I am integrating Spotify in one of my application. I am getting the following error inspite of adding required URL schemes in info.plist:
-canOpenURL: failed for URL: "spotify:" - error: "(null)"
Thanks in advance.
From what I have read in other discussion forums make sure that after you have added the redirect_uri in the developer portal from Spotify, also save your changes its all the way at bottom up.
I'm also having issues with this an using swift I get a 200 code and a web page printed in my console as plain html, when I put it in chrome is a 404 page.
Also another tip:
Im using http://localhost:8888/callback as my redirect uri after running a simple nodejs server.
I'm having a doubt about this url encoding inside query string as the examples show %3A%2A%2A for :// and when I print the entire URL it doesn't show them like that
I have the following code in flutter trying to retrieve an oauth2 token via auth code with PKCE flow:
final FlutterAppAuth appAuth = FlutterAppAuth();
final request = AuthorizationTokenRequest(
discoveryUrl: 'https://$B2C_DOMAIN/.well-known/openid-configuration',
scopes: ['openid', 'profile', 'offline_access'],
// promptValues: ['login']
final AuthorizationTokenResponse result =
await appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode(request);
When this code is run in iOS, the browser opens and I can see it tries to load the signin page, but then immediately closes. No exceptions are thrown or anything. The code basically hangs at appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode almost like it doesn't know that the browser has closed.
I am not sure what could be causing this.
The code correctly determines the url for showing credentials using the discoveryUrl (i.e. it makes the http request first using the discoveryUrl) but not sure why it basically hangs after.
I am using azureb2c for authentication here.
Ok turns out this is a problem with using azure b2c in particular as tried it with a different identity provider and works fine.
I managed to locate the issue and fix it now a login page shows in the browser. After entering credentials, browser closes, but code still hangs on appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode(request); and does not proceed.
Also found existing issue. on github: https://github.com/MaikuB/flutter_appauth/issues/182
I managed to solve this following the below answer on the Github repository of the flutter_appauth plugin.
Eventually, all I had to do was to add a trailing slash to the redirect url parameter in AuthorizationTokenRequest.
(It looks like Azure AD appends on a trailing slash to the redirect url which causes the validation in AppAuth to fail).
My app worked correctly with the slash both on Android and iOS.
P.S. If this doesn't work for someone, try to adjust the redirect url in your App Registration as suggested in the respective thread https://github.com/MaikuB/flutter_appauth/issues/223.
I suspect this is related to the call to resumeExternalUserAgentFlow, so here is a plan of action for you:
Follow the steps in my blog post to get the AppAuth Swift + Carthage sample working - which also uses a Private URI Scheme. Use my online configuration details as specified in the blog post and you should have a working solution. I have just verified that my instructions still work.
Update the same sample to use your Azure AD configuration and see if it still works. If so then there is nothing wrong with AppAuth and the problem is in the Flutter layer.
If the Swift sample fails when you update to Azure AD configuration, add some print messages for the URL being supplied to resumeExternalUserAgentFlow in the AppDelegate class, and see if this is different to the original redirect URI. If the redirect URIs are different, reset to the original value and hopefully that will resolve things.
I'm trying to integrate Instagram login into my app to get the logged in user's details, I've registered my app on Instagram and got my client ID, then I added a new URL Type in the project settings with the identifier: igxxxx (where xxxx is my client id), i've also set the redirect URI to be (xxxx://authorize), once I successfully log in (using a webView) Instagram displays a white blank page with (400 Bad Request) text written on top, however, when I change the redirect URI to anything else, it opens without problems after a successful login.
how can I redirect the user to the app after he logs in with Instagram.
p.s. I use this library to ease up things.
thanks in advance.
Here's what I have found so far. I have been able to resolve the issue to get the app to work on the iPhone. However, this solution doesn't allow me to submit the app on the app store as you will read ahead. I have submitted a bug with instagram, not sure how long they will take.
I would suggest everyone go to this link and "Report Issue":
I have had an app in app store for couple months without problems.
However, since June 19, all the users trying to authenticate get a white page with "400 Bad Request" after they login with their IG account.
The issue is very common as you will see on this stack overflow page:
Instagram API prevents redirection to iOS app upon successful login with 400 bad request error
And google shows the same issue with many users since June 19.
I have figured out that the old redirect URI which we were using:
is the issue.
If we change this redirect URI to:
This all starts working fine and we get the access token.
However as per RFC1738, this is not a valid format for URL schemes which is used in iOS development.
So we get error when submitting our apps to app store:
ERROR ITMS-90158: "The following URL schemes found in your app are not in the correct format: [https: //myappname]. URL schemes need to begin with an alphabetic character, and be comprised of alphanumeric characters, the period, the hyphen or the plus sign only. Please see RFC1738 for more detail."
ERROR ITMS-90158: "The following URL schemes found in your app are not in the correct format: [https: //myappname]. URL schemes need to begin with an alphabetic character, and be comprised of alphanumeric characters, the period, the hyphen or the plus sign only. Please see RFC1738 for more detail."
So we can't submit to app store with this solution.
So unless instagram does something to fix this back to how it used to be, we are stuck :(
I'm developing an app using Phonegap and it implements a Facebook login to save some data using the user_id as a reference. I'm using OAuth.io library to implement the login dialog and everything runs smoothly in the web browser and in Android but when I test the app in XCode and I tap the login button the following error appears.
Cannot find hostname in file:/// from static
code: InvalidHeader
message: Cannot find hostname in file:/// from static
My guess is that it has something to do with phonegap not making an external request since the app is not actually hosted in a domain but running locally... any thoughts?
Seems like you are using oauth.js library instead of phonegap version
In your main page "index.html" add reference to the correct js file
<script src="oauth-phonegap.js"></script>
Then follow the instructions here to build your application
I had a simular issue using oauth.io. Turns out it was my Ajax prefilter changing the REQUEST to Facebook(it was adding parameters to the header for each request). Wether this is your issue or not, what you need to do is compare a successful REQUEST to Facebook to an unseccussful one, that will show you where things go wrong. Alternativly a blank phonegap app with no extra code other then the required oauth code should work and will be a Good starting point to isolate your issue.
I have been using Phonegap 2 years before.Though I didn't connect to facebook before,I connected to other website by OAuth.I can show you my solution.
Firstly,you should know how OAuth works.You can read OAuth 2.0 from facebook developer website or other websites.
Secondly,you should know your target:token,uid,expires_time.The most important thing is token.
Thirdly,just do it.In 2010,I solve this problem by using Phonegap Childbrowser plugin(now Phonegap have a inAppBrowser) and a light server.
Why I should use a light server?The server can help me to handle the redirecting in OAuth service and do cache.
Step 1 : I wrote script to connect with my server,and my server connect to OAuth Service(facebook).
Step 2 : OAuth Service(Facebook) do response and redirect to Facebook login page.
Step 3 : After input username and password,OAuth Service(Facebook) will redirect to another url and do a callback with some code or token.
Step 4 : If you get the token,save it and use it to connect OAuth Service(Facebook) if you want.
When I saw "Cannot find hostname in file:/// from static " in your description,I know that maybe you get confuse in OAuth.Now,I suggest you some server side code to handle it and make your OAuth process possible.
I want to start my Dropbox-app by linking to a dropbox account as specified here:
However, dropbox won't redirect back to my website and throws "Invalid redirect_uri"
I specified various redirect urls and double checked my app_key, but i could not get it to work. What am i doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
When I had this issue, I realized that when refreshing the dropbox app console page, it hadn't saved my domain value. Apparently, ONLY HTTPS prefixed domains will work. When I added https it worked fine and saved my value, then I was able to get that to work with my javascript, but I was wishing that I didn't have to setup a server with a cert just to test. Security security, I guess.
http://blah.com // didn't work
https://blah.com // did work
Make sure the full, exact URL is registered as a redirect URI. (E.g. https://www.mydomain.com/mypage.html) The error message in the browser should tell you the exact URI that was attempted, so you should be able to match it perfectly.
I am brand new on this and ran into the same issue today attempting to follow the "Dropbox Datastores and Drop-Ins" tutorial on net.tutsplus.com
My setup is on a local system as well with the solution in a sub directory called "todo".
By trial and error, I got through to the authorisation screen by adding this URI in the Dropbox Developer Console: "http://LH.LH/todo/" (without quotes, AND because of comment restrictions on this board, please replace "LH.LH" with "localhost")
Btw I can see in the console, that there are some other issues with the code, but I will be looking into that.
I'm facing the same issue. It works fine locally, but not on production. I find it to be because of the redirection URI: it adds the 'http://' bit, while you can't add this to the list of supported URI in the Dropbox app list.
Try changing the url manually from the browser, removing the http:// and leaving only the domain. Does it work? If so, you have the same problem as I do... which I still don't know how to fix :(
I have a Facebook app page and a rails application. My rails application loads a dynamic page based on a key that is given. This works fine and dandy outside of my facebook app:
However inside of Facebook the page is pulling up as a 404 error:
I have gotten around this issue by creating a static file within my system to be able to have facebook view it however this is not ideal as deploying the rails app with updates makes modifying these static pages a pain.
Any help on this would be great.
We got this figured out by changing the routes file to allow for a post request instead of just a get request
Your problem is not related to dynamic/static content. Also Facebook is showing a 501 error, not a 404. In short, your SSL cert is not valid for the staging.app subdomain you are pointing your Facebook page at.
Visiting your Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/reynoldsdesignstudio/app_419134091467471) yields this error:
This webpage is not available
The webpage at https://staging.app.eventsent.net/event_lists/3d40ba2a4a10947c17c2337fba3421dd406cceb5.html might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Error 501 (net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE): Unknown error.
Note that the subdomain is staging.app. If you happen to be using Firefox, you get a nice error message the spells everything out:
This Connection is Untrusted
You have asked Firefox to connect securely to staging.app.eventsent.net, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.
staging.app.eventsent.net uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is only valid for the following names:
app.eventsent.net , www.app.eventsent.net
(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)
The easiest solution would be to get a WildCard SSL certificate that is valid for *.eventsent.net.
FYI, if you visit https://staging.app.eventsent.net/event_lists/3d40ba2a4a10947c17c2337fba3421dd406cceb5?frame=true, you will get a rather dire-looking warning from your browser. If you ignore the warning and tell the browser to accept the certificate, your Facebook page will then load fine in the same browser.