How to get coordinates from google map in iOS? - ios

I am doing a iOS application for Golf with features like GPS tracking,scoring system,etc.
In this application, I need to provide more golf courses with details like hazards coordinates, pin and fairway coordinates.
What is the best method to obtain this information?

I am posting some links here which include detail explanation about Using the Google Places API With MapKit and also include the sample code.
Link 1: Using the Google Places API With MapKit
Link 2: Introduction to MapKit on iOS Tutorial
Hope this will help you.


Map with nearby point of interests like dat-trucker app

This might not looks like a real question, but I have a use-case for which I am not able to find the solutions. I have to show few point of interests like 'walmart','truck wash', 'rest-area' etc. My problem is Google Places map API doesn't give the filter option on the nearby searches and mapkit MKLocalSearch returns data beyound the bound region. My requirement is same like the Dat-trucker app. I am wondering, how they are showing "POI" on their maps. Seems like they are using MapKit, cause there is no attribution for google.Is there any alternative for Google Places API which can return the nearby places with filter functionality. I am attaching screenshot of the reference app.
You can give the Yep Fusion API a try. They provide nearby businesses which is what the Google Places API does.

To show specific university map using Google Maps

I want to show Particular University map using google maps. is there any way to particularly only to concentrate complete University.
please help me.
check out the link it may be a proper answer for your question (
for location you need altitude and latitude you can find this from here

Custom Map Styles Google Map / MapKit

I want to achieve a Map design like the image below
I have achieved the design using MapBox though, its quite simple to get it done from it.
I have found Google Map can be easily customized from here
But I can't find a way to implement it in iOS SDK for GoogleMaps.
I highly want to use GoogleMaps, is there any way that I can achieve the map design above ?
Any help is appreciated..
Styled maps is currently not supported in the latest release of google maps SDK for iOS (v 1.5.0) but the ticket for this feature has been filed, so please go and star it to indicate your interest in this feature:

Interactive maps and wayfinding

I want to create a wayfinding iPhone/iPad app
the people to be able to pull up a map and for the app to track their location and show them on the map and how to get places.
I want to draw a route between 2 locations and trace route
Is there any library or framework?
I want to show a route map between two points.
Like this:
MapKit is the native iOS framework to display maps and CoreLocation is the one to obtain the user location.
Now have you read the Apple Documentation on Location services? They give you examples on how to get locations and how to display directions on the map.
Ray Wenderlich also has some nice tutorials on the subject. Check them out.

iOS6 Get List of Street by first symbols

I just playing with MapKit and it's going well. If we looking at Native App (Maps) there are possible to find direction between two places. What is intresting for me - how they get list of Street when you type name? There are in SDK some possibility to get Streets list by couple of symbols?
I'm not a Map Kit expert but I recommend you review the Map Kit Framework and especially the MKLocalSearch Class Reference.
The MKLocalSearch class allows you to search for addresses in a region as an equivalent of a search in the Map app. I'm not aware of any API that allows you to retrieve ALL the streets in a region.
MKLocalSearch is the best and easiest way to do instant search of google maps,i have done it and its awesome and very simple
