iOS Crash Report Service [closed] - ios

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Closed 6 years ago.
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My concern is to improve my app by collecting crash reports via the crash report service in iOS. For internal testing I uploaded a beta version of it using Xcode, containing a built-in error throwing NSRangeException. After archiving and uploading the app to the store it was installed on an iPhone 5s running iOS 9.3.3 using TestFlight. In my opinion I followed all the steps described here, but with no success.
In the diagnostic settings of the device, automatic crash reporting is enabled and I can see various crash logs (>10) caused by my app. On the iTunes Connect website I see only three overall crashes and just one is shown in the Xcode Organizer. Even after syncing the device through iTunes nothing changed.
Contacting Apple-Support didn´t help either. because they had "very little information available".
For stability improvement I need to make the crash reports available, so I have a couple questions:
Which steps are done internally by the crash reporting service and how long does it take to see some results? (As mentioned in iOS developer library documentation it can take up to three days, which are long overdue by now).
Are the reports caused by the same error gathered and reported as a single entry? If not what is the procedure?
I already searched for some similar questions and came up with the following information:
Users say that the iOS app crashes without any further explanation
Not able to get crash reports in iTunes connect for a live application in AppStore
I can not get a crash report in iTunes Connect
submit crash logs to Apple via iTunes Connect
How do you view TestFlight crash logs?
I hope somebody has deeper insight or already gained more experience using Apple`s Crash Report Service and could share this information. Thanks a lot in advance.

Fabric may be a good choice.
It can collect you crash report, and give a crash description.


App Store rejection: Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness [closed]

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Closed last year.
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My app is rejected with the following message i don't fully understand, because there is a login and it is not Apple related. I provided the login in Resolution Center.
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
Specifically, we were still unable to Sign up or Sign in with Apple. Please review the details below and complete the next steps.
Review device details:
Device type: iPhone and iPad
OS version: iOS 14.4
Next Steps
Please run your app on a device to reproduce the issues, then revise and submit your app for review.
If at first you're unable to reproduce the issue, try the following:
For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce.
For app updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce.
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.
I can give you multiple options to debug and solve this problem: There is an issue with 14.4 and xcode 12 related to apple login. You can try with iOS 13 and submit video at resolution centre.
Is it due to two factor authentication ? Cross-check apple ID settings.
Try changing http to https on web server, if applicable.
Let us know which option was useful to you.
It sounds like Apple believes there is a social login (Google, Facebook, etc) included in your app. You're going to need to ensure there's not.
You've already mentioned that there's not - but perhaps there is some package you're using which includes code that triggers some automated flagging process? Review your third party dependencies.
The best thing you can do though is get more specificity from Apple. They will usually clarify rejection notices if you contact them with questions.

How do I fix, App Store Rejected app for external tester: Reason: Performance: App Completeness? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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From Apple
2. 1 Performance: App Completeness
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 12.1.1 on Wi-Fi.
Specifically, we were unable to connect to the internet
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please run your app on a device to identify any issues, then revise and resubmit your app for review.
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.
For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue. For updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue.
For information about testing your app and preparing it for review, please see Technical Note TN2431: App Testing Guide.
For a networking overview, please review About Networking. For a more specific overview of App Review’s IPv6 requirements, please review the IPv6 and App Review discussion on the Apple Developer Forum.
Please help to solve this issue and enable app for external tester or generate public url for app.
Disclaimer: We are checking internet connectivity on login and its working good in iPad and iPhone both.
Apple is testing your app in ipv6 connection. so it may get timeout or network not connected errors.
you can check this similar question and can debug your issue.
IPv6 App Store Rejection
Apple App Store IPV6 Requirement
There is an issue in your code:
(flags == NetworkReachabilityFlags.Reachable)
should be:
(flags & NetworkReachabilityFlags.Reachable) != 0

iOS9 - Can't Verify Any Apps [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I was in the middle of woking on a App in XCode 7 and was pushing it to my phone after making changes. All of a sudden, i was getting a general "security" error.
The app had already been verified and the developer trusted. The XCode console outsputs:
error: failed to launch '/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/C684E25D-F370-4DFC-B39F-C4508B653EA1/' -- process launch failed: Security
If I go to System Preferences > Profile in my phone and try to verify it, it doesn't do anything and doesn't report any feedback.
I've tried deleting the app, restarting xcode, restarting my phone, etc..
And now, none of my apps will install on my phone for development -- note, I'm only talking about directly launching an app from Xcode to my phone. I'm not using the App Store.
It seems the server Apple uses to verify apps is down again. This has happened before: iOS 9 enterprise app verify failed
All we can do for now is wait until they resolve the issue.
Having the same issue as you, hitting VERIFY does nothing except briefly change my email at the top to 'Verifying", and then changes back. No feedback or notification.
My first thought would be as Dominic said is that the server on Apples side is down. Not sure if that server is listed here:
But they all seem to be operational, so I guess all we have to do is wait.
Edit: As per Dominic's post, this is the proper site:, which is currently down.
For any future people with this error:
If you are having trouble verifying apps on your device, check the above site, if it is down that is almost certainly the cause.

IOS Crash reports SDK [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am an IOS Developer, some of my customers say that they cant open my APP and it crashes as soon as i open.
i want to find out why this happen, is there a SDK that can alert me if any of my IOS APPS crash.
You can implement Crashlytics in your app.It will tell you the exact line in the code for crash.
This is the link and it free to use.
You can get crash reports directly from iTunesConnect. From the Apple docs:
Where can I find the crash reports for my apps? To find crash logs for
an app that is or was available on the App Store:
Go to My Apps and select your app Select the platform version you
would like to view Go to the Additional Information section at the
bottom of the page and click Crash Reports If your app has not
received any reports of crashes the link for Crash Reports will not be
visible in iTunes Connect.
Crash reports are also available within Xcode if you upload an app
with the symbols. For more information, review the Crashes Organizer
Help documentation.

iPhone 5 crash after app store update [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 8 years ago.
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My applications update just entered the appstore. The problem is the application is crashing in iPhone 5, it doesn't start. I tested it in iPhone 4 and iPad and it is fine.
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening, or why the update was accepted in the store?
It doesn't crash when running from the xcode.
To reproduce your error install the previous version on your iPhone, then start the current version from xcode with debugging.
Sometimes such crashes happen for example when your previous version stored something in NSUserDefaults and your new version expects something different. Therefore it's very important to test the update scenario.
Apple does accept applications that crash but do not crash very often. I have experienced several of my apps still crashing have been accepted by Apple. May be they don't test it comprehensively or they ignore some crashes that happen only when a certain functionality is targeted i.e don't crash too often.
