Google changes my page title in search results - search-engine

When I search in google for this query
it shows me that almost all the pages has " - X" at the end.
And when I view the page source - it doesn't have this " - X"
<title>הגעה-פלד סקיוריטי</title>
I tried looking for this character in the page-source,
and I've tried to search for how google changes the title - and couldn't find anything.
Why is that happening?


Get root domain from list of subdomains

I am using google sheets and I am having a list of subdomains:
I would like to get:
Find below my example sheet:
Google Sheet Example
I tried =left(F2, find(".", F2,2)), however I only get .app etc.
Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?
Maybe this will work for you in cell E2:
You were on the right path, but it's better to search from the other side:
=RIGHT(A1, len(A1) - find(".", A1))
It basically searches from the right between the length of the cell and the first . it finds

Input Control Parameters not passing in Jaspersoft Reference Hyperlink to Dashboard

I have a jaspersoft report (line chart built in studio), and I want the data series in the chart to be hyperlinks that drilldown to open a dashboard.
Based on this wiki page I was able to create Reference hyperlinks so that clicking on any data series in the chart opens the correct dashboard. But I cannot get the Input Control parameters to pass correctly.
The URL when I load my dashboard directly from the repository (not by clicking hyperlinks in my line chart report) is
The URL generated when i do not include input controls in my hyperlink reference expression is the same:
<itemHyperlink hyperlinkType="Reference">
The URL generated when i do include Input Control parameter values is different, but still loads the dashboard empty (without passing the parameter values):
<itemHyperlink hyperlinkType="Reference">
<hyperlinkReferenceExpression><![CDATA["./dashboard/viewer.html#%2Fpublic%2FP2%2FMidcap%2FFinancial%2FDashboards%2FWell_Profile"+"&hidden_WellConcatenated_0=" + $V{WellConcatenated_0} + "&hidden_OccurrenceDate_1=" + $P{RecordDate_0_1} + "&hidden_OccurrenceDate_2=" + $P{TimeStampMinusOneWeek}]]></hyperlinkReferenceExpression>
I know I am naming the input controls correctly because if i change my link type to report execution and link to a simple report using those input controls the proper report opens and the input control values are passed correctly.
I would also appreciate if anyone has other references they can point me to for drilling down TO a dashboard from a report.
I'm working with 6.3 and was able to resolve the issue with a small modification to the HyperlinkReferenceExpression syntax.
Specifically, I removed the "_hidden" before the input control resource IDs:
original syntax:
+"&hidden_WellConcatenated_0=" + $V{WellConcatenated_0}
+"&hidden_OccurrenceDate_1=" + $P{RecordDate_0_1}
+"&hidden_OccurrenceDate_2=" + $P{TimeStampMinusOneWeek}
modified syntax:
+"&WellConcatenated_0=" + $V{WellConcatenated_0}
+"&OccurrenceDate_1=" +$P{RecordDate_0_1}
+"&OccurrenceDate_2=" + $P{TimeStampMinusOneWeek}
I'm assuming you're running 6.4.0. I'm not sure that approach is still valid.
You will likely need to register a custom hyperlink handler in your report in order to drill-down to a Dashboard. See here for more details:
And here:
Let me know if that works for you on 6.4.0!
My solution is a bad solution., but it worked for me.
In my Dataset - query I used the following:
Select p.printer_name, p.display_name, $P{start_date_1} as start_date_param, ....
Then, use the start_date_param as a field in the hyperlink.

Why FormFeed Character in a txt File is rendered as Page Break by MS Word / WordPad but not by NotePad?

I have a .txt file and it has FormFeed character between para1 and para 2.
Para2 needs to be shown in next page on printing hence FormFeed is placed here.
sample txt file layout:
expected layout on printing:
para1 is shown in 1st page and para 2 is shown in 2nd page as formFeed acts as page break.
When opened and printed with MS Word/WordPad:
expected layout is coming in 2 pages as expected.
When opened and printed with NotePad:
1)FormFeed is not acting as Page Break and all content is printed in 1 page only
2)FormFeed is displayed as unreadable Symbol
Final Printed layout when used Notepad:
Unreadable symbol (caused by FormFeed)
Why Notepad is unable to render FormFeed as pageBreak ?
Is it because NotePad is a text Editor While WordPad/MS Word is Word processor ?
Is there any way how we can make this work with NotePad ?
1)It is a text Editor program and cannot interpret Form Feed character as Page Break.
2) Hence there is no way we can make formFeed work as page break and print it by using NotePad.
WordPad/MS Word:
1) Both are Word Processor softwares and can interpret FormFeed correctly as Page Break.
Hence Unreadable symbol is not shown on opening txt file with them
2) We can also see the page Break by Print Preview feature in wordpad/NotePad.
This hyperLink provides additional information on this topic:
Additional Info
Also below hyperlink shows similar topic post asking for a universal solution for pageBreak Feature using txt file.
page Break in txt file Universal Solution

with fusiontables I want to show our delivery area's in google maps. But some country codes are not showing correct. How can I change this?

I tried to change the columns already, but that hasn't worked. I changed the GB to UK, but that doesnt work.
A sample of a country which is showing in the US, but is actually a GB delivery.
To City: Neewport NP204HH GB
To PostalCode: Neewport
To Country: NP204HH
Total ChargeBGB: GB
I wonder how you got the incorrect result, when I use Neewport NP204HH GB as value for a location-column I get a place in the UK(near Cardiff)
But when your geocoding-result isn't correct you may edit it.
Click on the row to edit the values(a window opens), under the location-column you should see a link "edit geocode"(another window opens)
type e.g. "Neewport" in the searchfield and search
some markers should appear, find the marker at the desired location, and click on the marker->choose "use this location"
click on "save"

cant display text in mvc pdfsharp project need to remove tags

i have this line of code in my mvc 4 pdfsharp project and i cant seem to figure out how to get the decsription field to display just the text when the pdf is generated. all my other lines display fine an they are all set up the same, it is just this one I cant figure out:
graphics.DrawString("" + report.Description, font, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(margin, page.Height - (lineHeight * 35), page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.TopCenter);
currentTop += lineHeight;
this is what the pdf displays from that line: Normal;font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px;color: #000000;">Incident API
this is what it should display: Incident API
does anyone know what I can add to this line of code to make it display properly. any advice or support would be greatly appeciated. if you need more info please ask. i have been stuck on this forever and cant seem to figure it out.
thank you so much
I was able to use a simple regex and just display plain text and no tags in the pdf report. Here is the code if anyone else has the same problem:
report.Description = Regex.Replace(report.Description, "<.*?>| ", string.Empty);
