Scanning for network devices - ios

I want to scan for all devices in the local network. Then I want to further check if the discovered devices respond on a specific port, say #4000 for example. All that should happen on an iPad preferably using Swift (version 3).
Should I use a library for that job?
This document didn't help me and sadly I cannot find useful information on the internet.
Edit: I want to know how can you implement this in Swift/iOS libraries. Are there any examples, libraries, core classes where I should start?

I think I may know what you are trying to ask. Your device sees the router, but doesn't know who is connected.
Read about multicast IP and broadcast IP, which is usually the highest IP address in your subnet.
As example, you make all devices listen on broadcast/multicast IP. To discover, you send a UDP message to that IP. Your router, if not configured otherwise, will forward that to the other devices.
This message can be something like "I am Mr. John, Reply to me at this Port".
That is the general idea


How can I find devices using port X in the local network?

There may be one or the other professional in the topic of TCP connections in iOS.
The user of my app can configure and connect a network device in the app. To connect the device, I want to show the user a list of available devices. However, I would only like to display devices with a specific port there.
I really hope that someone can help me.

How to link/pair HTML 5 with a hardware device?

I have two entities which I would like to be able to start a communication:
Hardware Device Using Atmel ATSAMS70 and WINC1500 Wifi Module
HTML 5 App
The idea to have a HTML 5 app is to be able to communicate easily with most of the commercial devices like: Windows computers, Android Phones, Mac OSX computer and iOS devices. Apart from that, I would avoid working with native code at all.
Currently, they can talk with each other using WebSockets but somehow the IP address of the custom board has to be known from HTML 5 to initiate the communication.
In order to do this, I can think of 3 options:
Using WebRTC I can get the local IP address of the browser and then I could do a scan of the local devices considering a network mask.
Have an external server that the hardware device can send its local address which will be later retrieved by HTML 5.
Using Bonjour or some sort of device discovery service between the board and HTML5.
I could not find a way to achieve #3 but #2 seems feasible to me. #1 is what I am doing now, but WebRTC is currently not supported on iOS.
So, is there any other better possibility to achieve this communication?
You don't mention how the WINC1500 unit is being connected to the network but presumably this is in STA mode (acting as a wifi station rather than becoming a software access point or part of an ad-hoc network) and is being provided with its IP details through an existing access point?
Ordinarily I'd suggest that once connected, the device ought to start indicating its availability on the network via a regular UDP broadcast on a specific port but my (admittedly limited) understanding of WebSockets it is that it creates TCP connections. The only implementation of Bonjour that I've seen uses UDP messaging too, that may be why you've had trouble with your third approach.
Your second approach seems more likely to work well. A server at a known (or discoverable) IP on the local network which allows the Atmel device to register itself (and its IP address) and also allows other applications (your HTML 5 WebSockets applications) to request that connection information to allow them to create the WebSocket TCP connections they need.
I suppose that doesn't really answer your question as to "Is there a better way?", other than to say "Not that I can think of, your second approach looks good to me...". Sorry! Sounds like a very interesting project, overall,

Can't see another computer in WiFi

I am trying to do a little experiment and I'm getting pretty odd results that I can't explain. I came to my University with my friend, we both brought our laptops and we connected to the same WiFi. But from some reason, our computers couldn't communicate with each other. For example, I couldn't ping him, and I when I did an ARP Scan to find all the hosts on the LAN I didn't find him. He did the same. He couldn't ping me and he didn't find my laptop when he did an ARP scan. Yet, there were many other devices on the LAN that both of us could ping and that we both found in our ARP scan. The University may be big, but we sat just next to each other.
I know that the WiFi on the university may be complex, but yet I have no explanations of what is happening. We sit next to each other, connect to the same WiFi(same Access Point MAC), we both see many same devices in our LAN, yet we can't see each other. Anyone has any idea of what may be happening? Why can't we see/ping each other while we are on the same LAN?
Thanks! :)
The wireless access point probably has a security setting of "Wireless Isolation Within SSID" turned on. This function does exactly what you describe. It allows all authenticated users to see machines on the LAN, but not other wireless machines on the same access point.
Reconfigure your router and make some settings like this
Wireless Authentication type=WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
After this setting delete all Wireless network of router listed in your PC. And than connect, It will works. you can ping your both PC together.
Because you are connected to an infrastructure mode access point (99% of APs), in order to send packets to another device your laptop sends the packet to the AP (to the distribution system), and then the AP sends the packet to your friend (from the distribution system). You cannot connect 'directly' to your friend.
The AP can direct whether or not wireless clients can see each other - depending on the manufacturer this can be implemented in many different ways. You could talk to your system administrator about why/how this policy works.

any way to detect iPads or iPhones on wireless network? bonjour?

I am trying to detect Apple devices connected to a wireless network. This is relatively simple using Bonjour, however I am also trying to detect what kind of device it is. Like, a MacBook Air, a MacBook Pro, a MacPro, an iPhone, iPod, or an iPad.
I have found that Bonjour requests to MacBook's and MacPros include an "ADDITIONAL SECTION" response to the query which includes the model:
Q9550._device-info._tcp.local. 10 IN TXT "model=MacPro3,1"
Air._device-info._tcp.local. 10 IN TXT "model=MacBookAir4,2"
From testing an iPhone (3GS and 4), an iPod touch, and an iPad2, all of the iDevices only respond with their name:
;; ANSWER SECTION: 10 IN PTR gmPad2.local.
Clearly, the name may not reflect the device. So, I would not like to try to extrapolate the type of device from the name. Does anyone know any other ways to detect iDevice types?
Edit: just to be clear, the command I am using is: dig # -p5353 -x ... substituting the IP address of the Apple device
Use port 62078
The most reliable indicator I have seen is whether you can connect to IP port 62078.
Port 62078 is used for the "iphone-sync" service, and I don't think MacBooks use it. This port always appears to be open for the iPhones and iPads on our (very small) network.
Possibly (but not probably) there are messages you can send to the port to sniff out more details...
I think the official xml list of port assignements is here, although it wasn't working for me just now:
MAC address
In theory the MAC addresses might help - but probably not much use unless you can find somewhere that maintains a reliable list of ranges (e.g. a network security firm, or hardware provider). MAC addresses do depend on the actual chips used (or a flashed MAC). The database is at the organisation level (although organisations sometimes choose to use specific ranges for specific devices). allows you to download the database of "Organizationally Unique Identifiers", or you can look up "Apple", or the first three bytes of a MAC address e.g. 00264A.
Anecdotally, the MAC lookup doesn't work... First three digits of my iPad MAC are 28-68-BA and that comes up with nothing.
User agent
Probably not useful, but if you can watch the network traffic or have an http proxy, then the user-agent string could help (see
Edit (added):
Appleā€™s Bonjour protocol relies on Multicast DNS (mDNS) operating at UDP port 5353 and sends to these reserved group addresses: IPv4 Group Address -, IPv6 Group Address - FF02::FB - reference.
This would help get push notification when Apple devices connect to a local network (link-local) by listening for multicast messages on 5353 UDP. Perhaps sniff the packet and see if it has any extra information in it :)
Although I presume that Bonjour API also allows for seeing this...
You can also use the airport utility to do this manually :
1) open AirportUtility
2) Go to "Wireless Clients" (hover mouse by the arrow and click it)
3) Go to DHCP Clients, and you will see iPad,iPhone, computer name, etc.... as the Client ID column.

How do I communicate between devices connected to a WiFi Access Point?

I have got a couple of phones and another couple of PC's connected to a Wifi access point and need to send and receive messages between either of these, I mean anyone can send a message to anyone and receive a message from anyone.
I am willing to write apps on the phones(Symbian OS, S60 platform) or PC(Windows), but what I can't understand is how do I set up a client or server, since any one of these devices could be a client or server.
If I use sockets do I have to script for ServerSockets and also Sockets on each of these devices? Can I use the HTTP protocol?
Alternatively any standard protocol that I could use to implement this?
You would broadcast UDP packets which would arrive at every device on the Wifi network. You would have to invent your own protocol to decide on the identity of each device, since you wouldn't be able to easily infer the IP addresses of your network devices. Without writing an election algorithm you would find it difficult to use a client/server architecture, so just use point-to-point (P2P).
Google for UDP broadcasts and read the relevant RFCs at
It seems like you're looking for pretty typical peer-to-peer communication over IP. I suppose other requirements will dictate which transport you use (HTTP, raw sockets, etc), but yes: Each node will be both a client and a server. You could possibly use MDNS ( to help the nodes find eachother in an ad-hoc manner.
