To show specific university map using Google Maps - ios

I want to show Particular University map using google maps. is there any way to particularly only to concentrate complete University.
please help me.

check out the link it may be a proper answer for your question (
for location you need altitude and latitude you can find this from here


get country and city information from wikimapia Api

I need to know in which country (and hopefully some more info, like city or area or state and it would be great if I could get whether this is on land or sea) a coordinates set lies in.
I have tried the wikimapia api but it is extremely difficult to get around to it.
for example I have this call,37.96918,23.73094,37.9731&format=json
which brings some information about an area in Athens, Greece.
The problem is that not only this api call is depreciated, but when i try to get the country by adding &category=2977,37.96918,23.73094,37.9731&format=json&category=1176
this doesnt work(the category id i got it from this gist)
I would guess that this might have something to do with the method being depreciated, but when I change to the new method place.getbyarea it is not working at all.,37.96918,23.73094,37.9731&format=json
Any ideas? thanks in advance
Why do you want specifically the API of Wikimapia to get your information? To recover the city and country from GPS coordinates, some others API’s are much more appropriate I think, here some examples:
Google Maps (used here in a webpage)
Here Maps
Bing Maps
Apple Maps (Mapkit.js)
Algolia Places
OpenStreetMap Nominatim

Need help on geolocation API

I need to implement street view, but it seems that google does not have that capability for India.
I want that The map should be dynamic and the customer should be able to see point of interest near a specified point and within a given radius or zip code.
I need to geocode and reverse geocode
Can somebody share an idea and one quick example of this.
if you want to get places of interest near by some location, then I would suggest using HERE PLACES API for that task. The site should also include nice examples for the API. Also its simple REST API, so it would work in any platform really.

iOS6 Get List of Street by first symbols

I just playing with MapKit and it's going well. If we looking at Native App (Maps) there are possible to find direction between two places. What is intresting for me - how they get list of Street when you type name? There are in SDK some possibility to get Streets list by couple of symbols?
I'm not a Map Kit expert but I recommend you review the Map Kit Framework and especially the MKLocalSearch Class Reference.
The MKLocalSearch class allows you to search for addresses in a region as an equivalent of a search in the Map app. I'm not aware of any API that allows you to retrieve ALL the streets in a region.
MKLocalSearch is the best and easiest way to do instant search of google maps,i have done it and its awesome and very simple

How to get coordinates from google map in iOS?

I am doing a iOS application for Golf with features like GPS tracking,scoring system,etc.
In this application, I need to provide more golf courses with details like hazards coordinates, pin and fairway coordinates.
What is the best method to obtain this information?
I am posting some links here which include detail explanation about Using the Google Places API With MapKit and also include the sample code.
Link 1: Using the Google Places API With MapKit
Link 2: Introduction to MapKit on iOS Tutorial
Hope this will help you.

Route Map Direction on Bing Maps in Windows Phone 7?

How to show the Route path from one place to another place using bingmaps in WP7?
i am having user starting latitude,longitude and destination latitude,longitude values...
Please tell me....any samples please let me know...
thanks in advance
It will depend on your needs and if you wish to customise your "Map".
There are two options available:
Use Bing Maps Direction Task - (very good, quick tutorial)
Use the Bing Maps control in your app - (you will need to sign up for a developer account, then follow the tutorials on how to call the various services to get route information based on start and end points and then finally show them on the map)
number 2 is more challenging, however will offer much greater levels of customisation
