Twitter Kit Integration issues in iOS app - ios

I want to integrate twitter in iOS Application, I tried using Fabric as well as by using Cocoa pod but getting same error every time.
Following are the Errors:
Could Not build TwitterCore
Cocoa/Cocoa.h file not found
Could Not build Module TwitterKit
I searched and tried some solutions as per given below links but nothing work for me. I am using xcode 6.4, ios 8.4.
Please give me any correct solution.
I went through below link
Twitter integration in iOS app
but didnt help
TwitterKit issue comming
Cocoa/Cocoa.h file not found
Cocoa/Cocoa.h file not found

Go to project settings --> Build settings
Click on All tab and search "allow non"
then set YES to Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework option


Facebook for Unity SDK (iOS) - FBSDKCoreKit-Swift.h not found

We're developing a game with Unity 2019.4.28f1 (XCode 12.4).
I've upgraded Facebook to the latest sdk (11.0.0).
Trying to build iOS, XCode gives me a strange error:
"Swift Compiler error -- Header 'FBSDKCoreKit-Swift.h' not found
Here's a screen.
Have you ever seen this before?
I have tried to search about it but this module is not mentioned anywhere.
Thanks for help.
search in FBSDKLoginKit.framework, can you find the header file FBSDKLoginKit-Swift.h?

Linker Command Failed Facebook Sdk

I am new to iOS and trying to implement Facebook SDK in a project using AppGuru Facebook integration in Swift tutorial. But I am facing this linker command error while building my app:
error is framework not found Bolts for architecture x84_64(linker command failed with exit code 1)
Here is a screenshot:
Download demo project with facebook login from below URL. you have to configure your facebook app id.
You have to import this 3 frameworks in your project.
Check on this
Framework search path - add below line
Also check, bolts, core and login kit of facebook has to be in build phase -> Link binary with libraries
Follow steps -
Go to your project setting page
Select your project (left side)
Click the Build Settings tab
Search Bitcode
Set Enable Bitcode to No
I had the same error. I deleted the ParseFacebookUtils.framework library from my project and kept only the ParseFacebookUtilsV4.framework.
When using the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS and Facebook SDK together, you should not import Bolts.framework in your project. If you remove it, it should compile.
Copy the frameworks into the project but, unlike what Facebook tutorial suggests, select "Copy items into destination group's folder". I did that and it worked fine for me.

Facebook SDK on Unity 5 on iOS

I have been having trouble getting the latest Facebook SDK 6.2.1 to function with Unity 5.0.0f4 in both my project and an empty one.
Here is what I do:-
Create a blank project
import Facebook SDK
Set App ID and Name in editor settings
Add sample scene to build settings
Build Xcode Project
Open in Xcode
Disable ARC in settings
Remove extra #endif when xcode complains about it
Build and Run game on iOS device
The error I end up with is in the following link:-
The error I get is "EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1)". I'm not much of an xcode/iOS guy so this confuses me a tone load. This error does not occur if facebook isn't present. Has anyone got any idea how to get around this? Surely i'm not the only one with this issue. All I want to do is get an access token from facebook. If need be, I don't mind using a simple webview or something similar.
Any help on this would be much appreciated. I would give free hugs to but ya know.
Ive managed to solve the issue. As posted by someone else on unity forums here, you need to mark the option "iOS" as platform for plugin and adding "-fno-objc-arc" as compile flag in the following file: Assets/Facebook/Editor/iOS/
This works with the latest versions of Unity 5.0.1f and Facebook SDK 6.2.1 as of this post.
Facebook SDK for Unity Downloads
Note: Only Unity 4 is supported at this time
That is why it's not working. I don't know when Facebook will launch their sdk for Unity 5.

Admob SDK - iOS -File not found

I have installed Google Analytics and Google AdMob SDK in my iOS project using Cocoapods. I have implemented both the functionalities in my app and everything looked okay for a week. Then suddenly, when I compiled the app, I received this error message:
"GADBannerView.h file not found". in "#import GADBannerView.h"
But I was able to see the header GADBannerView.h in my project under Pods target.
I did some research and found this error can happen due to SEARCH PATH in BUILD SETTINGS. Many faced similar issues when they moved the project from one machine to another machine but I didn't do that. So, instead of investigating on SEARCH PATH, I removed my GADBanner implementation from my project and commented line #import GADBannerView.h and my project compiled successfully.
I don't quite understand why the Google Analytics SDK is getting compiled successfully while AdMob is throwing a compilation error. I even did a pod update and still received the same error.
The SEARCH PATHS in my target is $(inherited) and ALWAYS SEARCH USER PATH is set to No
Starting at AdMob 7.0, AdMob has made the SDK a framework. Import it like so:
#import <GoogleMobileAds/GoogleMobileAds.h>
Go to: --> Build Settings --> Apple LLVM 7.1 - Language - Modules --> Enable Modules (C and Objective-C) --> set it to Yes.
According to the Google Ads Developer Blog we need to use:
#import GoogleMobileAds;
If you have a problem with the #import syntax you need to modify your project build settings. Search for Modules and set Enable Modules to YES.
First one is issue of latest SDK will not be used for Admob.
second is issue of Xcode 7.0 and you can try in Xcode xcode below 7 for till date,

Lexical or Preprocessor Issue - Regarding FacebookSDK, Cordova 2.5.0, & Facebook Plugin

I followed the instructions here ( to set-up a Facebook connection using a Phonegap app. However, I never could successfully get the project to build after doing everything I was told.
At one point I attempted to fix the issue by removing my Framework Search Paths (which are now empty) and now I've tried referencing the header in "User Header Search Paths" like this ("$(SRCROOT)/../../FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.framework/Headers/FacebookSDK.h") but I've still had no luck.
What do I need to do to get this project to build? I've tried cleaning then building, and restarting Xcode, but still no luck. I have "Always Search User Paths" set to yes.
Running Xcode 4.6, Cordova 2.5.0, the newest Facebook plugin, and Facebook SDK 3.5.1
Error screenshot here:
Actually, I figured it out. The issue was duplicate references in the Facebook Phonegap plugin.
