1 000 000 000 000 000 000 th fibonacci number - fibonacci

The problem is Get Under 1,000,000,000,000,000,000th fibonacci number%1,000,000
#include <iostream>
#define fibo(a,b) {long long c=b;b=a;a=(b+c)%1000000;}
using namespace std;
int main(){
long long a=1,b=0; //two num
long long pa,pb,n,k,arr[2][1000]; //last two num,input,input<=2^k
for(unsigned long long i=1;n>3;i++){
if(n<=3){ //special occasions
case 0:cout<<"0"<<endl;break;
case 3:cout<<"2"<<endl;break;
return 0;
while(k>=0){ //calc
a=((pa+pb*2)*pa)%1000000; //F(2n)=(F(n)+F(n-1)*2)*F(n)
b=(pa*pa+pb*pb)%1000000; //F(2n-1)=F(n)^2+F(n-1)^2
if(arr[1][k--]==1){fibo(a,b);} //F(n+1)=F(n)+F(n-1)
return 0;
when is it wrong?
And why is it wrong?
I can't find different occasion.

An alternative approach you could consider using here is the fact that there are only 1,000,000 possible remainders for Fibonacci numbers, so if you were to compute the first 1,000,001 Fibonacci numbers, at some point you would find that the numbers would start to go in a cycle. So consider the following approach:
Compute the first 1,000,001 Fibonacci numbers.
The numbers will eventually enter a cycle. Determine how many steps k are needed to enter the cycle and how long l the cycle is.
The 1,000,000,000,000,000,000th Fibonacci number, mod 1,000,000, can be found by determining what position the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000th Fibonacci number would end up in the cycle, which is the ((1,000,000,000,000,000,000 - k) % l)th position. So look at that position and output the entry there.


toStringAsFixed() returns a round-up value of a given number in Dart

I want to get one decimal place of a double in Dart. I use the toStringAsFixed() method to get it, but it returns a round-up value.
double d1 = 1.151;
double d2 = 1.150;
print('$d1 is ${d1.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
print('$d2 is ${d2.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
Console output:
1.151 is 1.2
1.15 is 1.1
How can I get it without a round-up value? Like 1.1 for 1.151 too. Thanks in advance.
Not rounding seems highly questionable to me1, but if you really want to truncate the string representation without rounding, then I'd take the string representation, find the decimal point, and create the appropriate substring.
There are a few potential pitfalls:
The value might be so large that its normal string representation is in exponential form. Note that double.toStringAsFixed just returns the exponential form anyway for such large numbers, so maybe do the same thing.
The value might be so small that its normal string representation is in exponential form. double.toStringAsFixed already handles this, so instead of using double.toString, use double.toStringAsFixed with the maximum number of fractional digits.
The value might not have a decimal point at all (e.g. NaN, +infinity, -infinity). Just return those values as they are.
extension on double {
// Like [toStringAsFixed] but truncates (toward zero) to the specified
// number of fractional digits instead of rounding.
String toStringAsTruncated(int fractionDigits) {
// Require same limits as [toStringAsFixed].
assert(fractionDigits >= 0);
assert(fractionDigits <= 20);
if (fractionDigits == 0) {
return truncateToDouble().toString();
// [toString] will represent very small numbers in exponential form.
// Instead use [toStringAsFixed] with the maximum number of fractional
// digits.
var s = toStringAsFixed(20);
// [toStringAsFixed] will still represent very large numbers in
// exponential form.
if (s.contains('e')) {
// Ignore values in exponential form.
return s;
// Ignore unrecognized values (e.g. NaN, +infinity, -infinity).
var i = s.indexOf('.');
if (i == -1) {
return s;
return s.substring(0, i + fractionDigits + 1);
void main() {
var values = [
for (var v in values) {
Another approach one might consider is to multiply by pow(10, fractionalDigits), use double.truncateToDouble, divide by the power-of-10 used earlier, and then use .toStringAsFixed(fractionalDigits). That could work for human-scaled values, but it could generate unexpected results for very large values due to precision loss from floating-point arithmetic. (This approach would work if you used package:decimal instead of double, though.)
1 Not rounding seems especially bad given that using doubles to represent fractional base-10 numbers is inherently imprecise. For example, since the closest IEEE-754 double-precision floating number to 0.7 is 0.6999999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875, do you really want 0.7.toStringAsTruncated(1) to return '0.6' instead of '0.7'?

Deallocate and reallocate memory. Resetting Polygon in FLTK

#include "Simple_window.h"
#include "Graph.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
int main(){
Simple_window win(Point(100,100),600,400,"Marks");
Graph_lib::Polygon poly;
bool over = true;
int n = 0;
Marks pp("x");
cout<<"Enter number of sides (3 or more): ";
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
cout<<"Enter number of sides (3 or more): ";
//Finding the angle and number of sides...
if(n%2 != 0){
//logic for polygon...
//logic for polygon...
poly.set_color(Color::magenta); // adjust properties of poly
win.attach (poly); // connect poly to the window
win.wait_for_button(); // Display!
What does this program does it make n-sided polygons. After I set my polygon. I wish to reset it. After i enter the amount of sides in a polygon. I click on "next" it will ask me how many polygons again and repeat the process. Someone told me to call delete. However I'm not sure how I would type that in. As in delete poly.points? or delete polygon ? I tried a few but I kept getting errors.
My second question is on line 38. Originally I had it so If i entered a number less than 3 the program will end. But the program won't end. So i had to use break;
cout<<"why wont this end ?"<<endl;
boolean over is set to true. While true loop. If n < 3 over is false. thus end the program? it Wont end.
There is no need to reset the poly if you stick the declaration inside the first while loop.
Graph_lib::Polygon poly;
Re: why your program won't end. Break is good enough but if you don't like using break
use continue
put the rest of the loop body in an else clause
Edit: Re: changing the title: I don't know the Simpe_Window interface: it is not part of FLTK - it is a Stroustrup creation. If it is derived from FL_Window, use label(new title).

Generation random (positive and negative) numbers for a quiz

I am writing a Math Quiz app for my daughter in xcode/swift.Specifically, I want to produce a question that will contain at least one negative number to be added or subtracted against a second randomly generated number.Cannot be two positive numbers.
What is (-45) subtract 12?
What is 23 Minus (-34)?
I am struggling to get the syntax right to generate the numbers, then decide if the said number will be a negative or positive.
Then the second issue is randomizing if the problem is to be addition or subtraction.
It's possible to solve this without repeated number drawing. The idea is to:
Draw a random number, positive or negative
If the number is negative: Draw another number from the same range and return the pair.
If the number is positive: Draw the second number from a range constrained to negative numbers.
Here's the implementation:
extension CountableClosedRange where Bound : SignedInteger {
/// A property that returns a random element from the range.
var random: Bound {
return Bound(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count.toIntMax())).toIntMax()) + lowerBound
/// A pair of random elements where always one element is negative.
var randomPair: (Bound, Bound) {
let first = random
if first >= 0 {
return (first, (self.lowerBound ... -1).random)
return (first, random)
Now you can just write...
let pair = (-10 ... 100).randomPair
... and get a random tuple where one element is guaranteed to be negative.
Here's my attempt. Try running this in a playground, it should hopefully get you the result you want. I hope I've made something clean enough...
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
let range = Range(uncheckedBounds: (-50, 50))
func generateRandomCouple() -> (a: Int, b: Int) {
// This function will generate a pair of random integers
// (a, b) such that at least a or b is negative.
var first, second: Int
repeat {
first = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(range.upperBound - range.lowerBound))) - range.upperBound
second = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(range.upperBound - range.lowerBound))) - range.upperBound
while (first > 0 && second > 0);
// Essentially this loops until at least one of the two is less than zero.
return (first, second)
let couple = generateRandomCouple();
print("What is \(couple.a) + (\(couple.b))")
// at this point, either of the variables is negative
// I don't think you can do it in the playground, but here you would read
// her input and the expected answer would, naturally, be:
print(couple.a + couple.b)
In any case, feel free to ask for clarifications. Good luck !

Shortest way to get digit number from a value

Let's say I have a number like 134658 and I want the 3rd digit (hundreds place) which is "6".
What's the shortest length code to get it in Objective-C?
This is my current code:
int theNumber = 204398234;
int theDigitPlace = 3;//hundreds place
int theDigit = (int)floorf((float)((10)*((((float)theNumber)/(pow(10, theDigitPlace)))-(floorf(((float)theNumber)/(pow(10, theDigitPlace)))))));
//Returns "2"
There are probably better solutions, but this one is slightly shorter:
int theNumber = 204398234;
int theDigitPlace = 3;//hundreds place
int theDigit = (theNumber/(int)(pow(10, theDigitPlace - 1))) % 10;
In your case, it divides the number by 100 to get 2043982 and then "extracts"
the last decimal digit with the "remainder operator" %.
Remark: The solution assumes that the result of pow(10, theDigitPlace - 1) is
exact. This works because double has about 16 significant decimal digits and int on iOS
is a 32-bit number and has at most 10 decimal digits.
How about good old C?
int theNumber = 204398234;
char output[20]; //Create a string bigger than any number we might get.
sprintf(output, "%d", theNumber);
int theDigit = output[strlen(output)-4]-'0'; //index is zero-based.
That's really only 2 executable lines.
Yours is only 1 line, but that's a nasty, hard-to-understand expression you've got there, and uses very slow transcendental math.
Note: Fixed to take the 3rd digit from the right instead of the 3rd from the left. (Thanks #Maddy for catching my mistake)
Another solution that uses integer math, and a single line of code:
int theNumber = 204398234;
int result = (theNumber/100) % 10;
This is likely the fastest solution proposed yet.
It shifts the hundreds place down into the 1s place, then uses modulo arithmetic to get rid of everything but the lowest-order decimal digit.

objective c float increment wrong value

I have a query regarding floating value increment in loop.
I have following code
float add = 1.02f;
float counter = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
counter += add;
While executing this loop I am getting following result
Here is expected result
Why i am getting some floating point in loop without adding it.
I need to loop more then 1000 times. And I want the value in float variable.
Thanks in advance.
This happens because float cannot represent the values that you have with exact precision. There are two simple ways of fixing this:
Represent the number as 100 times the target value, and use integers - 1.02 becomes 102, 2.04 becomes 204, and so on.
Use NSDecimalNumber to represent your numbers - Unlike float, NSDecimalNumber can represent all your values with full precision.
Here is how to implement the first approach:
int add = 102;
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
counter += add;
NSLog(#"%d.%d", counter/100, counter%100);
Here is how to implement the second approach:
NSDecimalNumber add = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:#"1.02"];
NSDecimalNumber counter = [NSDecimalNumber zero];
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
counter = [counter decimalNumberByAdding:add];
NSLog(#"%#", counter);
Why i am getting some floating point in loop without adding it.
Because float is a binary type that doesn't represent decimal values exactly. Rather than trying to explain completely and correctly, let me point you to the well-known paper What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic.
Floating point number representations in computers are approximations, they are not exact. Sometimes you end up trying to display a number that can't be exactly represented in the computer's floating point number implementation, so it gives you an approximation. Also you get small arithmetic errors from repeated multiplications, additions, etc. of floating point numbers. The best you can do is to use doubles, which have more precision than floats do. In special circumstances, you could also represent your data in a different format and just change how you display it to the user to fit what they expect. For example, when working with dollars and cents, you could just store a total as a number of cents (which would be only an integer) and then format it to be shown as dollars and cents correctly for the user. There's no floating point rounding issues happening then.
Floating point numbers use four bytes = 32 bits.
1 bit for sign
8 bits for exponent
23 bits for mantissa
Precision: The number of decimal digits precision is calculated via number_of_mantissa_bits * Log10(2). Thus ~7.2 and ~15.9 for single and double precision respectively.
That's why you start to see rounding errors on the 7th digit
Source link.
