Using Runloop in inside nsoperation for async tasks - ios

I have a use case where I need to download many files using NSURLSession.
To keep the sessiontasks from timing out I need to place them in an operation queue and limit the amount of concurrent downloads so they don't starve.
My idea is that I will load the task resume into an nsoperation and load them into an nsoperationqueue that will limit the number of concurrent activitiy.
The issue is that when I call [task resume] the code will exit and the nsoperation will consider itself complete even though I am waiting for the file to finish downloading.
Here is some code.
NSURLSessionDownloadTask *task = [session downloadTaskWithRequest: request
completionHandler:^(NSURL *location, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
//move the file to a permanent location
//I have instantiated a class global NSOperation queue.
[imageDownloadQueue addOperationWithBlock:^void() {
[task resume];
How can I keep the nsoperation thread alive while I wait for the callback? I have also tried using nsrunloop and adding a port to NSMachPort. That didn't seem to help.
Also, setting the HttpMaximumConnectionsPerHost on the NSURLSession doesn't help because the timeout timer starts when I resume a task. Which means I will get more timeouts than before.

Sadly, I didn't have time for a proper fix and I needed the timeout issues fixed ASAP. I found something that did work.
//I have instantiated a class global NSOperation queue.
[imageDownloadQueue addOperationWithBlock:^void() {
[task resume];
while(task.state == NSURLSessionTaskStateRunning)
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:.1];
Since the NSOperation works on a background thread, I was able to sleep that thread while the task is running. This keeps the thread from dying but the task will run on it's own thread and isn't blocked.


NSURLSession: method dataTaskWithRequest never reach completion callback on lengthy responses

The following code that used to create communication session with a remote server and send/receive HTTP requests/responses.
However, when a large file is attached to the response, the callback block never reached.
Only when explicitly invoke the cancel method after some timeout from the NSURLSession task (_dataTask), this callback is being called.
notice that using tcpdump it can easily observed that the response was properly received on the client side.
NSURLSessionConfiguration* config = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1;
NSURLSession* session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:config delegate:nil delegateQueue:queue];
_dataTask = [session dataTaskWithRequest:req completionHandler:^(NSData * _Nullable data, NSURLResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if ([error code] == NSURLErrorCancelled) {
writeLog(LOG_ERROR, "NSURLErrorCancelled");
} else {
[_dataTask resume]
// after timeout, the operation is cancelled.
[_dataTask cancel];
I'd like to know if using dataTask has response length limit (because it's working for small files on response body) and if there is such a limit, so which other method should I use in order to overcome it.
I saw that there's an alternative method in NSUrlsession dedicated for downloading files called downloadTaskWithRequest but it doesn't have an async completion block.
Thanks !
When fetching large resources, you should use download task. A data task will attempt to load the entire response in a single NSData object. Loading a large asset in memory at the same time is not only inefficient, but if it is extraordinarily large, can cause problems.
A download task is well suited for these tasks, because it will stream the asset to a temporary file for you, reducing the peak memory usage. (Admittedly, you can manually achieve the same with data task with delegate pattern, but download tasks do this for you.)
You said:
I saw that there's an alternative method in NSURLSession dedicated for downloading files called downloadTaskWithRequest but it doesn't have an async completion block.
Two observations:
There is a rendition, dataTaskWithRequest:completionHandler:, that has a completion block:
NSURLSession* session = [NSURLSession sharedSession];
NSURLSessionDownloadTask *task = [session downloadTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSURL * _Nullable location, NSURLResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
[task resume];
Note, I would advise using sharedSession if you are not setting a delegate, or otherwise customizing your NSURLSession. You do not want to instantiate NSURLSession objects unnecessarily. And if you really must instantiate a NSURLSession, re-use it for subsequent tasks and/or make sure to call finishTasksAndInvalidate after submitting the last task for that session, or else the NSURLSession will leak. And, if you instantiate your own NSURLSession, you do not have to instantiate your own operation queue, as it will, by default, create a serial queue for you if you do not supply an operation queue.
The rendition without a block parameter, downloadTaskWithURL:, works, too. All you need to do is to specify a delegate for your NSURLSession and then and implement URLSession:downloadTask:didFinishDownloadingToURL:.
The reason I suggest this is that, often, when we are downloading very large assets (especially over cellular), we realize that the users may want to leave our app and let the download complete in the background. In those situations, we would use a background NSURLSessionConfiguration. And when using background sessions, you must use this delegate-based approach. So, if you think you might eventually adopt background sessions for long downloads, then adopting a delegate-based approach now is not a bad idea.
For more information, see Downloading Files in the Background.

AWS SDK - Implementing a network queue for CloudFront downloads

I'm currently working on an iOS project that utilises the AWS SDK to download large media files to the device. I am using CloudFront to distribute the content and the downloads are working well, however I am having problems implementing a network queue for these operations. No matter what I try, all the files want to download at once.
I am using the AWSContent downloadWithDownloadType: method to initiate and monitor progress on the actual downloads.
I have tried using an NSOperationQueue and setting setMaxConcurrentOperationCount, and all the code blocks execute at once. :(
I have a feeling it might be configurable with AWSServiceConfiguration in the AppDelegate, but the documentation is extremely vague on what variables you can pass into that object...
Has anyone had any experience with this?
Your problem is most likely that you misunderstand an approach of asynchronous operations.
I have tried using an NSOperationQueue and setting
setMaxConcurrentOperationCount, and all the code blocks execute at
once. :(
It's difficult to say what's definitely wrong without seeing an actual code, however most likely it's tied to the following steps:
You create NSOperationQueue
You set maxConcurrentOperationsCount to 2 for example
You add 4 blocks to it with AWSContent downloadWithDownloadType:
You expect no more 2 downloads to be run simultaneously
What do you probably do wrong
The key is inside point 3. What exactly the block does? My guess is that it completes before actual download completes. So if you have something like:
NSOperationQueue *queue = [NSOperationQueue new];
queue.maxConcurrentOperationsCount = 2;
for (AWSContent *content in contentArray) { // Assume you already do have this array
[queue addOperationWithBlock:^() {
[content downloadWithDownloadType:AWSContentDownloadTypeIfNotCached
completionHandler:^(AWSContent *content, NSData *data, NSError *error) {
// do some stuff here on completion
Your block exits before your download is finished, allowing next blocks to run on queue and starting further downloads.
What to try
You should simply add some synchronization mechanism to your block to let operation complete only on completion block. Say:
NSOperationQueue *queue = [NSOperationQueue new];
queue.maxConcurrentOperationsCount = 2;
for (AWSContent *content in contentArray) { // Assume you already do have this array
[queue addOperationWithBlock:^() {
dispatch_semaphore_t dsema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
[content downloadWithDownloadType:AWSContentDownloadTypeIfNotCached
completionHandler:^(AWSContent *content, NSData *data, NSError *error) {
// do some stuff here on completion
// ...
dispatch_semaphore_signal(dsema); // it's important to call this function in both error and success cases of download to free the block from queue
dispatch_semaphore_wait(dsema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); // or another dispatch_time if you want your custom timeout instead of AWS
Effectively your answer is
You just schedule plenty of such blocks to your operation queue.
More reading

Running multiple background threads iOS

Is it possible to run multiple background threads to improve performance on iOS . Currently I am using the following code for sending lets say 50 network requests on background thread like this:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^(void){
// send 50 network requests
After updating my code to something like this no performance gain was achieved :( Taken from here
dispatch_queue_t fetchQ = dispatch_queue_create("Multiple Async Downloader", NULL);
dispatch_group_t fetchGroup = dispatch_group_create();
// This will allow up to 8 parallel downloads.
dispatch_semaphore_t downloadSema = dispatch_semaphore_create(8);
// We start ALL our downloads in parallel throttled by the above semaphore.
for (NSURL *url in urlsArray) {
dispatch_group_async(fetchGroup, fetchQ, ^(void) {
dispatch_semaphore_wait(downloadSema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
NSMutableURLRequest *headRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url cachePolicy: NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:60.0];
[headRequest setHTTPMethod: #"GET"];
[headRequest addValue: cookieString forHTTPHeaderField: #"Cookie"];
NSOperationQueue *queue = [[[NSOperationQueue alloc] init] autorelease];
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:headRequest
queue:queue // created at class init
completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error){
// do something with data or handle error
NSLog(#"request completed");
// Now we wait until ALL our dispatch_group_async are finished.
dispatch_group_wait(fetchGroup, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
// Update your UI
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//[self updateUIFunction];
// Release resources
Be careful not to confuse threads with queues
A single concurrent queue can operate across multiple threads, and GCD never guarantees which thread your tasks will run on.
The code you currently have will submit 50 network tasks to be run on a background concurrent queue, this much is true.
However, all 50 of these tasks will be executed on the same thread.
GCD basically acts like a giant thread pool, so your block (containing your 50 tasks) will be submitted to the next available thread in the pool. Therefore, if the tasks are synchronous, they will be executed serially. This means that each task will have to wait for the previous one to finish before preceding. If they are asynchronous tasks, then they will all be dispatched immediately (which begs the question of why you need to use GCD in the first place).
If you want multiple synchronous tasks to run at the same time, then you need a separate dispatch_async for each of your tasks. This way you have a block per task, and therefore they will be dispatched to multiple threads from the thread pool and therefore can run concurrently.
Although you should be careful that you don't submit too many network tasks to operate at the same time (you don't say specifically what they're doing) as it could potentially overload a server, as gnasher says.
You can easily limit the number of concurrent tasks (whether they're synchronous or asynchronous) operating at the same time using a GCD semaphore. For example, this code will limit the number of concurrent operations to 6:
long numberOfConcurrentTasks = 6;
dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(numberOfConcurrentTasks);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
dispatch_async(concurrentQueue, ^{
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
[self doNetworkTaskWithCompletion:^{
NSLog(#"network task %i done", i);
The problem with your code is the line:
dispatch_queue_t fetchQ = dispatch_queue_create("Multiple Async Downloader", NULL);
When NULL is passed to the attr parameter, GCD creates a serial queue (it's also a lot more readable if you actually specify the queue type here). You want a concurrent queue. Therefore you want:
dispatch_queue_t fetchQ = dispatch_queue_create("Multiple Async Downloader", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
You need to be signalling your semaphore from within the completion handler of the request instead of at the end of the request. As it's asynchronous, the semaphore will get signalled as soon as the request is sent off, therefore queueing another network task. You want to wait for the network task to return before signalling.
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:headRequest
queue:queue // created at class init
completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error){
// do something with data or handle error
NSLog(#"request completed");
Edit 2
I just noticed you are updating your UI using a dispatch_sync. I see no reason for it to be synchronous, as it'll just block the background thread until the main thread has updated the UI. I would use a dispatch_async to do this.
Edit 3
As CouchDeveloper points out, it is possible that the number of concurrent network requests might be being capped by the system.
The easiest solution appears to be migrating over to NSURLSession and configuring the maxConcurrentOperationCount property of the NSOperationQueue used. That way you can ditch the semaphores altogether and just dispatch all your network requests on a background queue, using a callback to update the UI on the main thread.
I am not at all familiar with NSURLSession though, I was only answering this from a GCD stand-point.
You can send multiple requests, but sending 50 requests in parallel is usually not a good idea. There is a good chance that a server confronted with 50 simultaneous request will handle the first few and return errors for the rest. It depends on the server, but using a semaphore you can easily limit the number of running requests to anything you like, say four or eight. You need to experiment with the server in question to find out what works reliably on that server and gives you the highest performance.
And there seems to be a bit of confusion around: Usually all your network requests will run asynchronously. That is you send the request to the OS (which goes very quick usually), then nothing happens for a while, then a callback method of yours is called, processing the data. Whether you send the requests from the main thread or from a background thread doesn't make much difference.
Processing the results of these requests can be time consuming. You can process the results on a background thread. You can process the results of all requests on the same serial queue, which makes it a lot easier to avoid multithreading problems. That's what I do because it's easy and even in the worst case uses one processor for intensive processing of the results, while the other processor can do UI etc.
If you use synchronous network requests (which is a bad idea), then you need to dispatch each one by itself on a background thread. If you run a loop running 50 synchronous network requests on a background thread, then the second request will wait until the first one is completely finished.

Is a __block variable assignment thread-safe to read immediately after the block?

__block NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse;
dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
NSURLSessionDataTask *task = [session dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
if (!error)
httpResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse *)response;
[task resume];
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
Is it safe to read httpResponse after this? The semaphore waits for the block to compete execution. If there was no error, will the assignment be seen immediately or do I have to synchronise or create a memory barrier outside the block?
Does waiting on the semaphore implicitly perform some synchronisation which makes the __block variable safe to read immediately. If this was done with Thread.join() in Java instead of a semaphore, it would be safe since it guarantees a happens-before relationship with the assignment in the "block".
The short answer is yes.
The semaphore lock essentially forces the thread that is currently operating to stop execution until it receives enough unlock signals to proceed.
The variable you have defined is modified on some other thread before the semaphore is allowed to continue executing, so your assignment should have safely occurred.
Strictly speaking, this code will block on the executing thread (probably the main thread) until the semaphore lock is signalled. So - short answer, yes it should work, but it isn't best practice because it blocks the main thread.
Longer answer:
Yes, the semaphore will make sure the __block captured storage isn't accessed until it has been filled in. However, the calling thread will be blocked by the wait until the block has completed. This isn't ideal - normal UI tasks like making sure Activity Indicators spin won't happen.
Best practice would be to have the block signal the main object (potentially using a dispatch_async call to the main queue) once it has completed, and only accessing it after that. This is especially true given that if your session task fails (e.g. from network connectivity), then the calling thread will potentially block until the completion handler is called with a timeout error. This will appear to a user like the app has frozen, and they can't really do anything about it but kill the app.
For more information on working with blocks, see:
For best practice with Data Session tasks in particular:
It seems dispatch_semaphore_wait is also a memory barrier, so the value can be safely read.

better understand of NSURLConnection with NSOperationQueue

I make a queue
NSOperationQueue *operationQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
I send the queue to my async request
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:req queue:operationQueue completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// ... do stuff here
I cancel my operations prematurely
[operationQueue cancelAllOperations];
However, I can see my async's "completion" code still running. How come this scenario doesn't work like I expected?
Isn't it your responsibility to check isCancelled during your operation's task in case it gets canceled halfway though?
NSOperationQueue won't just kill tasks, it will set them as cancelled and let them finish themselves. This lets you clean up any resources you might have allocated and tidy up before you exit.
Tasks that haven't started yet won't start.
cancelAllOperations goes through the items in the queue and calls cancel on each one. If you look at the documentation for completionBlock:
The completion block you provide is executed when the value returned by the isFinished method changes to YES. Thus, this block is executed by the operation object after the operation’s primary task is finished or cancelled.
can be seen here
another snippet from the documentation for setCompletionBlock:
A finished operation may finish either because it was cancelled or because it successfully completed its task. You should take that fact into account when writing your block code. Similarly, you should not make any assumptions about the successful completion of dependent operations, which may themselves have been cancelled.
