Navigate to Specflow step from within Step Definitions - specflow

So I have a few tests where i've reused steps from within steps.
But i'm now having a nightmare on the maintenance front, in that I cant easily navigate between the steps.
Here's an example:
[Given(#"I have an order")]
public void GivenIHaveAnOrder()
Given("an open store");
Given("I am an existing customer");
Given("I am on homepage");
When("I search for a component");
When("I add the component to my basket");
How do I navigate to one of those internal steps?
If I wanted to navigate to the "When("I search for a component");" step I cant.
If I were on the feature file I could simply right click the step and "go to definition" but I cant do that here. Does anyone have a solution?

I assume that you are calling the steps with the Given/When- functions, because they are in a different binding class. Am I right?
There is a better way of doing it, than using this functions.
Did you had a look at the driver concept and context injection?
Have a look here:
Simply extract your logic of your steps to a driver class and get an instance from it in the different step classes:
class Driver
public void AnOpenStore()
public class StepClass1
private Driver _driver;
public StepClass1(Driver driver)
_driver = driver;
[Given(#"I have an order")]
public void IHaveAnOrder()
public class StepClass2
private Driver _driver;
public StepClass2(Driver driver)
_driver = driver;
[Given(#"an open store")]
public void AnOpenStore()
When you arrange your step implementations like that, the reusing of other steps is much more easier.


Why isn't the code in my specflow BeforeTestRun method being executed?

I've written code that I want executed before a run of specflow tests, to set up various globals that all the tests will need:
namespace MyProject.IntegrationTest
public static class Global
public static Dictionary<string, string> ContextProperties { get; set; }
public static void TestInitialize()
// code to populate ContextProperties
var baseUrl = Global.ContextProperties["baseUrl"];
if (baseUrl.Contains("//localhost"))
// It's our responsibility to make sure the service is running
// TODO start iis express for the service
// etc
However, this code isn't being executed. I've made sure to put BeforeTestRun on a static method, as the documentation says to, so what's wrong?
The BeforeTestRun-decorated method will only be noticed by specflow if it's in a Binding-decorated class. As far as I can see this isn't explciitly called out in the documentation.
Simple add a Binding attribute to your class:
namespace MyProject.IntegrationTest
[Binding] // <==================== here
public static class Global
and your BeforeTestRun method will be called as desired.

Find if specflow step starts with And or But

Is there a way to retrieve if a Specflow scenario step starts with And or But instead of the Given/When/Then ? I want to write the steps into a text.
Given this is a step
And this is another one
When I do something
Then something happen
But something else dont
Is the And/But stored anywhere that I can retrieve?
It could be, that it this information is available in the StepInfo (
public class Binding
private ScenarioContext _scenarioContext;
public Binding(ScenarioContext scenarioContext)
_scenarioContext = scenarioContext;
public void AfterStepHook()
var stepText = _scenarioContext.ScenarioStepContext.StepInfo.Text;
Code written without compiling/running.

Global [BeforeScenario], [AfterScenario] steps in SpecFlow

We're trying to implement global hooks on our specflow tests and are not entirely sure how [BeforeScenario] and [AfterScenario] attributed methods work.
The way I've seen it done, those attributes are always defined in a class containing specific steps used in a few scenarios.
Can they go somewhere so they apply to all scenarios? Or does attributing the methods with [BeforeScenario] and [AfterScenario] cause them to be run for all scenarios, regardless of where they're actually placed?
Hmm... From what I knew and according to the documentation these hooks are always global, i.e. from
The hooks (event bindings) can be used to perform additional automation logic on specific events, like before the execution of a scenario.
The hooks are global but can be restricted to run only for features or scenarios with a specific tag (see below). The execution order of hooks for the same event is undefined.
In fact by producing a small demo project with the following
public class Unrelated
public void WillBeCalledIfGlobal()
Console.WriteLine("I'm global");
public class JustTheTest
public void GivenNothing()
// Don't do anything
Then the test specification of
As a developer
In order to understand how BeforeSpecifcation works
I want to know what the following does
Scenario: See if BeforeSpecifcation hook gets called
Given nothing
The get the output
I'm global
Given nothing
-> done: JustTheTest.GivenNothing() (0.0s)
So it really does look as if the documentation is correct, and you should use tagging to control if the BeforeScenario \ AfterScenario are run before or after your scenario.
There is also a good example of how tagging works here -> Feature-scoped step definitions with SpecFlow?
Yes, you can create global BeforeScenario and AfterScenario methods, but in practice I find that this is not desirable, as usually the same before and after steps do not apply to all steps in a test project.
Instead I create a base class for my step definitions, which would have the BeforeScenario and AfterScenarios methods I'd like applied to all of my scenarios e.g.
public class BaseStepDefinitions
public void BeforeScenario()
// BeforeScenario code
public void AfterScenario()
// AfterScenario code
Note that I have not used the Binding attribute on this class. If you do include it then the BeforeScenario and AfterScenario steps would be global.
I then derive my step definion classes from this base step definition class, so that they will have the Before and After scenario methods e.g.
public class SpecFlowFeature1Steps : BaseStepDefinitions
[Given(#"I have entered (.*) into the calculator")]
public void GivenIHaveEnteredIntoTheCalculator(int inputValue)
[When(#"I press add")]
public void WhenIPressAdd()
[Then(#"the result should be (.*) on the screen")]
public void ThenTheResultShouldBeOnTheScreen(int expectedResult)
Whilst this approach is not global, by making all StepDefinitions derive from a BaseStepDefinition class we achieve the same outcome.
It also gives more control i.e. if you don't want the BeforeScenario or AfterScenario binding then don't derive from the base steps.
Sorry this doesn't work. As soon as you start using multiple Binding classes you end up with multiple calls. For example if I extend the example above to split the bindings into three classes,
public class SpecFlowFeature1Steps : BaseStepDefinitions
[Given(#"I have entered (.*) into the calculator")]
public void GivenIHaveEnteredIntoTheCalculator(int inputValue)
public class SpecFlowFeature2Steps : BaseStepDefinitions
[When(#"I press add")]
public void WhenIPressAdd()
public class SpecFlowFeature3Steps : BaseStepDefinitions
[Then(#"the result should be (.*) on the screen")]
public void ThenTheResultShouldBeOnTheScreen(int expectedResult)
public class BaseStepDefinitions
public void BeforeScenario()
// BeforeScenario code
Console.WriteLine("Before. [Called from "+ this.GetType().Name+"]");
public void AfterScenario()
// AfterScenario code
Console.WriteLine("After. [Called from " + this.GetType().Name + "]");
Then when I run it, the output is
Before. [Called from SpecFlowFeature1Steps]
Before. [Called from SpecFlowFeature2Steps]
Before. [Called from SpecFlowFeature3Steps]
Given I have entered 50 into the calculator
-> done: SpecFlowFeature1Steps.GivenIHaveEnteredIntoTheCalculator(50) (0.0s)
And I have entered 70 into the calculator
-> done: SpecFlowFeature1Steps.GivenIHaveEnteredIntoTheCalculator(70) (0.0s)
When I press add
-> done: SpecFlowFeature2Steps.WhenIPressAdd() (0.0s)
Then the result should be 120 on the screen
-> done: SpecFlowFeature3Steps.ThenTheResultShouldBeOnTheScreen(120) (0.0s)
After. [Called from SpecFlowFeature1Steps]
After. [Called from SpecFlowFeature2Steps]
After. [Called from SpecFlowFeature3Steps]
What you can do, in order to control the 'BeforeScenario' and 'AfterScenario' is use tags. This gives you the control of which Scenario's should run which before and after block. Your scenario would look like this:
Scenario: Clicking on a button
Given the user is on some page
When the user clicks a button
Then something should happen
Here you could let the 'BeforeScenario' start a browser session in Google Chrome for you, and implement similar tags for different browsers. Your 'BeforeScenario' would look like this:
class Browser
public static void BeforeChromeScenario()
// Start Browser session and do stuff
public static void AfterChromeScenario()
// Close the scenario properly
I think using tags is a nice way of keeping your scenario's clean and give you the extra functionality to let you control what each scenario should do.

NServiceBus Dependency Injection

I've been having a bit of trouble with this.
Andreas Öhlund answered a question on it here, but I've been unable to get it to work using the advice he gave.
Here's my setup:
public abstract class CommandHandler<T> : IHandleMessages<T>, IDomainReadRepository where T : Command
public IDomainRepository DomainRepository { get; set; }
protected abstract void OnProcess(T command);
public TAggregate GetById<TAggregate>(Guid id) where TAggregate : IEventProvider, new()
return DomainRepository.GetById<TAggregate>(id);
public void Handle(T message)
// Domain repository will save.
The idea is specific command handlers override the OnProcess method and do their thing, then the DomainRepository will save everything.
Here is how I've registered the components:
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server, IWantCustomInitialization
public void Init()
Configure.With().DefiningCommandsAs(c => c.Namespace != null && c.Namespace.EndsWith("Commands"));
Those are all the objects down the chain that are used by the DomainRepository; however, when I receive a command, the DomainRepository is null. If I comment out the lines to register the objects that DomainRepository needs, I'll actually get an error saying it failed to create it (Autofac DependencyResolutionException).
It should be noted that all the other objects use constructor injection (they're taken from a previously existing project). I tried changing them to use public property injection, but it didn't make any difference.
It would be much appreciated if somebody could point out what I'm doing wrong here!
Move the code in your init method into a different class which implements INeedInitialization. In there, use Configure.Instance instead of Configure.With() and also instead of Configure.Instance.DefaultBuilder().

How do I handle classes with static methods with Ninject?

How do I handle classes with static methods with Ninject?
That is, in C# one can not have static methods in an interface, and Ninject works on the basis of using interfaces?
My use case is a class that I would like it to have a static method to create an
unpopulated instance of itself.
Just to add an example in the TopologyImp class, in the GetRootNodes() method, how would I create some iNode classes to return? Would I construct these with normal code practice or would I somehow use Ninject? But if I use the container to create then haven't I given this library knowledge of the IOC then?
public interface ITopology
List<INode> GetRootNodes();
public class TopologyImp : ITopology
public List<INode> GetRootNodes()
List<INode> result = new List<INode>();
// Need code here to create some instances, but how to without knowledge of the container?
// e.g. want to create a few INode instances and add them to the list and then return the list
public interface INode
// Parameters
long Id { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; }
class NodeImp : INode
public long Id
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public string Name
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
// Just background to highlight the fact I'm using Ninject fine to inject ITopology
public partial class Form1 : Form
private ITopology _top;
public Form1()
IKernel kernal = new StandardKernel(new TopologyModule());
_top = kernal.Get<ITopology>();
If you're building a singleton or something of that nature and trying to inject dependencies, typically you instead write your code as a normal class, without trying to put in lots of (probably incorrect) code managing the singleton and instead register the object InSingletonScope (v2 - you didnt mention your Ninject version). Each time you do that, you have one less class that doesnt surface its dependencies.
If you're feeling especially bloody-minded and are certain that you want to go against that general flow, the main tools Ninject gives you is Kernel.Inject, which one can use after you (or someone else) has newd up an instance to inject the dependencies. But then to locate one's Kernelm you're typically going to be using a Service Locator, which is likely to cause as much of a mess as it is likely to solve.
EDIT: Thanks for following up - I see what you're after. Here's a hacky way to approximate the autofac automatic factory mechanism :-
/// <summary>
/// Ugly example of a not-very-automatic factory in Ninject
/// </summary>
class AutomaticFactoriesInNinject
class Node
class NodeFactory
public NodeFactory( Func<Node> createNode )
_createNode = createNode;
Func<Node> _createNode;
public Node GenerateTree()
return _createNode();
internal class Module : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind<Func<Node>>().ToMethod( context => () => Kernel.Get<Node>() );
public void CanGenerate()
var kernel = new StandardKernel( new Module() );
var result = kernel.Get<NodeFactory>().GenerateTree();
Assert.IsType<Node>( result );
The ToMethod stuff is a specific application of the ToProvider pattern -- here's how you'd do the same thing via that route:-
class NodeProvider : IProvider
public Type Type
get { return typeof(Node); }
public object Create( IContext context )
return context.Kernel.Get<Node>();
internal class Module : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
I have not thought this through though and am not recommending this as A Good Idea - there may be far better ways of structuring something like this. #Mark Seemann? :P
I believe Unity and MEF also support things in this direction (keywords: automatic factory, Func)
EDIT 2: Shorter syntax if you're willing to use container-specific attributes and drop to property injection (even if Ninject allows you to override the specific attributes, I much prefer constructor injection):
class NodeFactory
public Func<Node> NodeFactory { private get; set; }
public Node GenerateTree()
return NodeFactory();
EDIT 3: You also need to be aware of this Ninject Module by #Remo Gloor which is slated to be in the 2.4 release
EDIT 4: Also overlapping, but not directly relevant is the fact that in Ninject, you can request an IKernel in your ctor/properties and have that injected (but that doesn't work directly in a static method).
