Looking for a convenient way to start and stop applications with docker-compose - docker

For each of my projects, I have configured a docker development environment consisting of several containers. I often switch between projects. That requires stopping one set of containers and starting another. I currently do it like this:
$ cd project1
$ docker-compose stop
$ cd ../project2
$ docker-compose up -d
So I need to remember which application is currently running, cd into the directory where its docker-compose.yml is, stop it, then remember what other project I want to run, cd there and start it.
Is there a better way? Like a utility that remembers which multicontainer applications I have, can stop the currently running one and run another one without manual cding and docker-composeing?
(By the way, what's the correct term for a set of containers hosting parts of a single application?)

Hope docker-compose-ui will help you in managing applications.

I think the real problem here is this:
That requires stopping one set of containers and starting another.
You shouldn't need to stop one project to start another.
Instead of mapping to the same host ports I would not map any ports at all. Then use a script to lookup the IP of the container, and connect directly to that:
cip=$(docker inspect -f '{{range $key, $value := .NetworkSettings.Networks}} {{ $value.IPAddress}} {{end}}' $1)
This will look up the container ip. Combine that with a command to open the url:
xdg-open $url || open $url
All together this will let you run the application without having to map any host ports. When host ports don't exist, you don't have to stop other projects.

If you are ruby proven a bit, you can use scaffolding for this.
A barebone example using thread ( to start different docker-compose session without one process and then stop them all together )
require 'docker-compose'
threads = []
project_paths = %w(/project/path1 /project/path2 /project/path3 /project/path)
project_paths.each do |path|
threads.push Docker::Compose::Session.new(dir:compose_base_path1)
threads.each do |thread|
rescue SystemExit, Interrupt
threads.each do |thread|
rescue Exception => e
handle_exception e
It uses
docker-compose gem
Just set project_paths to the folders of your projects. And if you want to end them all, use CTRL+c
You can of course go beyond that, using a daemon and try to start / stop some of them giving "names" and such, but i guess as a starting point for scaffolding, that should be enaugh


My docker container keeps instantly closing when trying to run an image for bigcode-tools

I'm new to Docker, and I'm not sure how to quite deal with this situation.
So I'm trying to run a docker container in order to replicate some results from a research paper, specifically from here: https://github.com/danhper/bigcode-tools/blob/master/doc/tutorial.md
(image link: https://hub.docker.com/r/tuvistavie/bigcode-tools/).
I'm using a windows machine, and every time I try to run the docker image (via: docker run -p 80:80 tuvistavie/bigcode-tools), it instantly closes. I've tried running other images, such as the getting-started, but that image doesn't close instantly.
I've looked at some other potential workarounds, like using -dit, but since the instructions require setting an alias/doskey for a docker run command, using the alias and chaining it with other commands multiple times results in creating a queue for the docker container since the port is tied to the alias.
Like in the instructions from the GitHub link, I'm trying to set an alias/doskey to make api calls to pull data, but I am unable to get any data nor am I getting any errors when performing the calls on the command prompt.
Sorry for the long question, and thank you for your time!
Going in order of the instructions:
0. I can run this, it added the image to my Docker Desktop
Since I'm using a windows machine, I had to use 'set' instead of 'export'
I'm not exactly sure what the $ is meant for in UNIX, and whether or not it has significant meaning, but from my understanding, the whole purpose is to create a directory named 'bigcode-workspace'
Instead of 'alias,' I needed to use doskey.
Since -dit prevented my image from instantly closing, I added that in as well, but I'm not 100% sure what it means. Running docker run (...) resulted in the docker image instantly closing.
When it came to using the doskey alias + another command, I've tried:
(doskey macro) (another command)
(doskey macro) ^& (another command)
(doskey macro) $T (another command)
This also seemed to be using github api call, so I also added a --token=(github_token), but that didn't change anything either
Because the later steps require expected data pulled from here, I am unable to progress any further.
Looks like this image is designed to be used as a command-line utility. So it should not be running continuously, but you run it via alias docker-bigcode for your tasks.
$BIGCODE_WORKSPACE is an environment variable expansion here. So on a Windows machine it's %BIGCODE_WORKSPACE%. You might want to set this variable in Settings->System->About->Advanced System Settings, because variables set with SET command will apply to the current command prompt session only. Or you can specify the path directly, without environment variable.
As for alias then I would just create a batch file with the following content:
docker run -p 6006:6006 -v %BIGCODE_WORKSPACE%:/bigcode-tools/workspace tuvistavie/bigcode-tools %*
This will run the specified command appending the batch file parameters at the end. You might need to add double quotes if BIGCODE_WORKSPACE path contains spaces.

How to rollback database in docker container using elixir phoenix releases and the example MyApp.Release.rollback in the guides

I cannot figure out how to rollback a database when trying to do it through a phoenix app running in a docker container. I am trying to simulate locally what it would be like when migrating on a remote server.
I am running it locally by running:
docker run -it -p 4000:4000 -e DATABASE_URL=ecto://postgres:postgres#host.docker.internal/my_app_dev -e SECRET_KEY_BASE=blahblah my-app-tag:v1
I view the running containers with:
docker ps
I bash into the container
docker exec -it 8943918c8f4f /bin/bash
cd into app/bin
cd bin
try to rollback
./my_app rpc 'MyApp.Release.rollback(MyApp.Repo, "20191106071140")'
=> 08:43:45.516 [info] Already down
If this did indeed work when running through the application it should blow up as I do different things. But it doesn't.
If I try eval
./my_app eval 'MyApp.Release.rollback(MyApp.Repo, "20191106071140")'
08:46:22.033 [error] GenServer #PID<0.207.0> terminating
** (RuntimeError) connect raised KeyError exception: key :database not found. The exception details are hidden, as they may contain sensitive data such as database credentials. You may set :show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error to true when starting your connection if you wish to see all of the details
(elixir) lib/keyword.ex:393: Keyword.fetch!/2
(postgrex) lib/postgrex/protocol.ex:92: Postgrex.Protocol.connect/1
(db_connection) lib/db_connection/connection.ex:69: DBConnection.Connection.connect/2
(connection) lib/connection.ex:622: Connection.enter_connect/5
(stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message: nil
** (EXIT from #PID<0.163.0>) shutdown
I am trying to ensure I know how to deploy an application to a remote (Heroku, AWS) and have the application automatically migrate on every deploy but also have the option to run a command to roll back 1 step at a time.
I am not finding any information. The debugging above is first step in creating this migrate/rollback functionality on a remote server but testing on my local machine first.
The migrate/rollback code is taken directly from https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/releases.html#ecto-migrations-and-custom-commands
Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
In the first place, rpc call should succeed. Make sure you indeed have the migration in the question up before running my_app rpc. Note, that the second argument is the version to revert to, not the migration to revert.
Regarding the eval. One should start or at least load the application before any attempt to access its config. As per documentation:
You can start an application by calling Application.ensure_all_started/1. However, if for some reason you cannot start an application, maybe because it will run other services you do not want, you must at least load the application by calling Application.load/1. If you don't load the application, any attempt at reading its environment or configuration may fail. Note that if you start an application, it is automatically loaded before started.
For the migration to succeed, one needs Ecto aplication Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Application started and your application loaded (to access configs.)
That said, something like this should work.
def my_rollback(version) do
&Ecto.Migrator.run(&1, :down, to: version))
And call it as
./my_app eval 'MyApp.Release.my_rollback(20191106071140)'
Still, rpc should start the required applications out of the box (and it indeed does, according to the message you get back,) so I’d suggest you to triple-check the migration you are requesting to down is already up and you pass the proper version to downgrade to.
There were two issues here and thanks to #aleksei-matiushkin I got it working.
The first issue was not having Application.load(:my_app) in the function.
The second issue was that I was calling the rollback functions (both mine and #aleksei-matiushkin) as a string and not an int. Now I call it like: ./my_app eval 'MyApp.Release.my_rollback(20191106071140)'
The file now looks like this:
defmodule MyApp.Release do
#app :my_app
def migrate do
for repo <- repos() do
{:ok, _, _} = Ecto.Migrator.with_repo(repo, &Ecto.Migrator.run(&1, :up, all: true))
def rollback(repo, version) do
{:ok, _, _} = Ecto.Migrator.with_repo(repo, &Ecto.Migrator.run(&1, :down, to: version))
def my_rollback(version) do
rollback(MyApp.Repo, version)
defp setup_for_rollback() do
defp repos do
Application.fetch_env!(#app, :ecto_repos)
I am not sure if this is an idiomatic implementation. I did not have any issues excluding Application.ensure_all_started(:ecto_sql) but since it was recommended I guess I'll leave it in.

How to get number from docker-compose up --scale

I am trying to create scale-able docker container running an Elixir node. Currently I have this:
image: elixir:alpine
elixir --name client#somewhere.localdomain --cookie pass
-S mix run --no-halt -e Connect.main ${CONTROLLER}
- system_control
The elixir node is just using Node.connect to inform the controller of its existence. However, if I try creating more client nodes with docker-compose up --scale client=5 then only the first one is able to connect and the rest are refused (presumably) because of name clashes caused by the hardcoded --name. Any idea how to circumvent it? Is there a way of getting some unique id to be used instead of somewhere?
Edit: my Connect.main elixir script is (abridged) this:
defmodule Connect do
def main do
[server] = System.argv
IO.puts "#{Node.self} - Connecting to #{server} - #{ Node.connect(:'#{server}') }
Assigning a name with a randomized component should solve your problem. Make sure it is random enough that duplicates are highly improbable. You might want to avoid sequential IDs in some cases as suggested in this Docker-Compose issue
As #fl9 suggested, using some kind of command line UUID generator like uuidgen might be able to do the trick.

How to debug an Elixir application in production?

This is not particularly about my current problem, but more like in general. Sometimes I have a problem that only happens in production configuration, and I'd like to debug it there. What is the best way to approach that in Elixir? Production runs without a graphical environment (docker).
In dev I can use IEX.pry, but since mix is unavailable in production, that does not seem to be an option.
For Erlang https://stackoverflow.com/a/21413344/1561489 mentions dbg and redbug, but even if they can be used, I would need help on applying them to Elixir code.
First, start a local node running iex on your dev machine using iex -S mix. If you don't want the application that's running locally to cause breakpoints to be activated, you need to disable the app from starting locally. To do this, you can simply comment out the application function in mix.exs or run iex -S mix run --no-start.
Next, you need to connect to the remote node running on docker from iex on your dev node using Node.connect(:"remote#hostname"). In order to do this, you have to make sure both the epmd and the node ports on the remote machine are reachable from your local node.
Finally, once your nodes are connected, from the local iex, run :debugger.start() which opens the debugger with the GUI. Now in the local iex, run :int.ni(<Module you want to debug>) and it will make the module visible to the debugger and you can go ahead and add breakpoints and start debugging.
You can find a tutorial with steps and screenshots here.
In the case that you are running your production on AWS, then you should first and foremost leverage CloudWatch to your advantage.
In your elixir code, configure your logger like this:
config :logger,
handle_otp_reports: true,
handle_sasl_reports: true,
metadata: [:application, :module, :function, :file, :line]
config :logger,
backends: [
{LoggerFileBackend, :shared_error}
config :logger, :shared_error,
path: "#{logging_dir}/verbose-error.log",
level: :error
Inside your Dockerfile, configure an environment variable for where exactly erl_crash.dump gets written to, such as:
Then configure awslogs inside a .config file under .ebextensions as follows:
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
And ensure that you set a volume to your docker under Dockerrun.aws.json
"Logging": "/var/log",
"Volumes": [
"HostDirectory": "/var/log",
"ContainerDirectory": "/opt/log"
After that, you can inspect your error messages under CloudWatch.
Now, if you are using ElasticBeanstalk(which my example above implicitly implies) with Docker deployment as opposed to AWS ECS, then the logs of std_input are redirected by default to /var/log/eb-docker/containers/eb-current-app/stdouterr.log inside CloudWatch.
The main purpose of erl_crash.dump is to at least know when your application crashed, thereby taking the container down. AWS EB will normally restart the container, thus keeping you ignorant about the restart. This understanding can also be obtained from other docker related logs, and you can configure alarms to listen for them and be notified accordingly when your docker had to restart. But another advantage of logging erl_crash.dump to CloudWatch is that if need be, you can always export it later to S3, download the file and import it inside :observer to do analysis of what went wrong.
If after consulting the logs, you still require a more intimate interaction with your production application, then you need to leverage remsh to your node. If you use distillery, you would configure the cookie and the node name of your production application with your release like this:
inside rel/confix.exs, set cookie:
environment :prod do
set include_erts: false
set include_src: false
set cookie: :"my_cookie"
and under rel/templates/vm.args.eex you set variables:
-name <%= node_name %>
-setcookie <%= release.profile.cookie %>
and inside rel/config.exs, you set release like this:
release :my_app do
set version: "0.1.0"
set overlays: [
{:template, "rel/templates/vm.args.eex", "releases/<%= release_version %>/vm.args"}
set overlay_vars: [
node_name: "p#",
Then you can directly connect to your production node running inside docker by first ssh-ing inside the EC2-instance that houses the docker container, and run the following:
CONTAINER_ID=$(sudo docker ps --format '{{.ID}}')
sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID bash -c "iex --name q# --cookie my_cookie"
Once inside, you can then try to poke around or if need be, at your own peril inject modified code dynamically of the module you would like to inspect. An easy way to do that would be to create a file inside the container and to invoke a Node.spawn_link target_node, fn Code.eval_file(file_name, path) end
In the case your production node is already running and you do not know the cookie, you can go inside your running container and do a ps aux > t.log and do a cat t.log to figure out what random cookie has been applied and use accordingly.
Docker serves as an impediment to the way epmd is able to communicate with other nodes. The best therefore would be to rather create your own AWS AMI image using Packer and do bare metal deployments instead.
Amazon has recently released a new feature to AWS ECS, AWS VPC Networking Mode, which perhaps may facilitate inter-container epmd communication and thus connecting to your node directly. I have not tried it out as yet, I may be wrong.
In the case that you are running on a provider other than AWS, then figuring out how to get easy access to your remote logs with some SSM agent or some other service is a must.
I would recommend using some sort of exception handling tools, so far I am having great experiences on Sentry.

Bash Script to run three different rails apps on the local server?

I have three apps that I want to run with the rails server at the same time, and I also want the option to kill all the servers from one location.
I don't have much experience with Bash so I'm not sure what command I would use to launch the server for a specific app. Since the script won't be in the app directory plain rails s won't work.
From there, I suppose if I can gather the PIDs of the processes the three servers are running on, I can have the script prompt for user input and whenever something is entered kill the three processes. I'm just unsure of how to get the PIDs.
Additionally, each app has a few environment variables that I wanted to have different values than those assigned in the apps config files. Previously, I was using export var=value before rails s, but I'm not sure how to guarantee each separate process is getting the right variables.
Any help is much appreciated!
The Script
You could try something like the following:
case "$1" in
pushd app/directory
(export FOO=bar; rails s ...; echo $! > pid1)
(export FOO=bar; rails s ...; echo $! > pid2)
(export FOO=bar; rails s ...; echo $! > pid3)
kill $(cat pid1)
kill $(cat pid2)
kill $(cat pid3)
rm pid1 pid2 pid3
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
Save this script into a file such as script.sh and chmod +x script.sh. You'd start the servers with a ./script.sh start, and you can kill them all with a ./script.sh stop. You'll need to fill in all the details in the three lines that startup the servers.
First is the pushd: this will change the directory to where your apps live. The popd after the three startup lines will return you back to the location where the script lives. The parentheses around the (export blah blah) create a subshell so the environment variables that you set inside the parentheses, via export, shouldn't exist outside of the parentheses. Additionally, if your three apps live in different directories, you could put a cd inside each of the three parantheses to move to the app's directory before the rails s. The lines would then look something like: export FOO=bar; cd app1/directory; rails s ...; echo $! > pid1. Don't forget that semicolon after the cd command! In this case, you can also remove the pushd and popd lines.
In Bash, $! is the process ID of the last command. We echo that and redirect (with >) to a file called pid1 (or pid2 or pid3). Later, when we want to kill the servers, we run kill $(cat pid1). The $(...) runs a command and returns the output inline. Since the pid files only contain the process ID, cat pid1 will just return the process ID number, which is then passed to kill. We also delete the pid files after we've killed the servers.
This script could use some more work in terms of error checking and configuration, and I haven't tested it, but it should work. At the very least, it should give you a good starting point for writing your own script.
Additional Info
My favorite bash resource is the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. Bash is actually a fairly powerful language with some neat features. I definitely recommend learning how bash works!
Why don't you try capistrano, framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH. Its has lots of recipes to do this.
You are probably better off setting up pow.cx, which would run each server as it's needed, rather than having to spin up and shut down servers manually.
You could use Foreman to run, monitor, and manage your processes.
I realize I'm late to the party here, but after searching the internet for a good solution to this (and finding this page but few others and none with a full solution) and after trying unsuccessfully to get prax working, I decided to write my own solution to this problem and give it back to the community!
Check out my rdev bash script gist - a bash script you put in your ~/bin directory. This will create a new tab in gnome-terminal for each rails app with the app name and port in the tab's title. It verifies the app launched successfully by checking the port is in use and the process is actually running. It also verifies the rails app shutdown is successful by ensuring the port is no longer in use and the process is no longer running.
Setup is super easy, just change these two config values:
# collection of rails apps you want to start in development (should match directory name of rails project)
# note: the first app in the collection will receive port 3000, the second 3001 and so on
rails_apps=(app1 app2 app3 etc)
# The root directory of your rails projects (~/ is assumed, do not include)
With this script you can start all your rails apps in one command or stop them all and you can stop, start and restart individual rails apps as well. While the OP requested 3 apps run, this will allow you to run as many as you need with port being assigned in order starting with 3000 for the first app in the list. Each app is started using the proper ruby version thanks to chruby and the .env is sourced on the way up so your app will have everything it needs. Once you are done developing just rdev stop and all your rails apps will be killed and the terminal windows closed.
# Usage Examples:
# Show Help
# ~/> rdev
# Usage: rdev {start|stop|restart} [app port]
# start all rails apps
# ~/> rdev start
# start a single rails app
# ~/> rdev start app port
# stop all rails apps
# ~/> rdev stop
# stop a single rails app
# ~/> rdev stop app port
# restart a single rails app
# ~/> rdev restart app port
For the record, all testing was done on Ubuntu 18.04. This script requires: bash, chruby, gnome-terminal, lsof and takes advantage of the BASH_POST_RC trick.
