Linker Command Failed Facebook Sdk - ios

I am new to iOS and trying to implement Facebook SDK in a project using AppGuru Facebook integration in Swift tutorial. But I am facing this linker command error while building my app:
error is framework not found Bolts for architecture x84_64(linker command failed with exit code 1)
Here is a screenshot:

Download demo project with facebook login from below URL. you have to configure your facebook app id.
You have to import this 3 frameworks in your project.
Check on this
Framework search path - add below line
Also check, bolts, core and login kit of facebook has to be in build phase -> Link binary with libraries

Follow steps -
Go to your project setting page
Select your project (left side)
Click the Build Settings tab
Search Bitcode
Set Enable Bitcode to No

I had the same error. I deleted the ParseFacebookUtils.framework library from my project and kept only the ParseFacebookUtilsV4.framework.

When using the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS and Facebook SDK together, you should not import Bolts.framework in your project. If you remove it, it should compile.

Copy the frameworks into the project but, unlike what Facebook tutorial suggests, select "Copy items into destination group's folder". I did that and it worked fine for me.


Can't add Flurry to my Swift project

I've stuck with a Flurry: I add Flurry (Analytics only) to my swift project according this guide:
After all steps done it throws error:
Has anyone encountered a similar one?
It's look like library not found.
Check Link Library With Libraries on Build Phases in Xcode.
Read documentation about Import Flurry Libraries:
I integrated Flurry it works perfectly. You are making mistake here,you are opening project using this projectname.xcodeproj rather than this file projectname.xcworkspace . After install pod you must open project using this projectname.xcworkspace
For your reference i updated sample project please take a look if you could not get it. Sample Project

ld: framework not found MCCMerchant_sandbox

I am trying to integrate Master card merchant SDK. I am following all steps as described but always fails with error framework not found.
Below is the screen shot of my framework search path
Below is the error which I am getting when trying to add framework in Xcode project
First of all You need to be sure that framework included in linked libraries. Go to project settings and check it is listed in Link binary With Libraries section.

React native facebook login in ios undefined symbols for architechture x864

I'm trying to add facebook login on react native latest version 0.49 by follow this tutorial
I did step by step and see some videos on youtube and did exactly but I still get the same 28 errors
I guess maybe it's because in the link Binary with Libraries I can't see the FBSDK, even I added it as explained on tutorial to Frameworks folder
I saw some posts in stack overflow e.g
React Native iOS build failed : Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64
but without any help.
There is an issue with XCode 9, where when you drag and drop any files, it does not get added to the target.
You need to manually add them to your target in File inspector now.
This can happen not only with frameworks but other files as well. To prevent this issue, whenever you want to add any file or resource to your XCode project, you should first add that file/resource to the project folder and then right-click and then add to your XCode project using Add Files to ..

Twitter Kit Integration issues in iOS app

I want to integrate twitter in iOS Application, I tried using Fabric as well as by using Cocoa pod but getting same error every time.
Following are the Errors:
Could Not build TwitterCore
Cocoa/Cocoa.h file not found
Could Not build Module TwitterKit
I searched and tried some solutions as per given below links but nothing work for me. I am using xcode 6.4, ios 8.4.
Please give me any correct solution.
I went through below link
Twitter integration in iOS app
but didnt help
TwitterKit issue comming
Cocoa/Cocoa.h file not found
Cocoa/Cocoa.h file not found
Go to project settings --> Build settings
Click on All tab and search "allow non"
then set YES to Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework option

FacebookSDK with Continuous Integration - Xcode

I've got a project on Xcode which works with FacebookSDK. As recommanded by facebook, the SDK is installed on ~/Documents/FacebookSDK, and in my Build Settings, I had this path to the "Framework Search Paths" part. Everything works fine, but I'm trying to use Continuous Integration with Xcode Server, and when I try to integrate my project, it can't find the FacebookSDK (I've got this error message : "Issue: 'FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h' file not found.").
I thought it was because the build is made on the server, so I installed FacebookSDK on "~/Documents/FacebookSDK" on the server, but the issue is still here. What can I do?
Ok I finally found the solution.
--> Simply add the path to "Libray Search Path". (something like "$(SRCROOT)/Vendor/FacebookSDK")
I don't understand why we don't need this stuff for build and run but for CI, but it works now.
Simply follow this steps:
Remove old path from Header Search path
Make sure your FacebookSDK is in your project folder
Go to Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries
Click on + than go to app folder & select Facebook SDK
It will set the actual path of SDK
After that clean project & make build
Hope it will help.
For those who are working with React Native (React Native FBSDK), put $(PROJECT_DIR)/../Frameworks/FacebookSDK in Framework Search Paths on RCTFBSDK.xcodeproj after moving FB SDK to ios/Frameworks. It will work.
