No such module only when archiving - ios

I'm using xcode 7.3.1 at the moment. I have a workspace set up with an iOS app project and two framework projects.
MyiOSApp (imports 2 and 3)
AppSharedFramework (imports 3)
CompanySharedFramework (This we will split into its own thing one day)
I can build each of these projects fine when running on the simulator, I can also build then all for Profiling (which uses the release build). But as soon as I try archive either 1 or 2 the build fails with "No such module 'CompanySharedFramework'"
I've been struggling to get this to archive for quite some time, what could cause this issue during archive, but not during run/profile builds.
Any thoughts?

In my main project, a long time ago, I created a new "configuration schema" called "AppStore" that was duplicated from Xcode's default "Release" configuration. I added an entire Xcode project (a framework project) to my project. I was able to #import MyFramework; when "Running" because both projects had "Debug" as the schema for "Running" the app. When I went to Archive it, my main project was setup to use "AppStore" config (as opposed to the default of "Release") and my sub project did not have an "AppStore" config. Once I added "AppStore" to the sub project based on "Release", when I went to archive it worked great, built fully, because both projects now had the AppStore schema and the main project is the one saying to use that config when archiving, so when I just created it in the sub project things started working like you'd expect.

If you are using pod file in your project, please run pod install command even if you already run the command.
Good lucky!

#John Erck and #Victor Poroshenko inspired me.
Just one rule, if main project has a config named "AppStore", sub-projects in the same workspace which used by your main project also need a config named "AppStore".
Two situation in my case:
For the sub project you imported into the workspace manually, add the "AppStore" for it manually.
For pod files, just run pod install, it will generate the missing Pods-PROJECT_NAME.appstore.xcconfig for you.

Try deleting
Pods folder, xcworkspace, Podfile.Lock
and reinstalling Pods
pod install

When receiving "Module not found" error (while using #import) make sure module target version is not higher than main (application) target


CocoaPods not working on framework target

Im building a IOS app that uses a third-party library.
The library project is inherited from another developer that im unable to ask anything.
It is configured to use CocoaPods to manage dependencies, it has a lot of them.
When i run "pod install" it downloads all of them and creates the workspace.
In the workspace i have set the app target as dependent from the framework project product
Then i try to build it and it says it cannot find one of the dependencies of the framework project (it is on the podfile)
Then i found the framework project is missing "[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks" in build phases (the app project has it)
Also the "Pods_[targetName].framework" is shown in red (even when it indeed is in the build products folder, the path is correct)
I found this issue that seems to be exactly my problem but im unable to see if it has been fixed or not and what could i do to workaround this.
Same effect for me, my issue was the s.source_files in the podspec did not reference a location with actual files after a refactor.

Xcode SwiftGen: build fails in project with multiple targets

How should I configure SwiftGen when using Cocoapods and multiple targets?
I have a project with two targets (MyProject and MyProject Dev) which has SwiftGen integrated with Cocoapods.
I can build the first target with no problems whatsoever. However the 'Dev' target always fails. The script phase is the last step in Build Phases, however running it earlier or later seems to make no difference.
On failure, I've observed the following:
The generated .swift file has an import statement, 'import MyProject' which shouldn't be there
'No type named [ClassName] in module [MyProject]' OR 'No such module [MyProject]'
SwiftGen version I'm using is 5.2.1
Xcode 9.2, targeting iOS 10.0
SwiftGen from version 5 onwards requires a configuration file, so I've set one up as follows:
output_paths: Sources/Generated
- paths: MyProject/Storyboards/Base.lproj
templateName: swift4
output: MyProject/Storyboards/Storyboards.swift
ignoreTargetModule: true
So far I've looked up documentation and the following issue:
However the difference is that I'm using a different type of SG installation and my project fails to build (rather than simply not generating any resources)
Cleaning project, build folder and deleting derived data had no effect. I'm assuming that I may have missed something in configuration setup, but I can't see what that would be.
First question on here, so apologies if I missed something, will be happy to edit.
I had the same issue with generating Storyboard file. Try to modify your config file:
ignoreTargetModule: true
Hope it will help.
Hesitant to call this a solution, it's more of a workaround, but the following approach has at least allowed the projects to be built and run.
Remove the SwiftGen script phase from the 'Dev' target
Build the project using the main scheme that includes SwiftGen to generate all the necessary objects and constructs
Switch to Dev scheme and run the project.
The Strings.swift file created by SwiftGen is linked to both targets, so even after running the script in one scheme the resources within that file will be available to both regular and Dev targets.
Hope this helps someone.

Project Builds and Runs, but does not Archive

I have a project which builds and runs fine on the simulator and device, but fails when archiving.
The project is very old, but I have created a separate component which I have added in the workspace.
The main project is written in Objective-C, the new project is written in Swift 4. The project also uses CocoaPods and also includes another subproject written in Swift 3.2
There are various errors which all boil down to the same thing, the sub project is not producing any output when it is compiled. OR it is just not compiled. I see no errors in the code itself, just when trying to reference it:
error: /Users/<user>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<id>/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/<app name>/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/Framework.framework: No such file or directory`
Signing Identity: "iPhone Developer: <redacted>“
/Users/<user>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<id>/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ ArchiveIntermediates/<app name>/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/<app name>/Frameworks/<framework>.framework: No such file or directory
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
#import ModuleName;
Module ‘ModuleName’ not found
Here’s what I’ve tried:
Clear derived data
Restart Mac
Add $(SRCROOT) to Main Target > Build Settings > Framework Search Paths > Release
Confirmed project is present in Embedded Binaries
Confirmed project is present in Linked Frameworks and Libraries
Removing and re-adding project to embedded binaries and frameworks and libraries
Removing the import declaration
I am opening the workspace and not the project
Skip install set to YES in Subproject build settings
Comparing build settings from the working sub project with the failing one (they are the same)
Running pod update
Changing Always Embed Standard Swift Libraries makes no difference either way
Other notes:
In /Users/<user>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<id>/Build/ Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/<app name>/ InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/<app name>.app/Frameworks/ there is a .framework file for the other sub project and all the pods, but not for this one
In podfile, use_frameworks! is present
After running an archive today I am only seeing the error:
Module 'ModuleName' not found
The other errors are gone
The issue was to do with the iOS Deployment Target setting:
The main project: iOS 10
Sub project: iOS 11
In Debug it is building only for the current architecture, in Release it builds for all. Obvious once you know.
Setting the sub project to build for iOS 10 fixed the issue.
The most frustrating part: I double checked the build log and it doesn't mention the version issue anywhere :(
It's impossible to tell what exactly causing it to fail archiving. BUT I'm pretty sure I can give you the correct direction =]
Running on simulator or even a real device - compiles the project for "Debug"
Archiving tough, compiles for "Release"
I bet that if you set that running on simulator will compile on Release mode, it will fail!
Check it!!
If I correct you just need to set some of the Build Settings for Release to match Debug
My first guess is: All the search paths (Framework search path, and Runpath search path)
I saw a similar behavior here
I got it to archive after all.
It looked like the SDK-Project was missing a build configuration
Adhoc. Which Project used to archive the project for a specific build
scheme. I think the compiler was looking for modules in the
I was having this error, and while my deployment targets did not match, that wasn't actually the fix for me. I had added a new build configuration that I was trying to use for my archive, but I forgot to run pod install after adding it. After running pod install, I was able to archive my app just fine, even though the deployment targets for some of the Pods are iOS 10 while the main app target is iOS 11.
Might be not relevant to you, but helpful to others:
If you using multi-modular SwiftPM-based architecture, then you should read errors carefully and find out if some of your package targets import some other one in sources without integrating it in the Package.swift file. In this case, even the release build will resolve dependencies somehow and succeed if some other package contains your dependency, but the archive will fail.
Package graph examples:
├– PackageA [target1(import PackageC.target1)]
└– PackageB [target1(import PackageC.target1)]
└– PackageC [target1]
👆 Builds with success, archives with errors (Can't find module PackageC.target1 in PackageA.target1)
├– PackageA [target1(import PackageC.target1)]
| └– PackageC [target1]
└– PackageB [target1(import PackageC.target1)]
└– PackageC [target1]
👆 Builds and archives with success
Cocoapods and Architecture settings
I had a Podfile that set EXCLUDED_ARCHS to arm64 in a post-install script and this was consistent with my main target. This setting was ok for building on Debug mode (x86_64) but didn't work for release building (Archives). I realised the script set EXCLUDED_ARCHS for the Pod targets even on physical devices (Any iOS SDK) rather than only on Simulators.
I ran pod deintegrate.
I deleted Derived Data.
I deleted Podfile.lock (now we have a fresh start).
I updated the Podfile iOS version to be the lowest supported version in each Pod.
Refactor EXCLUDED_ARCHS script.
Refactoring EXCLUDED_ARCHS script
I refactored:
config.build_settings['EXCLUDED_ARCHS'] = 'arm64'
from the Podfile post-install script to the following:
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]'] = 'arm64'
I haven't done watchOS here because it wasn't a watchOS app, however, we need to do this for all supported simulated device targets.
I left EXCLUDED_ARCHS to arm64 to Any iOS Simulator SDK in the main target for Release mode in the main target. The same logic here applies to other sims.
pod install
Archive again. :D

Xcode 9 - linker command failed with exit code 1

While compiling the application getting as following error
" compiled with older version of Swift language (3.0) than previous files (4.0) file "
Could you please help me?
Use the xcworkspace to build instead of the xcproject?
This usually happens when using Cocoapods and you are building from the xcproject which doesn't know about the cocoapod libraries.
Delete the derived data and do a clean build.
And if you are building a framework, make sure you've selected Generic IOS Device while building or set the Build for Active Architecture only as true in Build Settings.
I think this happens because you changed your app name or maybe the target
look to solve this problem see your target in Podfile
and then come back to your xcode in the targets
select your target app and in linked Frameworks and Libraries (the last one down) see if there's
any pods with light color and a strange name than your target in the podfile
and remove it using the minus button down .
I'd rather fix the specific problem, but if none of the other answers worked a full reset can solve it. If you are getting this error and you are also getting error readouts that refer to "duplicate symbol files", AND all other efforts have failed, then a full reset could work for you.
What worked for me:
Read the error report to identify the repo that supposedly contains duplicate files.
Drag repo to the trash.
re-clone your repo.
set up your repo with correct remote tracking. git remote add <url.git>, or git remote set-url <url.git>
This absolutely worked for me. In my case for some elusive reason, when I ran git pull upstream develop for a local dependency, git would pull in/generate duplicate files from multiple commits.
After following the above steps, the issue went away and git pull upstream develop was no longer pulling from multiple commits at once. Perhaps there was a weird git cache for my repo.
I had the two copies of files in the codebase. Deleting one copy helped code to build successfully
I am probably late for you, but for future devs in problems...
If you have been manipulating the podfile or creating new targets or maybe changing the name of any of them, check that in build phases options your just have correct pod framework for the name of the targets.
if you have pod
first clean project and close Xcode then open terminal and go to folder of Project then pod update
open the project and run
in my case work!
I fixed this problem today by running the app in the simulator using the target associated with the bundle file named in the Build Settings-->Bundle Loader setting of the test target. Previously I had deleted my derived data folder while working on a different target that has a different Product Name than the one associated with the test target bundle file. Rerunning the app in the simulator must have recreated the bundle file in the derived data folder that the test target is looking for and then my tests started running fine.

iOS Swift No Such File or Directory In Debug-iphoneos

Somebody please save me.
This is the error I'm getting. I've tried cleaning, doing a build clean, pod installs and updates. I have not found a solution.
Shell Script Invocation Error Group
/Users/arthuraraujo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Anti-Social_Club-gizjofrkxroutxezxlbuadlvpwbo/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Anti-Social: No such file or directory
I have similar issues in the past and doing the following work for me. Hope your problem is same as mine:
Close xCode
Go to this folder Group
and delete Anti-Social.
Restart xCode, clean & build.
It is hard to really tell you the solution with just the information provided. However, the first thing I would try is deleting the derived data, as CodeBender stated. You should also look at your search paths in your project's building settings to make sure your pods are correct/ connecting your pods files to your project.
Possible duplicate of:
Xcode 8 Shell Script Invocation Error
Here is what I did when I got this:
Used this site to completely remove All Versions of cocoapods:
Re-installed current stable version of cocoapods (v1.1.1 for me)
Deleted podlock and pods directory
Deleted old .xcworkspace file (this was key for me).
Did "pod install"
Opened xcode and cleaned project and deleted derivedData.
Go to your build phases and remove libReact.a from the linked libraries.
Then add libReact.a but select this one:
libReact.a from 'React' target in 'Pods' project
