Webrowser1 in a Procedure Delphi6 - delphi

When I call WebBrowser1.Navigate('www.google.com'); from a Button OnClick event, eg:
procedure TForm4.Button1Click(Sender:TObject);
The web page shows up in WebBrowswer1.
But, if I make my own procedure, eg:
procedure MyProcedure;
And then try to call this procedure from a Button OnClick event, I get an Access Violation error.
Just wondering, why does it work when Delphi makes the procedure for me, but it doesn't work when I write the procedure myself? How can I correct this, or what code do I have to write in the procedure to make it work?

In the first excerpt you have added a TWebBrowser control to the form in the IDE designer. As such the VCL framework instantiates the control for you. Make it be a child control of the form, and applies all the steps needed to get the control up and running correctly.
In the second excerpt, there is no form, no control added in the designer. You declare a local variable WebBrowser1, which you do not initialise. No browser control is created, and any attempt to use the uninitialized variable WebBrowser1 leads to undefined behaviour. A runtime error is pretty much inevitable.
If you want to correct this you would need to instantiate an instance of the TWebBrowser control, set its parent appropriately, and take all the other steps that the VCL does for you.


Undeclared 'FormCreate' error Delphi

I'm trying to name columns (in this grey row) in a string grid. I know that I should use something like this:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
StringGrid1.Cells[0,0] := 'Text 1';
StringGrid1.Cells[1,0] := 'Text 2';
The problem is that there is error:
'TForm1' does not contain a member named 'FormCreate'at line 81".
I'm a beginner. What is wrong with my program?
You need to declare the method in the type.
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
And that line of code to the declaration of the type that you will find near the top of your unit. Then your program will compile. You also need to make sure that the event handler attaches the handler to the form's OnCreate event. Use the Object Inspector to check that.
But the easiest way to make this all happen is to get the IDE to write it all. So, you would:
Delete the code that you have shown in the question.
Click on the form in the designer.
Select the Events view in the Object Inspector.
Find the OnCreate event in the Object Inspector.
Double click in the handler column of the OnCreate event in the Object Inspector.
Now the code editor opens showing an empty event handler body for you to add code to, and all the other parts are joined up. Specifically the method is declared in the type, and the handler is connected to the event.
Now, that's how you do it normally, but it does pay to know the three things that need to be in place for an event to fire:
The event handler is declared in the type of the class.
The event handler is defined in the implementation of the class.
The event handler is attached to the event in the Object Inspector. In fact, although you set it in the Object Inspector, the information actually lives in the .dfm file.
If you don't know all this already, then asking questions on Stack Overflow is really not the most effective way to get up to speed. A good book would certainly help. Even if it's for an older version of Delphi, the primary concepts have not changed for years. But if you don't have a book, then you should at least follow the tutorial.

Dynamically create form by name?

Is there a way to create forms dynamically by only their names;
The concept goes like this. I have a main form, and by some user selection, a number of predefined forms must be created and docked on tabitems on a pagecontols on the main form.
I do know the names of the forms and i do know when to create each one of those, but i would like to know if a better way of creating these forms by a single procedure call, and not having all of these information in my code.
Its Delphi XE3 firemonkey, on win 7.
Thanks in advance for any help
Apparently on Firemonkey Delphi doesn't automatically register form classes to be available by name, so you'll first need to add something like this to the end of the unit that holds your form class:
unit Form10;
[ ... ]
// Right before the final "end."
This will automatically register TForm10 so it'll be available by name. Next you can use this kind of code to create a form at Runtime by it's class name:
procedure TForm10.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var ObjClass: TFmxObjectClass;
NewForm: TCustomForm;
ObjClass := TFmxObjectClass(GetClass(ClassName));
if ObjClass <> nil then
NewForm := ObjClass.Create(Self) as TCustomForm;
if Assigned(NewForm) then
You can only create objects when you have a class reference for it. To get a class reference for something given its string name, call FindClass. Call the constructor on the result. You may have to type-cast the result to a different metaclass before the compiler will allow you to access the constructor you want. In the VCL, you might use TFormClass, but plain old TComponentClass will work, too, since all FireMonkey objects are descendants of TComponent; the important part is that you have access to the right constructor, and that's where the one you need is introduced.
It only works for classes that have been registered. Your form classes should be registered by Delphi automatically, but if they're not, you can call RegisterClasses manually, or RegisterFmxClasses if you need to put your classes in groups.
Delphi.About.com has a VCL demonstration.

Using another forms event procedure

Is there any way to allow one form to use the event procedures from another form?
E.g. I have a form called PongForm and another called ObstPongForm. There is a ticker on PongForm and another one on ObstPongForm. Is it possible to get ObstPongForm to use the code from PongForm's 'tick' event in it's own 'tick' event? Maybe by letting ObstPongForm inherit from PongForm?
You can simply assign it by code (as long as you have access to both instances):
ObstPongForm.Ticker.OnTick := PongForm.TickerTick;
Yes, forms are just classes like any other, and Delphi supports visual inheritance, so you can call inherited methods normally.
If ObstPongForm is a specialized version of PongForm then inheritance makes sense, but be careful as ObstPongForm will inherit all visual controls from the PongForm, including whatever you may add in the future.
Also since I assume you already have both forms, making one inherit from another is doable but requires some manual DFM editing, mainly changing the
Object ObstPongForm: TObstPongForm
Inherited ObstPongForm: TObstPongForm
If the code you want to reuse may be needed in several unrelated forms, then moving the code to a common unit used by these forms may be the best solution
It would be better style to have both of the forms call another class that implements the logic used by both. If you're writing all your program logic in your OnTimer event handler, you're heading down a bad road that many delphi programmers take years to realize was a bad idea
So one form needs to call your method, it does it like this:
procedure TForm1.DoSomething;
Elsewhere there is a timer...
procedure TForm2.Timer1Timer(Sender:TObject);
And then the method itself:
procedure TDataModule1.LogicMethod;
// Everything that you used to have in Timer1Timer goes here, except the setting of
// UI properties in Form1 which is kept in Form1:
Inc(FCounter);// stupid example.
if Assigned(FOnResults) then
FOnResults(Self, FCounter, FDataObject1);
// Form2 is connected to FOnResults event, and stores the
// result in the UI somewhere.
Event handlers are just normal procedures. If your ObstPongForm tick handler has additional code that it needs to run in addition to the PongForm's code, then you can call the PongForm's tick handler manually when needed, eg:
..., PongForm;
procedure ObstPongForm.TickHandler(Sender: TObject);

Where should I put code to execute once after my Delphi app has finished initialising?

I have functions I want to perform after my app has finished initialising and the main form has been created. I did have the code (call it ProcedureX) in the forms OnShow event, but I have just noticed that it is being called twice, because OnShow is firing twice. It fires when the main program DPR calls:
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm) ;
as I would expect. But after that, when I read stuff from an INI file that includes the forms on-screen position, I have a call:
MainForm.position := poScreenCenter ;
This, it would appear fires the OnShow event again.
Where can I put my call to ProcedureX, which must only be called once, and which needs the main form to be created before it can execute?
If your code only needs to run once per form creation (or per application and the form is only created once per application run), put the code in the form's OnCreate handler. It is the natural place for it to go.
Nowadays (since D3 I think) the OnCreate fires at the end of the construction process in the AfterConstruction method. Only if you were to set OldCreateOrder to True (and it is False by default), might you get in trouble as that makes the OnCreate fire at the end of the Create constructor.
The normal order of execution for a Form is :
AfterConstruction: when the form and it components are fully created with all their properties.
OnShow: whenever the Form is ready to show (and, yes, any change causing a CM_SHOWINGCHANGED can trigger an OnShow)
Activate: whenever the Form takes the Focus
So, depending on what you need in ProcedureX, AfterConstruction might be enough, and is executed only once; just override it and add ProcedureX after inherited. It'll be after OnCreate.
If it is not the case, you can post a custom message to your Form from AfterConstruction, it will be queued and will reach your custom handler after the other messages have been handled.
In both cases, you would not need a extra boolean Field.
There's really no need for the FRUNOnce field; simply do OnShow=NIL as the first line of your FormShow method.
FYI, The "run once" idiom -- setting the event handler field to NIL in the first line of the event handler -- is also terribly useful for getting some code up-and-running once a form has been completely initialized. Put your code in a FormActivate method and, as the first line of the method, set OnActivate=NIL.
You can test and set a flag once you call the procedure for the first time. Like so:
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
FRunOnce: Boolean;
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
if not FRunOnce then begin
FRunOnce := True;
You can add a procedure in your DPR file, after Application.CreateForm.
Put all code you need to initialize in that procedure.
Works best when you have multiple forms in your app.
Also if the initialization takes a lot, it let's the program to display the forms on the screen so the user will know that the app is loading.
PROGRAM MyProgram;
Application.CreateForm(TMyForm, MyForm);
LateInitialize; <----------- here
I'm going to propose a bit different approach to this answer by Server Overflow. We will achieve almost exactly same effect, but without any edit inside the DPR file (main project source file). We will get there by using a class helper in the unit of our main form:
{ TAppHelper }
= Class helper for TApplication
Public Procedure Run;
Procedure TAppHelper.Run;
inherited Run;
Notice, the Unit1.MainForm.PreRun is some method in your main form, with only one caveat: if your main form is called "MainForm", then you need to prefix it with your unit's name inside the helper's method, because the TApplication class already has a member called MainForm. Incidentally, if you do leave out the prefix, this might still work, given that your Unit1.MainForm is indeed application's main form as well.
The reason why this works, is because the Unit1 is on the uses list of the DPR project, and as long as the TAppHelper is defined in the interface section (not in the implementation section), it will get loaded and by the time the Application.Run method is called in the DPR file, this will already be the helper version of it.
The beauty of this is, that it will run exactly one time, and exactly after all the forms are already created, after all their constructors have already been executed. And the fact that we're effectively customizing the Application.Run call in the DPR file, without editting the DPR file, is kind of ingenious. Again, class helpers in delphi/lazarus !
I will share one more neat trick, first take a look:
Procedure TAppHelper.Run;
TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin Unit1.MainForm.PreRun; end);
inherited Run;
This is a trick I use whenever I want the code to execute with a small delay. Why? Because if your code runs before the inherited Run method, it might (depending what happens inside of that code) hang the UI momentarily, but just long enough for the form to flicker and appear not responsive during its startup. Also, we can't simply put the code behind the inherited Run method, because that won't get executed until the application gets terminated. So instead I use TTask from the System.Threading unit. The sleep(10) is probably an overkill, sleep(1) would most likely do the job, possibly even no sleep at all would work, but I do some complex initialization there, so I keep the delay generous. Bonus: if you don't update UI from your PreRun custom method, then you don't even need TThread.Synchronize wrapper, and it becomes even simpler. In case of FPC/Lazarus you can achieve the same by using TApplication.QueueAsyncCall() instead of TTask class.
I really think it's a neat trick, because I can code it entirely outside of the DPR file, in the unit of the form which defines the PreRun method, and it's guaranteed after ALL Forms are already created, not just the one where I implement my PreRun method. Also, if the class helper is in the unit of the form, instead elsewhere, then the PreRun doesn't even need to be public, it will work with protected or even private method as well! This is great for keeping this little logic away from any other part of the code.
Your code won't work either if you want it to run for every unhide event (you haven't put in any code to reset the frunonce field).
So your method would need to reset frunonce field, and mine would need to set OnShow=FormShow. Same difference, except that you need an additional field.

Delphi - Creating controls before form Create is run?

Well, my problem is as follows:
I have a Delphi 5 application that I'm essentially porting to Delphi 2010 (replacing old components with their latest versions, fixing the inevitable Ansi/Unicode string issues, etc.) and I've run into kind of a hitch.
Upon creation of one of our forms, an access violation happens. After looking it over, I've come to the conclusion that the reason for this is because one of the setters called in Create attempts to change a property of an object on the form that hasn't been created yet.
I've trimmed it down a little, but the code basically looks like this:
In form declaration:
property EnGrpSndOption:boolean read fEnGrpSndOption write SetGrpSndOption;
In form's Create:
EnGrpSndOption := false;
In Implementation:
procedure Myform.SetGrpSndOption(const Value: boolean);
fEnGrpSndOption := Value;
btGrpSnd.Visible := Value;
By tossing in a ShowMessage(BooltoStr(Assigned(btGrpSend), true)) right before btGrpSnd.Visible := Value, I confirmed that the problem is that btGrpSnd hasn't been created yet.
btGrpSend is an LMDButton, but I'm pretty sure that isn't quite relevant as it hasn't even been created yet.
While I realize I probably should only assign a value after confirming that the control is assigned, this would just result in the value set in create not being set to the actual control.
So what I want to do is find a way to make certain that all the controls on the form are created BEFORE my Create is run.
Any assistance in doing this, or information regarding how Delphi creates forms would be appreciated.
It worked back in Delphi 5, so I imagine the cause of this should be mentioned somewhere among the lists of changes between versions. Delphi 2010 is quite a bit newer than Delphi 5 after all.
Like Tobias mentioned (but advocates against) you can change the creation order (right at the form at change the creation order).
But you can also in the setter method check if the form is creating (csCreating in form.componentstate). And if it is you have to store that property value yourself, and handle it in AfterConstruction.
From your comment that you're getting an AV when placing it at design time, that means there's a problem with the control itself and it hasn't been properly ported forward. To reproduce it at runtime under controlled circumstances, you need to write a little program like this:
Make a new VCL app with a single form. Place a TButton on the form. On the button's OnClick, do something like this:
newButton: TLMDButton;
newButton := TLMDButton.Create(self);
newButton.Parent := self;
//assign any other properties you'd like here
Put a breakpoint on the constructor and trace into it until you can find what's causing the access violation.
EDIT: OK, from looking at the comments, I think we found your problem!
A form's subcontrols are initialized by reading the DFM file. When you changed your control to a TCustomForm, did you provide a new DFM to define it? If not, you need to override the form's constructor and create the controls and define their properties manually. There's no "magic" that will initialize it for you.
Your Create is always called first, before the ancestor constructor. That's just how constructors work. You should be able to call the inherited constructor before you do the rest of your initialization:
constructor MyForm.Create(Owner: TComponent);
EnGrpSndOption := False;
However, there's a better way of indicating what it is you're trying to make happen. Your class is loading properties from a DFM resource. When it's finished, it will call a virtual method named Loaded. It's usually used to notify all the children that everything is ready, so if any of them hold references to other children on the form, they know it's safe to use those references at that point. You can override it in the form, too.
procedure MyForm.Loaded;
EnGrpSndOption := False;
That generally shouldn't make much difference in your case, though. Loaded is called from the constructor right after the form finishes loading itself from the DFM resource. That resource tells the form all the controls it should create for itself. If your button isn't being created, then it's probably not listed correctly in the DFM. It's possible for controls to be listed in the DFM that don't have corresponding fields in the class. On the other hand, if there's a published field that doesn't have a corresponding entry in the DFM, the IDE should warn you about it and offer to remove the declaration each time you bring it up in the Form Designer. View your DFM as text and confirm that there's really an entry for a control named btGrpSnd.
Is this good enough to get you going:
if Assigned(btGrpSnd) and btGrpSnd.HandleAllocated then
btGrpSnd.Visible := ...
I see 2 possibilities: check if btGrpSnd is nil before assigning Value to the Visible property. If it's nil, you could either:
not set the property
create btGrpSnd
I would not mess around with the creation order. It's more complicated and may break with further changes.
from your comment: you can check wether you are in design or in runtime mode. Check wether your are in designtime before setting the visibility.
if not (csDesigning in Componentstate) then
Answer to your comment:
go for this:
procedure Myform.SetGrpSndOption(const Value: boolean);
fEnGrpSndOption := Value;
if btGrpSnd<>nil then btGrpSnd.Visible := Value;
and one additional property setting btGrpSnd. If it is set to a value <> nil, set the visibility safed in fEnGrpSndOption as well.
If there's no need to set btGrpSnd outside Myform, create a init-procedure that creates everything. E.g.:
constructor Myform.Create(...)
procedure init
procedure Myform.SetGrpSndOption(const Value: boolean);
fEnGrpSndOption := Value;
if btGrpSnd<>nil then init;
btGrpSnd.Visible := Value;
This is still better then depending on some changed init-code-hack that may break in the future.
