look into attached screenshot for how to use SizeClass for design view in Portrait and Landscape Mode.
Have a look into this image for more clarification.

Follow the steps below to add support for navigation
1) In project navigator tab, select your project
2)then select general tab and in Deployment info select checkboxes for device orientation (landscape left and landscape right.)
If you dnt wanna use size classes you can go with Autolayout.


Support for ipad size in Swift 4

I have successfully completed iPhone development using Auto Layout.
Thanks to Auto Layout, UI is displayed normally on all iPhones.
However, if I run it on the iPad, the UI will not break, but the screen will be small.
I have no idea what to do to support iPad size in storyboard or build settings.
If I want my app to respond to iPad size, what method should I use specifically?
I am using Xcode 10 and Swift 4.
Select your project in Xcode, then use the General tab. It's under the sections on Identity and Signing.
1) Select constraint that you need to update for iPad.
2) Click on + sign to the left of "Constant" value
3) Select Width and Height - Regular which conforms to iPad in portrait and landscape orientation and set your values
4) Now when your select iPad second value will be applied to your layout.
Also you can vary font for different devices:
Every settings that has + sign on the left can be vary for different screen sizes and orientations. You can read great tutorial about variations on
Ray Wenderlich web site
You want to use "Vary for Traits" when editing the storyboard. You can then adjust the layout for the different sizes of iPad.
As stated in the comments above, check your deployment info also to ensure it's set to "Universal".

How can I remove the rotation of the screen?

I am developing an ios application, which should stay always vertical and I should disable the functions, users to rotate their screens. Would you advise me how to do it?
In Info.plist expand "Supported interface orientations" and remove Landscape items to make your application only run in portrait mode.
Taken here.
Remove 2 check marks in Deployment info landscape left and landscape right in your project.

How to make an ipad app only portrait?

I am making an ipad app, and i set the the app to only portrait, but it still works in landscape? Why is this happening only on an ipad? How do i fix this?
Note: if the answer is in code, please write it in swift.
In xcode select your project. Go to Targets -> General, scroll down and you can select the Orientation as portrait only.
You can also make change to info.plist file to select proper orientations for Supported interface orientations (iPad)
In deployment Info section you can select your app orientation to support.

How to Convert iPhone app to support iPad

I have existing iPhone app. Now i want it to give support for iPad app i Followed the below link (Converting Storyboard from iPhone to iPad). After implementing the suggestions given by tharkay. I run the app in iPad only Navigation bar coming properly but all components(like buttons, labels)are not resizing those are coming as iPhone size.
Can anybody help me to solve the problem?
Under your Project->Targets->General->Deployment Info make sure that in your iPad tab the right Main Interface is selected (it's your iPad storyboard name).
Use autolayout to setup the constraints on the UI Elements so that they can respond appropriately to different screen size like in your case iPad. Check out this link !

Screen Rotation in iOS

I need some help regarding "Screen Rotation". I am creating this application in Landscape mode but I also want to be able to turn the iPad to Portrait mode. I am trying something different and making the application inside the viewcontroller. Basically copy and paste a view controller over and over. My issue is that even after I select, "Portrait" to be the ViewControllers Mode it still changed to landscape when i the iPad is turned to Landscape mode. I hope this made sense. Any answers are greatly appreciated!
If you're setting the supported orientation modes under the 'Deployment Info' section of your project file in Xcode, might be worth double checking that you are setting the modes for iPad rather than iPhone if you setup your project as a Universal app.
