Add my app as an activity for images - ios

I've created an App that analyses images based on certain criteria. Now I would like to add my App as an 'Activity' for images, so I can send this image to my App (see WhatsApp, iBooks, ...).
I've tried adding Document Types to Xcode (public.png, public.jpeg and some others) in Target -> Info and one dummy property, but I did not get my Icon to show up in the 'Share' menu on Safari.
I used this document to find out about the UTIs I most likely need. I am using Xcode 8 with Swift 3, tested on iOS 10.
I don't really know where to go from here, so any help or guidance would be appreciated!
By adding 'public.image' I am now able to open image files from the Mail app with mine. It still does not work with Safari images and images from my Photo Library.


Analytics for iMessage stickers

We are going to supplement our iOS app with a sticker pack. So I created a new target (Sticker Pack Extension), and pushed a dozen of stickers into Stickers.xcassets.
Everything works great without a line of code: stickers appeared in iMessage and looks good.
The only question: can I add any analytics onto usage of our stickers? To know how popular they are, how often users insert them into their messages, etc.
As far as I know, this is not possible.

How to change app store Preview Language option

My app is on App store & there is no localization as I can see in Code (Plz see attached image below)
But when I looked app on App store page I can see there are two languages (English, Icelandic) see below
I have Mapbox & OneSingle third-party library in the code but don't think I am getting Icelandic because of them.
Please suggest how to remove Icelandic from app store preview.
Check your project settings:
You may have some resource in your project (storyboard/asset/other file) that may have been localised by mistake.
More info on this page.

Switching between apps with URL Schemes (iOS)

I'm developing an iPhone app with Swift which acts on certain file types (.xml &.zip). I've added these filetypes to the project file as a UTI (Uniform Type Identifiers). When accessing these sorts of files, usually from my email, I press and hold the file and a menu pops up from below. I choose my app icon that says "Open in MyApp". Is there a way that I can return to the email which triggered this event from within the app?
I've done some research on this and found that URL Schemes are the best way for inter - app communication, but you cannot arbitrarily open an app just to open it.
The vision I have in mind is sort of how Google apps communicate with each other. For example, when opening a link from gmail, it switches apps to chrome. When chrome loads, the page back navigator is in Chrome displays the text similar to "back to gmail"
In iOS 9 the system implements this automatically, as seen in this screenshot here.

How can I show my app in the menu that is displayed when text is selected in another iOS app?

Let's say I am in Safari and I select some text on a web page. A menu pops up that shows "Copy" and possibly other options.
How can I show my app in that menu?
(The purpose would be to send that text to my app in a custom url scheme.)
I thought I saw this behavior in safari, but I was mistaken. It was in an app called Equipd.
Here is an example:
![enter image description here][2]
Is this due to a collaboration between Equipd and Pleco? Or can Equipd just do this because it knows about Pleco's custom url scheme? Or is something else going on here?
It's not possible to edit this kind of menu without using jailbreak-methods. But Apple won't allow these kind of methods in their App Store apps.
But you can use the new App Extensions which Apple introduced with iOS 8. You should check the App Extension Programming Guide Apple provides.
There are different extension-types. What you will need is the Share Extension.

What Apple stock apps allow exported UTIs?

Using this guide, I made it so that my app is able to open jpeg's and pngs by clicking the "Open in (my app)" button.
This works say, when I open a photo in the messages app and click share. But, I can't seem to get it to work anywhere else. My app doesn't pop up in photos, or mail.
So my question is, am I doing something wrong or is messages the only app that supports exporting files? If not, which apps do? Is there a list?
