IOS Crash reports SDK [closed] - ios

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am an IOS Developer, some of my customers say that they cant open my APP and it crashes as soon as i open.
i want to find out why this happen, is there a SDK that can alert me if any of my IOS APPS crash.

You can implement Crashlytics in your app.It will tell you the exact line in the code for crash.
This is the link and it free to use.

You can get crash reports directly from iTunesConnect. From the Apple docs:
Where can I find the crash reports for my apps? To find crash logs for
an app that is or was available on the App Store:
Go to My Apps and select your app Select the platform version you
would like to view Go to the Additional Information section at the
bottom of the page and click Crash Reports If your app has not
received any reports of crashes the link for Crash Reports will not be
visible in iTunes Connect.
Crash reports are also available within Xcode if you upload an app
with the symbols. For more information, review the Crashes Organizer
Help documentation.


iOS Crash Report Service [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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My concern is to improve my app by collecting crash reports via the crash report service in iOS. For internal testing I uploaded a beta version of it using Xcode, containing a built-in error throwing NSRangeException. After archiving and uploading the app to the store it was installed on an iPhone 5s running iOS 9.3.3 using TestFlight. In my opinion I followed all the steps described here, but with no success.
In the diagnostic settings of the device, automatic crash reporting is enabled and I can see various crash logs (>10) caused by my app. On the iTunes Connect website I see only three overall crashes and just one is shown in the Xcode Organizer. Even after syncing the device through iTunes nothing changed.
Contacting Apple-Support didn´t help either. because they had "very little information available".
For stability improvement I need to make the crash reports available, so I have a couple questions:
Which steps are done internally by the crash reporting service and how long does it take to see some results? (As mentioned in iOS developer library documentation it can take up to three days, which are long overdue by now).
Are the reports caused by the same error gathered and reported as a single entry? If not what is the procedure?
I already searched for some similar questions and came up with the following information:
Users say that the iOS app crashes without any further explanation
Not able to get crash reports in iTunes connect for a live application in AppStore
I can not get a crash report in iTunes Connect
submit crash logs to Apple via iTunes Connect
How do you view TestFlight crash logs?
I hope somebody has deeper insight or already gained more experience using Apple`s Crash Report Service and could share this information. Thanks a lot in advance.
Fabric may be a good choice.
It can collect you crash report, and give a crash description.

What is Xcode x or iOS and OS x shall I use? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I made an application on my iPhone 4 and it works fine, then I plugged in iPhone 6 and it did an error.
I'm using something simple:
Link to a webpage.
Link to Instagram application, if I don't have the Instagram application in my iPhone, it'll open it on Safari.
Link to facebook application, if I don't have the facebook application in my iPhone, it'll open it on Safari.
Link to youtube application, if I don't have the youtube application in my iPhone, it'll open it on Safari.
Maps, first one is the location to one place only (48.827672, 2.382110), second one is my GPS to a specified location (48.827672, 2.382110).
That's it, simple stuff, now I would like what Xcode shall I use or what iOS should I use to work with 'all' iPhone, like WhatsApp :)
You need to use the latest version of Xcode, Xcode 7.

iTunes Connect Submit For Beta App Review no option to disclose IDFA usage [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Today I uploaded a new build from Xcode to try the new TestFlight external testing program. After I submitted the beta app for review it was rejected because of "Undeclared Use of Advertising Identifier [IDFA].
I know I'm using the IDFA for ad tracking, and I have no problem declaring that, but the TestFlight submission process has no place to declare this. When I've submitted to the real app store there were questions I answered about the IDFA, but it seems the External Testing review flow does not have the same questions. It only asked about Export Compliance then I submitted.
Tried uploaded a new build and had the same problem again. Something I'm doing wrong or bug in Apple's new flow? Anybody else seeing the same problem or worked around this?

iOS 7: Delete application with grey background [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have problem with deletion of application with grey background:
Longpress at app, selecting X mark and "Delete" option do nothing. Also have tried to do it through iTunes with no result. But I can remove all other applications on device. Can someone help me with it?
I'm using iPad mini with iOS 7.0.3.
I incorrectly edited plist that goes with .ipa file and tryed to install this .ipa. That's why this situation occured.
Fix the issue with the plist, and push the app to the phone again. I've seen this issue with an invalid IPA, and I can't get around it until I update the app. But once I do, everything goes back to normal.
Make sure you are signing the app with your "Ad-Hoc" provisioning profile BOTH when you Archive it, AND when you validate and distribute it from Organizer.

Bundle iOS settings app screenshots [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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An app will only work correctly if user setup the app's notification settings correctly in iOS settings.
Is it OK to bundle screenshots into the app itself, screenshots that depict the related screens of iPhone/etc iOS setup?
...or will Apple reject this if screenshots of the iOS settings app are not allowed in apps?
I don't find anything saying that this would be a problem at
But something guts tells me this could be disallowed.
According to App Store Review Guidelines
10.2 Apps that look similar to Apps bundled on the iPhone, including the App Store, iTunes Store, and iBookstore, will be rejected.
I guess you're worrying about that Apple will think your screenshots of the iOS Settings app makes your app look similar to the bundled Settings app?
In my opinion, if you wrap those screenshots nicely (e.g. with a frame, shadows etc) so users know that it's a screenshot, there's no problem with it.
