Ionic 2 import ionic-plugin-keyboard not working - ios

I'm creating an Ionic (iOS) app and having troubles importing the kayboard-plugin.
It comes from here:
Why not the native keyboard plugin, because I want to use the HideKeyboardAccessoryBar functionality.
So I ran "cordova plugin add ionic-plugin-keyboard"
It was added perfectly inside the plugins folder.
Then in my app.ts file I cannot use the plugin.
I already used the following import statements:
import {Keyboard} from 'ionic-plugin-keyboard';
import {Keyboard} from 'ionic-plugin-keyboard/ionic-plugin-keyboard';
import {Keyboard} from '../plugins/ionic-plugin-keyboard/ionic-plugin-keyboard';
Then in my code I set
But neither is working. always the same-like error
Error TS2307: Cannot find module 'ionic-plugin-keyboard'.
Does anybody have any experience with this one?

Adding it as a provider was added and it was ok
Check the ionic forum


I cant import React BridgeModule on header file

I am working on a node module that integrates with a native react app. I need to implement in the iOS project the functionalities of the node module written in "swift" and make it available in react. It turns out that when I try to import "RCTBridgeModule", it doesn't exist. I tried various "solutions" with no results.
I clarify that I have changed the name of the xcodeproj (the node module's iOS project) since it collides with the name of a framework that I plan to add.
Honestly, this problem gives me a headache and I don't have much experience with iOS development environments.
Xcode: Version 12.0.1 (12A7300).
Attached screenshots of some files and settings:
Thanks in advance!

Firebase Integration Sample for iOS (FriendlyPix)

I’m using Googles sample app, running from their workspace file, to see how specifically Firebase Authentication works. I downloaded their sample project, installed the CocoaPods via terminal, and have ran Pod Update to ensure everything is up to date.
When I compile everything goes smooth until the very end with a single compiler crash for “No Such Module” for “import FirebaseAuthUI”.
I can post the code when I get home, and feel there may be something wrong with the header search path in build settings, have tried adding $(SCROOT) and continues to have an issue finding the frameworks.
I’ve scoured the net and have seen other issues finding Firebase pods just like this, just wondering what could be wrong. Here is a link to the project, I have not modified this project at all. Just wanted to see it work.
FirebaseAuthUI & FirebaseGoogleAuthUI are now part of FirebaseUI.
So you should replace all the import FirebaseAuthUI & import FirebaseGoogleAuthUI with import FirebaseUI
You will be ready to go.

How to import package 'Storage' in to Swift project?

I'm currently studying the source code of Firefox-iOS app by creating my own Swift project and typing the code line by line.
In one of the source code files, it imported a packaged named Storage
But I don't think the package Storage is part of the apple API and I don't really know how I can import it.
Multiple podfiles are present in the project folder
In Swift you dont import other Swift files as they are readily available to use directly.
But you need to import another module. It looks like Storage here is a module inside the firefox-ios app workspace and hence you need to import it before using it.
I looked at the sourcecode at Github and it does contain a package named Storage.
You can read this to understand more about Modules and import statement.

PayMill SDK iOS swift 3.0 Xcode 8.1

I'm trying to use PayMill SDK in a Swift project.
I used CocoaPods as described by PayMill, the framework, and it generated 'Pods_PayMilDSK'
After that I tried to import it on my file but I can't get access to any to the functions included in the framework.
I also tried to import the framework directly in my project but I can't access the PayMillSDK framework (i.e. import does not 'see' it).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
After running pod install You should always Build your project, cmd + B, because your project still hasn't read the contents of the library you just installed.
Also make sure you're using the .xcworkspace and not the .xcodeproj
I can now make the import of the PAyMill module but functions are not available

DTCoreText file not found when import

i have been trying to integrate the DTCoreText into my project.I followed the exact same procedures to add to the project.No matter what when i import the DTCoreText.h and run the app, it fails.Shows DTCoreText.h file not found.
Is there any other library parallel for DTCoreText.
